Offer To The CEO

Chapter 151: Wednesdays session - Part 1

151 Wednesday's session - Part 1

** Warning Highly sexualised behaviour.Persons under 18 should reconsider their need to read the chapter **

Wednesday, continued ...

Hou Yi knew Phillipa was serious.As he moved away from Anna, she stretched ensuring that Hou Yi, could clearly see her breasts.

"Yi come back to bed.All I want to do is stay here with you.I am safe here, nothing can hurt me."

"Anna, Phillipa has gotten her way in and is in the lounge.She threatened me that if I did not get down to speak to her within 15 to 20 minutes, she would come up here and pound on the door to wake both of us.I need to shower and go and deal with her.You can take your time."

"No, I'm going to talk to her and tell her we will both be there in 30 or so minutes.I need to spend some more alone time with you, before dealing with her."

With that, she grabbed Hou Yi's phone out of his hand and immediately dialed Phillipa.

When Phillipa answered, she said "Yi I am not giving you any more time, get down here, you now have 13 minutes."

"Phillipa, it is Anna…"

"Sorry Anna, I thought that it was that idiot of a husband of yours calling."

"Not a problem.Yi told me about you wanting him down before me.I do not want to be alone, so we will come down together in about 30 minutes of so.The staff can organise something for you to eat and drink, and something for us when we come down.Get them to do whatever you want.And by the way, you better not come up here pounding on our door."

With that Anna, ended the call and climbed out of the bed, moving to stand directly in front of Hou Yi, who she could see was getting more aroused.How much this meant to her, regardless of his feelings for her, she knew that he desired her, and in that it was enough in that moment support her love for him.

Anna took his left hand in her right placing it on her breast, and with her left hand pulled his face down so she could kiss him.She then reached reached down taking his erection in her hand.She briefly squeezed him and pulled out of the kiss.

Looking at him, Anna said "I would love to spend more time here alone, I need it, but let's enjoy a shower together, even if it is shorter than we would really want."

Hou Yi stared at his wife, not knowing what to say.He really hoped that the words that were coming out of her mouth were the reality that he would have in his marriage.He wanted that so much, He hoped, but was unable to express it in words that it was a sign that she loved him as much as he loved her.He was, however realistic that Anna was hurting with what happened last night and that this might be the only time for this so he was going to snatch the opportunity that presented itself..

Anna started to walk ahead of Hou Yi, and dragged him into the bathroom, and into the shower.She knew there time was short, and while she would love to spend hours in here with her love, that was as impossible as, in her mind her love returning her feelings.

In all her time with Lu Jinhu, he was only interested in s*x in bed, in one position and the only goal was that he had to be satisfied, her satisfaction did not matter.Hou Yi, had already showed her in just one night, that there were many possibilities, and for her despite not being able to express her feelings to him, each and every time they had come together was as magical as the next.He was not happy unless he knew she reached her satisfaction and that was a complete revelation.

However, Anna was concerned that Hou Yi was only doing this because he felt sorry for her, and it would not last.All she knew was that she had to take every opportunity that she had, before he decided to pull away from her.The memories from this time would have to sustain her in the future.

Anna shook off her thoughts, as Hou Yi had turned on the shower.Anna decided that she had to tease Hou Yi a little, as it was the best enjoyment that either of them could get presently.She reached out and grabbed Hou YI's shower gel, emptying a little into her hands.

She stood in front of him, and started to move her hands over his arms, while starting to kiss his chest.As she reached the top of his arms, she continued rubbing her hands down his chest she kissed his torso lower and lower, until she was on her knees.Anna realised that she could not resist the temptation that presented itself to her in the form of Hou Yi's erection, and took him into her mouth.

Hou Yi knew as soon as Anna put shower gel into her hands, that she was likely to use her hands to excite him, he picked up her shower gel and rubbed his hands on her back.As Anna started to move down his torso, he immediately realised what was going to happen.He decided that he would keep his hands in her hair, so grabbed her shampoo and started to wash her hair, keeping rubbing and playing with it as she went lower.

Once the shampoo washed out, he then started to do the same with conditioner, but before he could get far, Anna had taken him into her mouth.Hou Yi was so excited by this, but there was no way that he was going to let Anna not reach her satisfaction.He let her go for no more than a minute, before he carefully pulled her away.

"Yi, I wanted to …"

"Hush, we are going to do this together."

With that he picked Anna up, and wrapped her legs around him and very quickly he had backed them up onto the shower wall, before … [I will leave it up to your imagination as to what happened]

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