Obtaining 10x rewards! Reincarnated into a novel as a side-character!

Chapter 84: Obtaining 10x benefits! Holy Flames?

Chapter 84: Obtaining 10x benefits! Holy Flames?

"Elder, I have something to ask..." Oliver called out to the elder, who was looking over at Nadia.

"What is it, young master?" The elder turned around and asked calmly.

"Well, I wanted to ask if I can have the corpse of the demon I hunted?"

"Hmm?" The elder narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard Oliver. But he quickly replied with a calm look. "You can... but may I know the reason behind it? The demon corpse isn't something worth collecting either."

"Oh, well, I was thinking of selling it to earn some money," Oliver simply replied. There was nothing to hide considering they could know it either way.

Hearing this, all the people in the room were stunned, and then they once again looked at the young man. They had forgotten earlier that this guy was actually the isolated one; the clan had minimal interactions with him, and he didn't have most of the privileges that the other young heirs had.

So naturally, that also involved the monthly expenses he received, which must be minimal too.

The third place winner could not help but look at Oliver in pity. Such a strong person, and he was being treated like this. She couldn't help but shudder, imagining herself in his place. Her family had always showered her with resources and wealth, so she never had to care about something as trivial as money.

But looking at how he was so poor that he even wanted to sell the demon corpse to get some money made her feel inferior. If she were one day thrown out into the wild with minimal money, how would she survive? She mentally made a note to herself to be more frugal after returning back to her family home.

The elders who heard him had weird expressions as well. A young master of the clan was actually so poor that he had to live by selling corpses in the market? If others heard about it, they would be reduced to a laughing stock. It was not only a matter of pride but also to respect the strength that this young man showed.

No matter what, he definitely had potential. Being able to hunt a minor-level demon after fighting two heirs was no easy feat for his age.

The head judge's expression did not falter a bit as he listened to his reasoning. "No need for that. You will be allocated funds from the clan treasury from now on."

He turned toward an elder and waved his hand. "Increase his funds to be double of what the third siblings get per month. Also, compensate him with the money for all the six years that he had received less than others. It should not be a Neden less."

"Yes, elder." The other elder quickly cupped his hands and nodded, swiftly leaving the chamber to get the money. Since the head judge had ordered it, there was no need to further discuss about it.

Oliver was astonished after hearing this. This was completely out of his expectations. He never imagined that not only would he be allocated twice the pocket money of the siblings but also get compensated with six years worth of funds that he had missed. 

He thought the clan would simply ignore this matter, usually in the novels, even if the protagonist happens to showcase his powers, the clan still does not treat him well and instead try to bring him down, but it turns out that his clan indeed stood firm to its beliefs of respecting strength.

In fact, he was not short of money or anything after meeting Jenna; he had millions in his card. It was just that he had been a calculative person and had a habit of saving money since his previous life. He always believed the more money, the better. So his decision to sell the demon corpse was definitely not influenced by his lack of sufficient funds.

He just felt it would be a great opportunity to sell the skin of a minor-level demon. He didn't expect the others to feel pity for him and this to happen.

But now he could not ask for the demon corpse, or it would be rude to the head judge who had already told him that there was no need. Anyway, there would be more opportunities in the future as he fought more demons.

For now, he was satisfied with the unexpected profit.

Now, he just waited for Nadia to finish bonding with the artifact while his money arrived.


[Ding! The target has formed a bond with Celestial Flame Lotus and awakened the Demon Banishing Flames.]

[Obtaining 10x benefits...]

[Host has obtained Holy Flame of Nightmares.]

In that very instant, Oliver felt a warm feeling inside his body, as if his entire body was slowly getting hotter and hotter with every moment. The heat was becoming unbearable; it felt as if he had been thrown into a boiling volcano.

He breathed in and out slowly, trying not to draw attention to himself but found it harder to concentrate.

Fortunately, Nadia also reacted at the same time as a strong espera started leaking out of her body, drawing others' attention. Oliver took the chance and quietly left the chamber.


He huffed slightly as he went into the bushes. The heat was becoming unbearable slowly; he wanted to bathe in ice-cold water. He rolled on the cold grass to calm himself. After a minute of agitation, the feeling died down slowly.

He lazily opened his eyes and extended his hand towards the sky.


A brilliant golden-colored flame emerged from his hand. The flame was blazing hot, as if he was holding a piece of the sun. The surroundings started to be affected just from its mere presence. The size of the flame was not too big, perhaps due to his Level-1 espera, but it still felt terrifying. Strangely, he was not affected by the flame at all.

He exhaled slightly as he slowly strained his body to stand back up. Nadia should also have awakened the Demon Banishing flames by now. So before elders or others present noticed his absence, he should get back.

The demon sealing flames that Nadia had awakened were very powerful exorcism flames. These flames were highly effective against demons. Banishing demons to oblivion was the sole purpose of exorcism, and these flames did exactly that. In the novel, it was mentioned that during the war, she was directly able to burn battalions of demons to ashes with her flames.

He could only imagine how much deadlier his flames would be!

Just as he was about to leave, something else drew his attention once again.

[Ding! Target has achieved a massive amount of espera, thus breaking through...]

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