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Chapter 82: Nadia reveals her demon

Chapter 82: Nadia reveals her demon

Another girl thought aloud, "Could it be that his espera level is too high for us to sense? Is that why we were unable to feel anything?"

"Huh… wait, this does sound logical…" Another kid also had a thoughtful look.

"In the first place, wasn't it someone else who said that Young Master Oliver was isolated due to his incompetent talent since birth?"

"Y-You're right. But where's that guy?"

"I think I saw him get eliminated at the beginning when he was unable to climb the elder's familiar."

"Fuck! That bastard dared to trick us!" someone raged out.

"Actually, we are the fools here. How could a person from the main lineage lack talent? Their blood is divine."

"I am ashamed that I thought like this… To think I dared to disrespect one of the main heirs just due to my lack of knowledge. M-My father is going to beat me up if he finds out." A boy said in fear.

Hearing this, many others showed anxious faces, especially those who had openly bad-mouthed him since the beginning. They disrespected a main heir thinking he was talentless and weak just because someone said so, and now they saw this scene of him casually showcasing a minor-level demon.

They had also been in the forest, and the demons were not easy to hunt. Not to mention the minor-level ones; even the weaker ones were very troubling and ferocious. Just facing them alone was extremely stressful. They could only imagine how tough a minor-level demon was.

To be able to kill that demon and seal it… he was definitely not weak.

As for cheating? They did not even have such a thought. The whole event was being monitored by the clan elders, who were impartial. Any sort of cheating would immediately result in disqualification and punishment.

Their parents had repeatedly informed them to maintain the best possible ties with the main heirs.

They had specifically told them one thing:

"If you cannot maintain a good tie, then don't get on their bad side no matter what."

Those who had jabbed at him earlier were secretly cursing themselves for being too talkative. They had done this to impress the pair of third siblings and get their favor, but who would have expected they would actually offend such a monster instead?

They could still bootlick the third pair of siblings and get under their wing to have some ground, but…

Where were they?

Wait, they could not find the pair of siblings anywhere?


"Respected elder, uhm, where are the third young master and young miss?" A guy could not help but ask. He was one of the people who had quite actively berated Oliver, so he was more anxious than others.

"They have been disqualified."

The elder glanced at the kid and coldly said.

As if a thunderbolt had struck their minds, they all looked at the elder with confusion and anxiety.


What happened? Did they cheat?

Their faces turned pale upon hearing the elder's words. The elder did not explain anything further and simply walked away from this annoying bunch of children.

"Hmm. Not bad, young master…"

One of the judges commented with a certain look in his eyes. He wanted to ask more but could not do so. Oliver still had the status of being one of the main heirs, so he couldn't casually ask him about his secrets—especially not when he was not even related to Oliver's faction.

The head judge leaned forward, his eyes narrowing. "This is a rare find," he said, his voice tinged with both contemplation and serenity. "Where did you capture this demon, Oliver?"

"In the forest."


Oliver nonchalantly replied, making the judges speechless. Upon second thought, they all felt that Oliver was indeed not wrong, so why did they feel offended?

The judges exchanged glances, their expressions unreadable.

Afterward, they sent him back and called out the rest of the participants.

It was almost the end, and now it was Nadia's turn.

She was called out, and the noisy crowd instantly quieted down.

The air was filled with unexpected anticipation.

Everyone had a look of eagerness in their eyes as they watched her reach the altar and place her talisman upon it.

She was the most likely candidate to become the future matriarch of the clan. There was not a single person in the crowd who did not want to become her subordinate and join her faction.

But of course, they all knew that only the best of the best would even get a chance to serve her.

They all wanted to see what sort of demon she had captured. It would be a show of her strength for the first time in public.

Nadia had no interest in her eyes. She had an expressionless face at the moment, and the world did not seem to affect her at all.

The light on the talisman shone, and a demon emerged out of the altar.

Before anyone could respond, the demon hissed out, its voice echoing through the silent surroundings.


The onlookers could not help but be stunned.

The demon was alive!?

How did she manage to seal it then?

Even the judges had a look of interest upon seeing the demon.

A thunder-attributed demon was definitely harder to fight compared to non-attributed demons. And to seal one alive at their level? This task was almost impossible to achieve.

They could not help but have a sense of respect for Nadia. She was indeed the most talented in the main lineage. Not even a Rank-1 exorcist and still able to seal a minor-level demon alive? She was definitely not normal.

Chaos erupted as the crowd reacted. The judges struggled to regain control.

In the end, the head judge raised his hand for silence.

"This is unexpected," he said, looking at Nadia with a mix of curiosity and interest.

"A rare find, as expected of Miss Nadia." A judge clapped lightly as he congratulated her.

The crowd could not help but be envious. The judges did not even react when it was their turn, but now they were going as far as to congratulate her and clap for her.

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