Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1704 Who Will Know? -Part 26

"Ladies and Gentlemen from Daimon City, Parry City perhaps even Yor City and Kima City. This is a broadcast in case we fail." Jin said while his Grey Bears were seen working hard being plugged into the console. After this he slowly turned the camera and showed the atrocity that was hidden in the underground facility.

The first Mecha Fire Dragon already gave some people shock but as Jin panned the livestreaming broadcast throughout the entire room, some of them were horrified by the secret that was being kept by them.

"So yeap. The situation says for itself and there was nothing at my end I could do to stop the activation of these Mecha Dragons. My Mechanoid Squad is currently buying me an extra minute to inform all of you about this situation. So listen carefully." 

"The soldiers which I assumed it is under General Toba, had decided that it was better for the Mecha Fire Dragons to self destruct. At first, I thought that was a good move despite the damage it might potentially do to Parry City. After all, we can always rebuild and we can only pray for those who still remained in those spots and had not moved away."

"But instead, their meaning of self destruct was to remove all existence of IFF codes within those mechanical dragons. Best case scenario, they will beat the shit up of each other. Worst case scenario, they realised they are all dragons and despite some beatings, they will still survive and then coordinate to beat the shit out of everyone once the logic systems had logged that they are of the same kind." 

"Sounds bleak, right?" 

"General Ost, do we have any weapons of mass destruction? Or like those thermobaric bombs that nearly killed me but ten times the strength?" 

"We do not have such weapons. It is forbidden. Lord Jin" General Ost went into the live broadcast and stated otherwise.

"Aw shit. Guess we have to do it the not so fun way." Jin grumbled on screen. 

"Commander! 30 seconds! I think I might be able to give you another 15 seconds!" Yinn shouted from behind.

"General Grieves, evacuate the citizens in an orderly manner to the southern part of Daimon where the Dungeon Outpost is. Prioritise the safety of Daimon and Parry City people. Devote the entire military into evacuating. General Ost, activated the entire Air Force. Equip them with the strongest bombs they have. Commander Eggshells, if you are listening in as well. Divert Diamondz Corp energy generators to crank up the barrier generators." 

"15 seconds!" Yinn shouted and Jin sighed. 

"Well, I see what I can do. Wish us luck. As for the rest, no pushing okay? Retreat orderly." Jin closed the stream and at that point, the Mecha Fire Dragons' eyes started to glow and the group knew that the activation had already started. A few of them growled softly but it was the one who was the biggest and most incomplete with only the upper torso roaring the loudest. 

Those who were still at the North of Daimon could even hear the echoes of that dragon's roar. "Of course, the biggest one had to make the most noise," Jin said and asked the status of the efforts of the Grey Bears.

"Their anti virus is too strong, it definitely pointed towards the work of Rocketeers and perhaps maybe some other Mecha Corp." Page stated. 

"So, no virus inside them?" 

"Thankfully, one of them uses Diamondz coding and I assumed because they got the parts from Diamondz. So, I got a virus in with the help of Click but whether it will work a not remains to be seen."

"Yeah, their onboard logic AI system is hella strong." If not for that Diamondz module, we would never have been able to squeeze through an opening in that timeframe. 

"Sorry, I could not buy more time for you," Yinn said and Jin shrugged his shoulders.

"What can we do? All that matters is that we are able to inform them." 

"So, are we going to die here or at least try fighting like stinky cockroaches who don't wish to die?" Diaz asked and Jin laughed. 

For now, we hide for a little while since they have yet to notice us because of that big muthafuka at the back taking all the attention. if any of those were to fight each other then we would go in and distract them. 

"Still does not seem like a viable plan to me but it's better than nothing," Yinn said and Jin smiled.

"Don't worry. Have you forgotten that I have yet used my trump card?" Jin said as they quickly tried to hide behind a bunch of crates the Mecha Fire Dragons started to tear their plugs and electrical wires and turned their backs to see their brand new nemesis who were roaring for their attention.

"But you only have 15 minutes of that. There is no way you are able to do much with that 15 minutes." Click presumed and the rest also felt the same. No matter how strong it could be, they believed that it would not beat the 8 Mecha Fire Dragons into dust.

However, as they were all denouncing the trump card's usefulness, Tellie realised something. "Hey, guys… is it me or… does that look like crystals emerging out of its upper torso." 

All of them stopped and took a look only to find that there was actually another Mechanical Dragon within the big giant dragon. The half torso Mecha Dragon pulled it out and started to munch on it. The Mechanical Dragon yelled in pain and in defence started releasing crystals that seemed to aim at crystalising the half torso Mecha Dragon to stop biting it.

"Holy shit. That is the Mecha Crystal Dragon. I saw Diamondz Insigna at the side." Click said as she relayed the screenshot to everyone. 

"Does that mean General Toba managed to catch it? Or did they 'secretly' use the big ass dragon to catch it and the injuries it made caused it to be like this rather than it being actually incomplete?" It was a question no one knew.

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