North x Northwest

Chapter 141.5 RECAP

Chapter 141.5 RECAP


Hi guys!

As promised, we wrote a recap for volume 4. We hope it helps to refresh your memories before we dive into volume 5.

Happy reading and see you on Wednesday!


Pru and Formidable

PS: the explanation of military ranks will be posted next weekend.

Vol. 4

We start this volume with the side story of Eds past. When he was around 16 years old he dropped out of military school and joined his grandfather on his expedition to the Western Continent. At that time Ed was already a diligent medical student who had inherited the love for adventure from his grandpa. When they had safely arrived at the western continent, Ed immediately started exploring the nearby jungle where he had a rather uncomfortable encounter with a new animal race, the elephant. After almost dying due to an attack, Ed awakes in a hut belonging to the Ruwa tribe. Here he meets his saviour Chippo and later his first love Murasha. We fast forward to a year later, in that time Ed had frequently visited the tribe, learned about new medicine from them and the jungle, spent time with Murasha and learned their language. On the day his grandpa announced that they would be leaving the continent again, the Ruwa tribe gets attacked by raiders hired by imperial nobles. Ed managed to get Murasha out, but they had to see how the other members of the tribe either got killed or taken to the Empire.

After Ed and Murasha arrived in Roahn, Eds hometown, Murasha starts to get sick with a mysterious disease. Sadly, she wasnt the only one, all the surviving members of her tribe, who were taken to the empire, suffered from this disease and eventually died from it. Ed tried everything in his power to save Murasha, but it was all in vain, a half year after they arrived in the Empire, she passed away on board the ship that was taking them back to the Western Continent. In the period following her death, Ed lived alone in the ruins of the Ruwa tribe, searching for enlightenment and providence. He eventually found clues of it on scribes in the temple of the tribe, which led Ed to resume military school and embrace the title of Admiral.

When a few years later all the western pirates were annihilated and Ed retrieved as much of the relics of the Western Continent as possible, he found himself standing in his library thinking about that one woman who spoke about providence if it was her second nature; Liloa. However, when Ed went out of his way to look for her, she had already disappeared from the dukes mansion and was unofficially declared dead.

In part two of Eds side story we go back to the period where Ed was still finishing his military training and had a meeting with Liloa in the school library. What followed was a short conversation between the two where Ed wanted to know more about the natural laws that Liloa always spoke of. After their talk, Ed was left with a sense of inferiority. He was ashamed of his past behaviour and envied Liloa for naturally having the providence that took Ed years to obtain.

From here we go back to the main story and we find ourselves in the Admirals room on the Visha. The Mondovi fleet was in the middle of chasing after their Admiral and came across a small part of the Western pirates. After interrogation, they learned about the escape of Sir Edgar, but not before he got himself wounded. Around the same time they received a message from Ed saying he was doing fine and that they should stay put. However, seeing that the code suddenly changed, the order had the opposite effect and the chase for their Admiral continued

In the meantime, the Bell Rock had anchored nearby a deserted island, in the week that followed Ed came to understand that the changed effect of the necklace was only visible to him. Ed concluded that it might have something to do with the fact that he told Lil he would respect her whomever she was. He also noticed that Lil was treating him more nicely and it appeared that her guard had gone down a bit. On the other hand, Cesars suspicions that something was going on between the two of them were only growing.

When both men were dealing with their feelings, the atmosphere on the Bell Rock escalated. Due to the hierarchy and the weak punishments, the borrowed crew acted as they pleased. This tension between the borrowed and original crew peaked when a young sailor, Julio, openly assaulted and insulted their captain. This disturbance was quickly settled, but it did increase the already native vibe onboard.

When the argument was being settled behind closed doors, Ed wanted to take advantage of the commotion and sneaked into Cesars cabin to retrieve his medicine. There he was met with a rather disturbing surprise. In an effort to catch Ed red-handed, Cesar had Courant hiding in the room. Fortunately for Ed, he discovered this in time and nothing major happened.

Later that night Lil visits Ed with the pretends of giving him his share of the pearls she got from Bellus. For Lil, nothing good came from this conversation as her longing for freedom only increased.

After sharing an intimate time with Cesar, Lil found herself staring at the night sky on deck. Ed showed up and it led to her following him down to his cabin for some treatment. Due to the combination of insomnia and the comfortable feeling she got from Eds cabin, Lil eventually fell asleep in his bed. The next morning, however, ended with a big fight. Ed decided to push Lils feelings some more, which made her confused and defensive. But before Ed could explain himself any further, his messenger pigeon suddenly showed up. This left Lil with no choice but to draw her gun and Ed was imprisoned with the prospect of being thrown overboard. However, when the involved officers were still debating over the verdict, Ed was beaten half to death by Courant.

In the end, there was nothing Lil could do to prevent the execution and Eds almost lifeless body was thrown overboard. Fortunately, after a hellish night, the heavily injured Ed managed to not only greet the morning, but also an island.

This volume ended with Cesar using Eds pigeon to send his coordinates to the fleet and Sagastar making his way to Eds location.

Some quick and important trivia:

Eds parents both passed away when he was younger and he was raised by his grandfather.

Ed met his first love when he was 16 and Murasha was 14.

Ed learned to play the Surihe from Murasha.

The Ruwa tribe, from the western continent, was known for their short build, pinkish skin, reddish eyes with silver hair and their intelligence as well. Ed often compared them with fairies.

When Ed was in the middle of finding a cure for Murasha, he went back to Sesbron and conducted autopsies on the corpses of the Ruwa tribe. Because autopsy wasnt a really well-known practice among the nobles, rumours that Ed was torturing the race even after death began to spread. This was also the beginning of the infamous rumours circling the admiral.

The age difference between Ed and Liloa is approximately 5-6 years. Ed was 20-21 when he resumed his military studies when Liloa was only 15 years old. (making them now 22/23 and 28 years old)

Liloa was part of the Karabinae, an elite cavalry unit of the army. She was highly talented in shooting targets while riding a horse. During her time in the military academy, Liloa got sexualised and ridiculed on a daily basis for being a woman in the army.

To escape from Duke Mireille, Liloa staged her kidnapping/death and ran away.

Ed was highly fascinated by Liloa even when they were still in school. However, he never approached her because of the shame he felt. He never got over the fact he dragged Murasha to the empire and thereby causing her death. Ed did want to speak to Liloa one day, but only when he repented on his sins and found the answers to his questions about life.

Back in the day when Sagastar was still a Lieutenant, Ed saved his life. His loyalty stems from that.

Even though Ed sent the fleet a note that he was okay, the fact that the code changed was enough reason for Sagastar to remain searching. As he was convinced the Admiral was in danger.

Ed is the only one that can see Lils changed appearance.

Julio, the sailor who assaulted and insulted Lil, is from Marchand. The reason for his hostility towards Lil is due to her skin tone, Julio hates people from the empire.

Lil starts to be more and more shaken up by Eds presence. Especially by the fact that Mortu leaves her alone whenever she is with him.

Cesar deliberately used Eds perfume to lure in his pigeon. He then used that pigeon to set Ed up.

Even though they never expressed it, the whole crew is afraid of the navy.

The highly classified code that the top officers of the Mondovi fleet uses is called Nicolas tears probably named after Sir Nicola, the Commodore/Vice-Admiral before Sagastar. Mandus code is the basic officer code used by the military.

New characters in this volume:

Eds family:

Glock Retiro;

Eds grandfather

Linhardt and Levi;

Part of Eds life, but till now have an unknown affliction.

Ruwa tribe:


Eds first love and a member of the Ruwa tribe.


Eds saviour and member of the Ruwa tribe and

The Bell Rock crew:


Borrowed sailor from Valtanos crew.


Isabelle and Leon;

Sagastars wife and son.

Returning of the Manhwa;

As we already stated in our announcement, the Manhwa of NorthxNorthwest returned after almost 1,5 years! They did change the artist and it needs some time to get used to, but we think the art still suits the story! See for yourselves.


Lil Schweiz



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