No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 238  Round One

Chapter 238  Round One

In the heart of the selection arena, a raised circular platform glimmered with the intricate etchings of ancient runes. This central stage served as the focal point where aspirants displayed their prowess, their destinies hanging in the balance. Surrounding this pivotal space, tiers of seating offered a commanding view to the expectant audience. A bustling sea of spectators, a mix of students, faculty, and curious onlookers, filled the stands, their fervor palpable in the charged air.

Adjacent to the central stage, segmented areas were cordoned off, each designated for specific challenges marked by vivid banners fluttering in the breeze.

Perched high above the expanse of anticipation, a grandstand hosted a panel of learned evaluators. Professors and esteemed judges observed the unfolding drama from this elevated vantage, their keen eyes assessing the aspirants' every move, every incantation, every strategic maneuver.

Strategically placed supply depots dotted the periphery, stocked with an array of weapons, magical tools, and elemental resources. Participants, poised for their moment, could access these caches in their pursuit of triumph.


[Third Person View.]

The groups of students from each year huddled close together; first-years were near the circumference of the arena, while second-years were at the far end of the ground, and third-years sat down on the ground.

Everything was quite peaceful -

Ren hummed to himself, ignoring how he stood alone at the end of the group, with no one trying to stand beside him.

"Hey... did you see how big of a fireball that guy created?" someone whispered to another.

"Yeah! It was crazy... that dude - is he really from Class B?" The skinny girl questioned.

The first year was a mix of mostly students from Class A and B because none others were able to qualify. Many Class B students purposely avoided Ren as they had heard rumors about him being a troublemaker and a bad guy. Most Class A students hadn't met Ren but still had heard something about him.

"He was in our class, but the headmaster kicked him out, though." The guy looked at Ren, who was playfully nudging a cat with his foot. The poor cat kept coming back to him despite his actions.

"Why!?" The girl leaned in closer to the boy.

"He... brought a prostitute and alcohol onto Academy grounds," he said, as if he actually knew that was the case.

It was true that Ren was caught with alcohol, but then everything else added to the story was false. Rumors kept piling on top of each other for some reason. For instance, if he was seen talking to a girl, they automatically assumed he was bullying her. There was a group of girls he hung out with for a few days when he arrived, but then those girls distanced themselves from him. Everyone assumed it was because he did something wrong.

None of them had the courage to talk to him. One student from his own dormitory said that this guy was quite rude when he talked and acted like a street thug.

One girl claimed to have seen Ren torturing a small bird early one morning, burning it to a char.

....For some reason she blushed as she remembered the scene again.

So, all in all, Ren's image was plummeting. He was also seen with Aron, an infamous third year, so it made him a bit known in the third year, not much, but a bit.

At the front row of the first-year crowd stood Helga, her eyes wandering around the second-year students standing nearby.

Her eyes met a pair of blue eyes; a blond second-year waved and smiled brightly at her.

Her heart raced as she bounced on her feet to wave back at the senior she liked. It was love at first sight for her, and her feelings had only grown stronger after going on a two-month trip with Adam.

"Haaa, I'll be sure to tag along to Mage's Gambit with him," she took a deep breath.

"Well, who knows, he might fall for your charm if you win in style," a girl beside her teased, nudging her.

There was no one here who didn't know about Helga and Adam, and many of her friends were rooting for her.

"You bet," she chuckled.

Helga looked around and, call it pride or arrogance, she couldn't see anyone here who could defeat her in terms of skills.

The professor, a tall and slender figure with a stern expression etched on his weathered face, strode to the center of the stage. His eyes scanned the expectant faces of the gathered students before he cleared his throat to address the assembly.

"Students of the Imperial Academy," his voice echoed through the arena, resonating with authority. "The Mage's Gambit trials will commence shortly. Listen carefully to the format for the first round."

His gaze swept across the sea of students, the air heavy with anticipation. Each student's expression bore a mix of anxiety and determination as they awaited further instructions.

"Over the next two days, you will participate in continuous trials," he announced. "First years will compete first, followed by second and third years. These trials will whittle down the number of participants until only half of each year's students remain. Those remaining will be placed in random situations during their fights, requiring swift and decisive reactions."

As his words hung in the air, a buzz of nervous excitement rippled through the students. Some exchanged anxious glances, while others leaned forward in anticipation, eager to prove their worth.

The professor continued, "Now, without further ado, the first six first-year students for today's matches are..."

As he called out the names, six students emerged from the crowd, stepping onto the spacious stage. They varied in appearance - a mix of sizes, shapes, and styles.

Among them stood Ren Hilton, a tall, lean figure with ruffled jet-black hair with red ends and piercing golden eyes.

Beside Ren, Erik, a slightly shorter boy with glasses and tousled brown hair, looked nervous yet determined. His eyes darted around, his fingers fidgeting as he anticipated the upcoming challenge.

Ren patted the boys shoulder....which looked like he was threatening the boy.

Opposite Erik stood a confident and athletic-looking girl named Helen, her blonde hair tied in a tight ponytail. Her athletic build and steely gaze projected a strong aura, signaling her readiness for the trials ahead.

Next to Helen stood a boy named Jason, a small and wiry figure with an intense gaze and an air of determination. He seemed focused, his eyes fixed on the stage ahead.

Completing the group were two other students - Emily, a petite yet composed girl with a quiet confidence in her demeanor, and Lucas, a slightly built boy who appeared calm and collected despite the tension in the air.

As the six students lined up on the stage, the murmurs among the spectators intensified. Some whispered words of encouragement, while others observed the contestants, assessing their strengths and weaknesses.

The tension in the air was palpable as the six participants awaited their respective opponents and the commencement of the first matches of the Mage's Gambit trials.

The professor, holding a scroll, glanced at the list before announcing the pairings for the first round of matches. "For the initial battles, we have Helen versus Emily," he declared, indicating the two girls on opposite sides of the stage. Both girls nodded in acknowledgment, each showing a different form of readiness - Helen's fierce determination contrasting with Emily's calm composure.

"Jason will face Erik," the professor continued, pointing to the two boys. Jason squared his shoulders, a determined glint in his eyes, while..... Erik sweats buckets.

He looked around before"And for the final match of this round, we have Ren against Lucas."

Down on the stage, there was a buzz as Ren found himself the center of attention, with many curious gazes fixed on him.

"Do you know about that guy, Helga?" The girl beside Helga asked, already feeling bitter that her turn wasn't first. She had to wait for two more rounds now.

"Who?" Helga frowned, seeking clarification.

"Oh, nothing," the girl sighed, shaking her head, and their attention returned to the stage.

"START!" the professor announced as he jumped off the stage.

Each participant took their stance, sizing each other up for an opening.

None of them had taken a weapon, confident they wouldn't need one.

"Why take the chance, stupid?" Helga muttered, convinced she would've grabbed a weapon right away. However, her expression shifted from a frown to disappointment as she said, "What's that guy doing?"

Her gaze fixed on the boy with a messy hair bun, standing motionless while the other four had already engaged in combat nearby.

"He'll be the first one knocked out with that stance," she sighed, judging his lack of practical fighting skills.

"Ren Hilton! Won!"

The two sentences echoed throughout the arena. After a few seconds, the fight commenced, the judgment quicker than expected.

Helga blinked, her hand instinctively moving toward her waist where her sword would usually be, though it wasn't there. It was an unconscious reaction.


Ren stood there, observing his surroundings while chewing on something, his boot resting on Lucas's face as Lucas struggled to remove it.

It was - it's been another minute,it was quite - like no one dared to cheer- isn't it supposed to be cheered at such show.

Like.....why everyone felt cold?

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