Ninja World: I’m Not a Human Being!

Chapter 191: 191

Chapter 191: 191

Yukino followed Haku's line of sight and was surprised to find that Kisame had returned.

However, in addition to surprise, there are also shock.

Because this time, Kisame came back with a green-haired woman who was holding a baby in her arms.

This familiar scene made Yukino and Natsuhi feel a little weird.

Kisame landed on the ground, let go of the hand that was holding Mikiko, then bent down, stretched out two arms, and hugged Haku and Kimimaro from left to right.

"Are they your children? This is... Kirigakure?"

Mikiko asked in a low voice, and at the same time glanced at Haku and Kimimaro curiously. What is their relationship with this man?

Kisame hearing that, shook his head with a smile, and said to Mikiko:

"These questions, let Yukino answer you, and you can get to know each other that way."

After he finished speaking, he motioned for Yukino to come over, hand over the two children to her, and briefly explained in a few words.

As soon as he finished speaking, Kisame's clone turned into white smoke with a "poof", and it was automatically released because the chakra in it was exhausted.

"Go and play."

Yukino handed a lollipop to Kimimaro and Haku, sent the two entangled little guys away, and then warmly received Mikiko.

Natsuhi also came over, greeted Mikiko, and joined the chat.

"That's my experience."

Under the curious gazes of the two women, Mikiko nervously recounted her experience, and said that if she her living here disturbs the two of them, she would quickly move out with her child and find another place to live.


Unexpectedly, when Yukino and Natsuhi heard her, they couldn't help laughing after looking at each other.

"What are you... laughing at, did I say something wrong?" Mikiko suddenly became more embarrassed.

"Don't be nervous, Mikiko. I just suddenly found out that Kisame-sama is really the savior of us widowers."

Yukino put her hand on Mikiko's shoulder and sighed with a smile.

"Yeah, this is too much of a coincidence."

Natsuhi explained with a smile, "Yukino, and I, are actually the same as you. After the death of my husband, I got help from Kisame and came to Kirigakure."

From their mouths, Mikiko was surprised to learn that their experiences were surprisingly similar to her own.

"Wait. You said just now that his name is... Kisame?"

Mikiko suddenly realized this, and since this was Kirigakure, Kisame's identity can only be one thing.

Hoshigaki Kisame!

After learning the man's true identity, Mikiko couldn't calm down for a while, and it took a long time for her to recover.

At this moment, a figure pushed open the gate of the small courtyard and rushed in in a hurry.

"Where's Kisame, someone saw him coming back. I have something that he needs to look, let him come out!"

Tsunade said in a loud voice and looked around as soon as she entered the yard, but she didn't even see Kisame's shadow, only Mikiko who was an unfamiliar face.

Tsunade couldn't help frowning, her eyes swept away from Fuu in Mikiko's arms, and then glanced at the Natsuhi and Yukino next to her, each more beautiful than the other, but they were all widows with children.

'What the -&6- is this guy, Hoshigaki Kisame doing?

So this is his habit? Really perverted.'

Mikiko was taken aback by Tsunade and didn't dare to look directly at the other person's sharp eyes. So, she lowered her head and whispered to Yukino beside her:

"Is this sister also a widow who was brought back by Kisame-sama? She doesn't seem very easy to get along with, what should I call her?"

"Uh..." Yukino was stunned when she heard this, not knowing how to answer.

Because as far as she knew, Tsunade did have a lover named Dan Kato, who died on the battlefield at an early age. Moreover, Tsunade was indeed brought back to Kisame by Kisame.

However, in a strict sense, Tsunade had just started a romantic relationship with Kato, and was far from getting married, so she should not be considered a widow.

Although Mikiko's voice was small, Tsunade could still hear it.

"What did you say? I'm... a widow?"

She suddenly became furious and strode towards Mikiko.

Seeing this, Yukino quickly stood in front of Mikiko and pleaded with Tsunade: "Tsunade-sama, this is a misunderstanding, Mikiko didn't say that on purpose..."

Mikiko also realized that she had said something wrong, and hurriedly bowed to Tsunade to apologize.


Tsunade snorted lightly, there was nothing she could do. There was no way she could really embarrass a poor widow with a child.

When she learned that Kisame came back was just a clone, and that it had disappeared, she no longer entangled with them, she turned around and walked out of the yard in a hurry.

As the head of the medical department, she has a lot of work to do.


After Tsunade left, the three women in the courtyard all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Tsunade-sama is really an amazing ninja. Her aura is too strong. I don't know what kind of man is worthy of her."

Mikiko sighed as she watched Tsunade leave.

"Perhaps, in the entire ninja world, only Kisame-sama can calm down and laugh in front of Tsunade." Natsuhi guessed on the side.

When Yukino heard her, she covered her mouth and smiled, then she took Mikiko's hand and said to her:

"There is still a vacant room upstairs. I will take you to see it. You can live here in peace in the future. We are like sisters, so please don't treat us like outsiders."

"Thank you, Yukino." Mikiko's heart warmed, and there were faint tears in her eyes.

"However, if Kisame-sama brings back another widow, we probably won't have enough rooms here."

Yukino said jokingly, which caused both Natsuhi and Mikiko to smile.

At the same time.

Thousands of kilometers away, deep in the desert of the Land of Wind.

The Land of Wind is the country with the largest land area among the five major countries, but the desert occupy more than 90% of the land. Compared with the Land of Fire, the natural resources are less than one-tenth of the latter.

In the vast desert, only a few oasis areas are suitable for human habitation, among which is Sunagakure, one of the top five Ninja villages.

Half a year ago, Sunagakure was destroyed by Nagato alone, it was completely wiped off from the ninja world, and has since become history.

Only a very small number of Suna ninja survived the catastrophe and survived in some corner of the world.

The ancient country of Ronan that Kisame is looking for is located deep in the desert west of the Land of Wind. It is a small country with a small population and basically has no sense of existence in the world.

However, according to the information he got and the memory of the anime, the ancient country of Ronan was destroyed by war a few years ago, and now it is in ruins.

Under the ruins, the Ryumyaku is buried, which is Kisame's goal for this trip.

The history of the ancient city was:

In the underground of the ancient country of Ronan, there has always been a huge energy hidden, called Ryumyaku. All the queens of this country have the ability to manipulate Ryumyaku.

A few years ago, a traitor named Mukade came to Ronan and persuaded the queen at the time to release the seal of Ryumyaku and use its power to develop Roran.

However, after a period of time, the queen saw through Mukade's ambition and stopped assisting him. As a result, the queen was killed.

At that time, Konoha got this information.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was the third Hokage at the time, ordered Minato to lead the team and formed a four-person team with Shibi Aburame, Choza Akimichi, and Kakashi. After sneaking into the ancient kingdom of Roran, they fought fiercely with the puppet army controlled by Mukade.

In the end, Namikaze Minato successfully defeated Mukade, sealed the Ryumyaku again, and returned to Konoha.

It is a pity that the people of the ancient country of Roran have not been able to return to a peaceful and happy life, because this country has attracted the attention of the Land of Wind.

So not long after Minato and others left, the Land of the Wind launched a war, destroying this small country in one fell swoop, completely reduced to ruins.

The endless desert is like a yellow sea with no end in sight, countless yellow sands spread to the sky, and zigzag sand dunes rise and fall one after another.

A gust of wind swept across the ground, and waves of sand were pushed forward, like an invisible hand, peeling off the desert layer by layer.

Over the vast sandy sea, clouds covered most of the sky and moved slowly, casting huge shadows on the rolling sand dunes.



As the clouds rolled violently, a behemoth poked its head out of the sea of clouds.

On the ground dozens of kilometers below it, under the shadow of the dunes and mountains, there is a ruin full of broken walls.

'Roran Ruins, here I come.'

Surprisingly, however, there are still signs of ninja activity near this site...

In the depths of the desert, stands an abandoned building complex.

Those buildings are very distinctive, long and slender, like towers standing in rows, forming a unique landscape in the endless and monotonous desert.

This is the ruins of the ancient country of Roran.

This country once prospered because of the Ryumyaku buried in the ground. At one time, the population increased sharply and it was prosperous. But it also attracted the attention of the great powers, was attacked by the army of the Land of wind, and quickly perished.

Today's Roran contains only the eternal desolation and loneliness.

Above the sky, after Kunpeng probed into the clouds, he did not fully appear, but slowly opened his abyss-like mouth.

A figure emanated from its mouth, and it was a new clone.

The next second, his clone flew towards the Roran ruins below, while his main body, Kunpeng, returned to the sea of clouds.

Kisame's plan is very simple, that is to use the clone to enter the Roran ruins, find the Ryumyaku and open its seal, and finally let the Kunpeng come down and absorb the power of Ryumyaku on the spot.

Thirty kilometers, twenty kilometers, ten kilometers...

Kisame got closer and closer to the ground. During this process, he closed his eyes and could feel that there was an incredible energy flow a hundred meters below Roran, like a dazzling sun, emitting a dazzling light, making it difficult for him to concentrate on it for a long time.

That is the Ryumyaku, which contains almost infinite chakra, powerful enough to distort time and space.

However, Kisame soon discovered that he was not the only one who was interested in this Ryumyaku.

Outside the ruins of Ryumyaku, a ninja squad of dozens of people set up a tent and stationed here.

Kisame secretly watched them.

Although none of these people wore ninja uniforms or forehead guards, Kisame could still identify that they were ninjas from Sunagakure.

Because he saw a sandy yellow short-haired woman in the crowd with a big belly, holding a little girl and a little boy with each hand.

That woman is the wife of the deceased fourth Kazekage, Karura.

The two-year-old girl and one-year-old boy beside her were her eldest daughter Temari and her son Kankuro. As for what she was carrying in her stomach, it was naturally her youngest son Gaara.

It seems that when Nagato leveled Sunagakure and slaughtered the villagers, a small number of survivors escaped and kept the last fire for Sunagakure.

In the camp, except for Karura, most of the other Suna ninjas were very busy. They kept going in and out of the Roran ruins, as if they were looking for something.


At this time, a young ninja with a bandaged head and a red mark on the right face walked out of the ruins, came to Karura, and bowed to her.

"Baki, how's the situation inside?" Karura asked with a kind smile.

Baki, although he has just turned eighteen years old, has long been promoted to Jonin due to his outstanding performance on the battlefield. The most important thing is that he is loyal to the fourth Kazekage.

So, when Nagato invaded Sunagakure, Baki was tasked with protecting Kazekage's widow and children.

In the past six months, the group has been wandering in the Kand of Wind, avoiding numerous trackers and killing pursuers along the way, and finally successfully escaped into the depths of the desert and found the Roran ruins.

Baki and others came here, on the one hand, to find a safe refuge, but more importantly, to find the legendary Ryumyaku.

Then, use its power to take revenge on Nagato and Amegakure!

Facing Karura's question, Baki's face darkened, and he replied with some self-reproach: "My lord, I'm sorry, I still got nothing today."

"It's okay, Baki."

Hearing that, Karura patiently comforted her subordinate, "Actually, even if you find the Ryumyaku, I'm afraid there is no way to open it. I heard that only the Queen of Roran can unlock the seal of the Ryumyaku and release its power, but where are we going to find the Queen?"

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