Ninja World: I Have a Life Simulator

Chapter 85: Chapter 85: If the Seventh Gate Isn't Enough, Then I'll Open Another!

Chapter 85: Chapter 85: If the Seventh Gate Isn't Enough, Then I'll Open Another!

In the state of opening the Seventh Gate, the chakra levels of Might Guy and Uchiha Akira were almost identical.

However, Might Guy's strength lay in his physical power and his mastery of taijutsu.

On the other hand, Uchiha Akira's strengths were in his use of ninjutsu and the super- enhanced dynamic vision provided by his Sharingan.

So, in a one-on-one duel, both had their own advantages.

In a battle between two warriors with the Seventh Gate open, it was a near stalemate.

Back and forth, Might Guy, true to his title, transformed into a "Blue Beast."

As for Uchiha Akira, he focused mostly on dodging, occasionally interspersing his moves with ninjutsu.

While his outward momentum wasn't as fierce as Might Guy's, his use of ninjutsu kept him from falling behind in the fight.

In this clash between two Seventh Gate warriors, the surrounding ninjas could only act as spectators; they didn't have the qualifications to join the battle.

Kakashi, however, pushed up the forehead protector covering his eye, revealing his left eye's three-tomoe Sharingan, intently observing the battle between Might Guy and Uchiha Akira.

With his skill and the dynamic vision provided by the Sharingan, Kakashi might barely have the ability to intervene.

But he would need to find the perfect opportunity.

Thus, for three minutes, Uchiha Akira and Might Guy battled fiercely, their blows reducing everything within several kilometers to rubble.

Finally, when Might Guy landed a punch on Uchiha Akira, his body inexplicably passed right through Akira's!

By the time Guy realized what had happened and tried to change his move, it was too late. The phantom-like Akira executed a Leaf Gale kick to Guy's back, sending him flying.

In his Seventh Gate state, combined with Shisui's Body Flicker Technique, Uchiha Akira had finally managed to land a hit on Might Guy, injuring him.


Just as Akira struck Might Guy, a sharp sound rang out.

It was Kakashi!

In his right hand, visible blue lightning crackled, while his Sharingan locked onto Akira, like an arrow ready to be released, targeting him with deadly precision.

Chidori combined with the accuracy of the Sharingan was not something even Uchiha Akira could take lightly!

Although Guy was injured by the kick, his combat power wasn't significantly diminished. Guy flipped back to his feet and charged at Akira again, his momentum undiminished!

The Blue Beast was still a beast, and being injured only stirred its ferocity!

Kakashi knew that sometimes the mere threat of an attack was more menacing than actually releasing it.

Thus, the aura of his Chidori was incredibly strong, keeping it ready and aimed at Akira, forcing Akira to split his attention between Guy and Kakashi.

Fighting Might Guy in his Seventh Gate state while also keeping an eye on Kakashi?

Naturally, after a few exchanges, Akira found himself completely overwhelmed by Guy, seemingly on the verge of defeat!

Nearby, the Third Hokage swallowed several soldier pills, quickly replenishing his stamina. Though Might Guy had the upper hand against Akira, the Third Hokage still didn't act hastily. He, too, was waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

Having already activated the Reaper Death Seal and summoned the Death God, the Third Hokage knew his fate was sealed.

So, his next move had to hit its mark.

Under the onslaught of Might Guy's relentless attacks, Uchiha Akira was forced to retreat!

Then, Guy executed a Leaf Strong Whirlwind, striking Akira's crossed arms and sending him flying several hundred meters, crashing through several buildings in the Sarutobi clan's compound.

Cough, cough...

Standing up from the rubble of the collapsed buildings, Uchiha Akira coughed twice, a trickle of bright red blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

He was nearing his limit. Akira could feel it.

Firstly, at seven years old, his body wasn't as developed as Might Guy's. So, in the Seventh Gate state, his endurance couldn't match Guy's.

Secondly, he had opened the Seventh Gate before Guy, so his time in that state was also shorter.

The Seventh Gate placed an enormous burden on the body, making every inch of his skin feel as if it were being torn apart.

Moreover, after being struck by Guy, Akira could feel that his body was truly reaching its limit.

"Akira, your talent is far greater than mine. I can't compare to you," Might Guy admitted, despite having the upper hand.

He knew that his advantage was partly due to the fact that this was essentially a tag-team battle, with Kakashi poised to strike, splitting Akira's focus.

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Uchiha Akira shook his head and said, "Victory is victory, and defeat is defeat. There's no need to find excuses. I, Uchiha Akira, am not the kind of person who makes excuses for losing!"

His words showed a certain level of magnanimity.

After a brief pause, Akira added, "Besides, I haven't lost yet!"

"Hmph, stubborn fool!" someone among the surrounding ninjas couldn't help but sneer.

Yes, Akira was powerful, but it was clear to everyone that he was at his limit, unable to hold

on any longer.

Yet he still claimed he hadn't lost?

Wasn't that just being stubborn?

Hearing this, Akira glanced at the ninja who had spoken.

Feeling Akira's gaze, the ninja reflexively shrank back, hiding within the crowd, mentally

chanting, "You can't see me, you can't see me!"

After a brief glance at the ninja, Akira withdrew his gaze.

A mere clown, not worth his attention.

Akira's eyes swept over Might Guy, who, in his Seventh Gate state, was still brimming with energy, clearly capable of maintaining this form for a long time.

Kakashi's Sharingan was still locked onto Akira, his S-rank ninjutsu Chidori at the ready, waiting to strike, its threat palpable.

And the Third Hokage, who had consumed soldier pills, had regained much of his strength.

The Death God's specter still loomed behind him, the knife once held in its mouth now gripped in its hand!

The Death God's eyes were fixed on Akira, its gaze alone sending chills down his spine!

As for Danzo? His chest had a gaping hole where his heart should have been; he was clearly dead, beyond the possibility of using Izanagi to resurrect.

Unless he had set up a preemptive sealing technique for revival, he was truly gone this time.

But judging by his appearance, with no Sharingan left, it was clear he no longer had the means

to activate Izanagi.

Meanwhile, more and more ninjas were gathering around-the Hyuga clan, the Inuzuka clan,

the Ino-Shika-Cho trio...

And more ninjas were still arriving.

Looking around, there were already several hundred gathered.

The situation had turned drastically against Akira.

Yet, Uchiha Akira's expression remained calm, and he even felt a bit fortunate.

Thankfully, in the life simulator, he had successfully unlocked the Eighth Gate, just in case.

Indeed, the Seventh Gate alone wasn't enough.

If he hadn't unlocked the Eighth Gate, today might have been the day he truly met his end!

"Uchiha Akira, surrender now. You've already lost!"

As Akira surveyed the battlefield, recognizing the nearly impossible odds he faced alone, a

ninja in the crowd shouted at him.

Uchiha Akira didn't respond.

To be more precise, he didn't deem it worth responding to!

"Akira, stop. The battle is over!" Might Guy urged him.

Although he didn't know exactly what had happened, or why Akira had attacked the Hokage

and Elder Danzo, Guy understood that Akira couldn't win with just the power of the Seventh


"Yes, even with the Seventh Gate, it's not enough to fight against so many ninjas!" Akira sighed, nodding in agreement.

Hearing this, Might Guy felt a slight sense of relief.

Did Akira understand the situation and decide to stop?


However, before Guy could fully exhale, Akira's tone shifted.

"If the Seventh Gate isn't enough to change the outcome..."

"Then I'll open another gate!"


Akira's words were like a thunderclap, leaving Guy utterly stunned.

He was already in the Seventh Gate state!

And he said he was going to open another gate.

That would mean...

"But surrendering so easily is impossible!"


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