Ninja World: I Have a Life Simulator

Chapter 64: Chapter 64: If That's the Case, Let's Open the Seventh Gate!

Chapter 64: Chapter 64: If That's the Case, Let's Open the Seventh Gate!

Danzo Shimura stared at Uchiha Akira with a grim expression. Ever since learning of Akira's prophetic abilities, Danzo had been fixated on eliminating him. Akira was a major variable that could disrupt the Uchiha massacre.

However, when Danzo informed Hiruzen Sarutobi of this, the Third Hokage did not

immediately agree to eliminate Akira. Fine, Hiruzen could keep his moral high ground, bask in the love of the village, and continue being the righteous Hokage everyone admired. But someone had to do the dirty work, and that someone was Danzo.

As the shadow of Konoha, Danzo was accustomed to handling such unsavory tasks. Thus, he devised a plan to lure Akira into a trap. Fortunately, Akira's prophetic ability wasn't

something he could use at will, which gave Danzo an opportunity.

After a while, when Danzo didn't receive word that his subordinates had successfully led Akira into the trap, he suspected something had gone wrong and rushed over. Sure enough, he arrived just in time to sense the residual energy from a Chidori and find his men dead.

Though slightly unexpected, it wasn't a major setback. Akira was stronger than anticipated, but with the backup Danzo brought, Akira would not escape.

"Uchiha Akira, do you have any last words?" Danzo asked, his voice calm and confident, as if he already held the upper hand.

"You're asking the wrong person," Akira replied coolly. "It should be me asking you that question. You think you can kill me, Uchiha Akira, with just these lowly subordinates? Isn't that a bit too naïve?"

After ensuring Keiko's safety, Akira directed his gaze at Danzo, his tone dripping with disdain.

"I know you've unlocked the Three Tomoe Sharingan and even have some mastery of the Eight Gates, but don't overestimate yourself," Danzo scoffed.

During his previous attack on Shisui, Danzo had already gauged Akira's strength, finding it manageable. True, the Three Tomoe Sharingan gave Akira a significant power boost, but Danzo was confident that Akira alone couldn't overcome the forces he had brought.

"He's making a fatal mistake, assuming that the me from a month ago is the same as the me now—after having simulated my life over ten times," Akira thought, his heart racing with excitement. The more Danzo underestimated him, the greater his chances of turning the tables.

"Lord Akira?" Keiko called out, her voice filled with concern. She was only fifteen years old and had always been Akira's servant. Now, facing this deadly situation, Akira was the one protecting her, telling her to escape first. How could she possibly leave?

Regardless of Keiko's thoughts, Akira took a deep breath and formed hand seals, creating over a dozen shadow clones. When he had only two tomoe in his Sharingan, he could only manage a few shadow clones. But now, with the fully evolved Three Tomoe Sharingan, he could easily

create over ten.

"Be careful, this is Shisui Uchiha's signature technique!" one of Danzo's subordinates warned, his voice tense.

The Root ninjas all went on high alert. Shisui's Body Flicker Technique was legendary, and now Akira, with his Three Tomoe Sharingan, was using the same technique. None of them dared to underestimate him because of his age.

Akira launched his attack, the shadow clones moving with such precision that it was impossible to tell which were real and which were illusions. The Root ninjas, on high alert, found it difficult to keep up with the rapid shifts between reality and illusion.

Despite their numbers, the Root ninjas couldn't take Akira down easily. After several exchanges, they finally managed to corner him, forcing him to retreat-but only for him to immediately switch places with another clone.

"This technique really is troublesome," Danzo muttered, shaking his head as he observed the fight. Even though he had brought six elite Root members, it was clear that capturing Akira quickly wasn't going to be easy.

To avoid any unforeseen complications, Danzo's gaze shifted toward Keiko, who was standing nearby, then he raised his hands and formed hand seals.

"Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere!"

Danzo exhaled sharply, sending a razor-sharp wind blade hurtling toward Keiko, its cutting edge seemingly unstoppable.

"So, you really have no shame," Akira thought, cursing Danzo internally for targeting Keiko to disrupt his concentration.

"If that's how it's going to be, then it's time to stop holding back-let's open the Seventh Gate!"

Note: If you are interested, you can read up to chapter 115 at

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