Ninja World: I Have a Life Simulator

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Ninja Rank Advancement

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Ninja Rank Advancement

The night passed without incident, and the next morning, Akira awoke from his sleep. Sure enough, the familiar notification text appeared before his eyes once again!

His last 100 ryō turned to ashes, signaling the start of a new round of life simulation.

[First, you awakened your Sharingan by merely falling, and then you mastered the Clone Technique in a single night. Your reputation as a genius within the Uchiha clan has begun to take shape!]

[One month later, you enrolled in the Ninja Academy and were placed in Class 1-A. You noticed that this class consisted entirely of the heirs from various major clans, indicating that this was the best class for first-year students!]

[In this class, you saw familiar faces from the original series, such as Naruto Uzumaki, Kiba Inuzuka, and Hinata Hyuga!]

[Three months later, as a recognized genius of the Uchiha clan, you entered the academy already proficient in basic ninjutsu like the Clone Technique. Your grandfather subtly hinted that you should outperform Hinata Hyuga in the class, though you silently wondered why he was still fixated on the rivalry between the Uchiha and Hyuga clans, given that the Uchiha massacre was imminent.]

[Six months later, your performance was matched by Sasuke Uchiha!]

[Twelve months later, your chakra reserves increased by 30%. On the night of the Uchiha massacre, you died!]


This simulation was similar to the previous ones.

Once again, I enrolled in the Ninja Academy and was eventually killed during the Uchiha massacre a year later!

However, there were some differences this time, such as being placed in a class with the main characters from the original series, indicating that my reputation as a genius had influenced my placement into a better class.

Additionally, because I started from a higher baseline, my chakra reserves increased by 30% over the year, compared to 20% in the previous simulation.

In the first simulation, I obtained the Sharingan. In the second, I learned several basic ninjutsu techniques.

For the third simulation, after some thought, I chose to enhance my chakra reserves.

As Akira made his selection, he could clearly feel a significant increase in his chakra reserves!

A one-third increase in chakra reserves was a noticeable improvement!

In just three days and three simulations, Akira had made comprehensive gains in his Sharingan, basic ninjutsu, and chakra reserves.

Satisfied with his rapid progress, Akira silently nodded to himself, feeling quite pleased.

But before he could fully savor his happiness, another notification appeared before his eyes.

[Congratulations! Your overall strength has increased to the level of a Genin. The cost of using the Life Simulator has now risen to 1,000 ryo!]

Looking at this new notification, Akira wasn't sure whether to feel happy or disappointed! Perhaps both!

On the one hand, he was pleased that after just three simulations, he had achieved the strength level of a Genin!

Such rapid progress would shock many people!

On the other hand, the cost of using the Life Simulator had now increased to 1,000 ryo due to his advancement to the Genin level!

The price had increased tenfold!

Although Akira had anticipated that the cost might increase after each simulation, he hadn't expected such a steep rise!

Still, after considering that it had taken three years across three simulations to barely reach the Genin level, he concluded that his natural talent could only be considered average.

Shaking his head in resignation, Akira washed up with Keiko's help and had breakfast. His grandfather was already waiting in the courtyard, eager to see if Akira had made any progress with the Transformation Technique!

Once again, Akira demonstrated the Transformation Technique, leaving his grandfather astonished!

Learning one ninjutsu per day? This grandson of his was truly a prodigy, capable of amazing feats!

"Hahaha, well done! You're indeed remarkable. You've already mastered several basic ninjutsu, so today, I'll teach you a more advanced technique!"

Having seen Akira master two ninjutsu in two days, his grandfather was in a great mood. He then produced some chakra paper to test Akira's chakra nature.

The result showed that Akira possessed both Lightning and Fire attributes.

This was not surprising, as these two attributes were quite common among the Uchiha clan.

Afterward, his grandfather began teaching him the Great Fireball Technique!

Akira diligently practiced, but as usual, by the end of the day, he still hadn't made much progress.

As the evening approached, Akira seized the opportunity to ask for more money!

His grandfather grumbled a bit, wondering how Akira had spent the 200 ryō so quickly.

Nevertheless, he handed over another 200 ryō, reminding Akira not to waste money frivolously and to focus on his training, as the future of the Uchiha clan rested on the younger generation...

Days quickly passed, and in less than half a month, Akira still couldn't activate the Life Simulator with just 200 ryō.

Meanwhile, his training in the Great Fireball Technique remained unfruitful, and he was still struggling to grasp the basics.

Every morning, his grandfather would check his progress in the courtyard, but after so many days without success, he began to wonder if Akira's ability to learn ninjutsu overnight had

somehow disappeared.

Finally, with only a few days left before school started, his lack of significant progress made his grandfather impatient enough to ask about the situation.

"Grandfather, maybe it's just that I'm not feeling particularly motivated lately," Akira replied, pretending to be disinterested when his grandfather finally asked him about it.

"Not feeling motivated, so your training hasn't progressed?" His grandfather pondered this for a moment, thinking that it might be a possibility.

After all, someone who is more motivated in their training does indeed make faster progress! "So, my dear grandson, what would make you feel more motivated?" his grandfather asked


"Money? How about you give me some money and we'll see?" Akira suggested.

"Alright, let's give it a try!" His grandfather pulled out a stack of bills, thinking it might be

worth a shot, even though it seemed like a long shot.

"Thank you, Grandfather!" Before his grandfather could count the money, Akira snatched the entire stack, flashed a bright smile, and hurried off after thanking him.

Back in his room, Akira carefully counted the money-it amounted to 2,940 ryō!

It was just enough to start a simulation!

Indeed, with this large sum combined with his previous savings, he had over 3,000 ryō on

hand, which finally triggered a response from the Life Simulator!

[You have 3,190 ryo. You can consume 1,000 ryo to initiate a new life simulation. Would you

like to proceed? Yes/No]


After waiting for over half a month, Akira finally started a new life simulation without


The fourth life simulation had begun...

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