Nightmare Assault

Chapter 142: I Swear

Chapter 142: I Swear

After doing all that, Jiang Cheng slunk over to the real window. He tossed the brush out and then watched it closely. The brush arced through the air… and landed safely. It was not crushed in the air by some mysterious power. Not only that, Jiang Cheng also found a rope near the window. One end of the rope was connected to the bent iron hook, and the other end slid down the window.

It would seem like the person hiding inside the dresser used this route to sneak into this building to explore and evade the ghost on the first floor.


The sudden sound attracted Jiang Cheng’s attention. It came from the dresser. The person inside probably noticed something was wrong and wanted to get out. The dresser door knocked on the table that blocked it.

Jiang Cheng pulled on the rope to test it out. Then, he crossed one of his legs over the window. He turned around, took a deep breath and shouted at the staircase, “Hey! Someone is stuck inside the dresser!” Instantly, a blurry shadow flashed up the stairs. Jiang Cheng kicked against the wall, slid down the rope and landed firmly on the ground. Then, Jiang Cheng put the rope away. It made him feel better.

The silence lasted for a few seconds before there was a giant explosion. It sounded like the dresser exploding. Jiang Cheng’s other hypothesis was verified. There was no permanent safe house in the mission. It was bound by rules too. For example, the dresser looked fortified, but it was built on the premise that the ghost was only guessing that there was someone inside. She didn’t know for sure. Jiang Cheng’s shout eliminated that guess. Since that premise had changed, the safe house was no longer safe.

Jiang Cheng curled under the window and calculated the time. He was waiting for the place to calm down. Then, he’d climb back with the rope and see if he could salvage something from the corpse of his mysterious neighbour.


A figure leapt through the air. The old window frame cracked. Shards of glass and the person careened down from the second floor. The person was very agile. Even though they dropped from the second floor, they only staggered for a moment when they landed before righting themselves. At that moment, they felt a wind rushing from behind their head. Then, their world became black.

Jiang Cheng dropped the wooden club. He narrowed his eyes and walked forward. Then, he dragged the unconscious Chen Xiaomeng to a secluded corner. Other than a bruise on the back of her head, Chen Xiaomeng had some minor scratches on her body. She probably got them when she jumped out of the window. Jiang Cheng examined her body closely but couldn’t find the thing he wanted.

“Where is it hiding?” Jiang Cheng pouted as he searched her body. He eventually touched something strange through her clothes. Jiang Cheng’s eyes glowed.

Eventually, Chen Xiaomeng slowly woke up. When she opened her eyes, she saw Jiang Cheng’s handsome face. She was lying on her side in the room. Jiang Cheng stayed beside her with concern.

Chen Xiaomeng shook her head as if the knock to her head made her lose her memory.

“Does your head still hurt?” Jiang Cheng kindly moved a bowl of water to her lips. “You were being hunted by the ghost earlier. Thankfully, I saved you. You swore to marry me. I didn’t agree with it. You forced…”

Chen Xiaomeng’s mind was blurry. She was thirsty. She leaned forward to take a sip, but…

She winced and spat the water out. Then, she gasped for air. Her face twisted from pain. The water… was boiling!

There was a black pot on the stove outside the door. The water inside it was gurgling from the heat.

Chen Xiaomeng woke up instantly. She didn’t get mad. Instead, she started to search her body. Moments later, her face became as cold as ice. “Where is it?” She asked Jiang Cheng angrily.

Jiang Cheng replied innocently, “What is it?”

“Stop acting! That photograph!”

Jiang Cheng found a picture near Chen Xiaomeng’s private parts. It was similar to the picture Jiang Cheng found. It had two elders and their four sons. However, the difference was Chen Xiaomeng’s picture had seven people in it. There was… one more woman.

The question was: Why were there two variations of the same picture inside the building? Jiang Cheng took out the picture slowly and shook it before Chen Xiaomeng’s face, “Where did you find this?”

“I don’t know.”

“In that case, I won’t return it to you.” Jiang Cheng stood up, put the picture away and slowly walked out the door. “I’ll ask the others.”

“Sure.” Chen Xiaomeng laughed. She narrowed her eyes like a wolf, “I also wish to know how they will react after they find out you have this thing. Will they choose to cooperate with you or find a chance to kill you and then steal it?”

Jiang Cheng paused.

Just as Chen Xiaomeng thought she had won the argument, Jiang Cheng walked back to tie her up.

“What… what are you doing?” Chen Xiaomeng panicked. She was good, but Jiang Cheng was powerful. Plus, she was injured. It didn’t take long for Jiang Cheng to tie her up.

Chen Xiaomeng’s heart quivered when she saw the smile on Jiang Cheng’s face. “I’m warning you.” She warned, “You’ll be punished if you kill your teammates in the mission.” She added, “That punishment extends to those who harm others against their will!”

“I know.” Jiang Cheng said openly, “I’m just going to haul you back to the building. When the ghost deals with you, I’ll search for more clues.”

Chen Xiaomeng would think this was a bluff if someone else had said this, but the man before her was unpredictable. Chen Xiaomeng would feel a rare trace of fear when she faced him.

“I can tell you about the picture,” Chen Xiaomeng surrendered, “But you have to promise to give it back to me later!”

“Sure.” Jiang Cheng swore. “I promise to return it to you. If I don’t, I, Wang Fugui, will die from bleeding from all orifices!”

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