Netherworld Investigator

Chapter 249

Chapter 249

Xiaotao seemed to see through my mind and shook her head at me almost imperceptibly. I gritted my teeth, giving up this dangerous idea for a practical reason–I couldn’t beat Pork Rong.

Seeing how agitated Pork Rong was at the moment, I attempted to take the edge off the situation. "Aren’t you hungry after such a long night?” I asked. “Why don’t we get you something to eat?"

"Do you think I’m stupid?” sneered Pork Rong. “I know you’ll add some special ingredients to my food."

"I’m not that stupid,” I retorted. “Our lives are in your hands. If you lose consciousness, the bomb will explode. If you don’t trust me, we can do a drug test."

"Fine then, I really am hungry,” acquiesced Pork Rong. “Go and get me something to eat."

Xiaotao glared at me, the rage in her eyes a clear indication that she couldn’t wait to tear the man apart with her own hands. "Xiaotao, get him something to eat and drink," I said.

"And a pack of Chunghwa cigarettes!" added Pork Rong.

Xiaotao furrowed her brow, disgruntled despite being fully aware that this was a plan to buy us some time. However, she wasted no time in instructing her subordinates to order takeout.

A while later, the food was finally delivered by a wide-eyed delivery boy, stunned by the scene. The officers warned him not to let the cat out of the bag after he left.

A sumptuous supper was laid across the floor before an arrogant Pork Rong. He adjusted the camera on his cap to face his dinner and boasted, "Buddies, do you see this? The police are waiting on me like my personal slaves. This is probably your only opportunity to watch such a thrilling live stream! Tell me, aren’t I amazing?"

“You’re still streaming huh," I said in consternation.

With the detonator in his right hand, Pork Rong, barely able to hold the chopsticks in his left hand, nonchalantly scooped up a palmful of rice with his bare hand and stuffed it into his mouth. "Exactly!” exclaimed Pork Rong. “Where can you find a dedicated streamer like me? Those people on the Internet are losers playing in the little league. But look at what an honest person I am! I said I would kill some officers and I did. Then I promised to blow myself up, and here I am. Bro, you’re a handsome lad, though not as good-looking as me. Would you like to make an appearance on my live stream?"

"No, no! You continue!" I hastily waved my hands.

After his meal, he nimbly unwrapped the packet of cigarettes with his unoccupied hand. I leaned in to pull out a cigarette and lit it for him. "Yes, it will definitely happen,” he gloated. “Since you’re not an officer, you might as well join me on the live stream."

At the moment, Pork Rong was convinced he had the upper hand, thus relaxing his defenses. I thought this was a great opportunity to obtain more information from the horse’s mouth.

"By the way, what website are you streaming on?” I asked. “Why couldn’t we find it?"

"In-depth Live Stream!” smirked Pork Rong. “You certainly can’t watch the live stream because this website isn’t accessible to ordinary people."

"Then how did you start working for them?"

"The website came to me,” he explained. “They said they liked my ability and wanted me to be a live streamer, so I agreed."

"Did you earn a lot?" I deliberately gushed.

"No, not at all!” he shook his head. “I don’t earn as much as my friend, but compared to streamers from other websites, it’s a world of difference. The streamers on this website don’t want to leave once they’ve signed because the pay is just too good."

"Really?” I feigned astonishment. “Who’s behind the website?"

"I know right! The boss behind the scenes is fucking awesome!” he laughed. “He has people on both sides of the law. I’ll be straight with you, the police can’t do shit to us. Even if you catch me, they have their ways of getting me out, so my advice is... "

At this point, Pork Rong suddenly grabbed his cell phone and cried, "Hey, why was I cut off!"

Lao Yao’s voice came from the Bluetooth headset in my ears, "The live stream was interrupted."

The website obviously didn’t want a big mouth like Pork Rong shooting off his mouth about the big boss behind the scenes so they shut down his live stream.

The change in the situation fuelled a burst of anger from Pork Rong who immediately stood up and kicked the unfinished takeout on the floor. "It’s all your fault for asking so many questions!” accused Pork Rong. “Look what you’ve done!"

"You’re going to die, yet you still care about the live stream?" I said, not bothering to hide the coolness in my tone.

Pork Rong forcefully patted his chest and my heart skipped a beat, afraid that he might accidentally set off an explosion. "Live streaming is more important than my life,” remarked Pork Rong. “A man must leave his mark on the world. I don’t care if I die, but I want to be the peak that will never be surpassed in the live stream world!"

"Now that my dream has been ruined,” he started. “You shall all be buried with me."

And with that, his right hand slightly loosened its grip on the detonator. Heart in mouth, and cold sweat pouring down her forehead, Huang Xiaotao suddenly exclaimed, "I have an idea!"

"Speak!" demanded Pork Rong.

"Aren’t you doing this just to be famous?” asked Xiaotao. “I’ll get the reporters now for a city-wide... no, a province-wide live stream. The whole country, even the world will know your name! When the time comes, you’ll be more famous than bin Laden."

Pork Rong beamed with joy. "Looks like you understand what I want, little girl,” he chuckled. “I’ll give you half an hour to gather the reporters!"

"Half an hour isn’t enough,” argued Xiaotao. “It’ll take us at least two hours to get reporters from the province!"

"Well hurry up then!" growled Pork Rong.

This was the first time I had ever come across a person so desperate for fame, almost to the point of insanity. But then again, compared to the strange criminals I had caught, the fame-hungry Pork Rong seemed almost normal.

Xiaotao immediately dispatched several officers but I wasn’t sure what her exact orders were or if she had really instructed them to call the reporters. After all, this was just another tactic to buy us more time. What we had to do was fight a protracted war, wearing him down physically and mentally to the point where subduing him was a confirmed outcome.

The situation had been deadlocked for more than an hour. Pork Rong had eaten his fill, and after a long day’s ordeal, he was already rather exhausted. He chain-smoked, attempting to jolt his mind out of sleepiness with endless hits of nicotine. During the waiting period, I had to unzip his pants so he could relieve himself.

I observed that Pork Rong only ever asked for me, never the others, if he needed anything. Perhaps I looked the most harmless among a squad of armed and trained officers, and my previous actions had gained his trust.

After another hour passed, Pork Rong sat on the ground, impatient as he demanded, "Where are the reporters?"

Xiaotao pretended to phone her subordinate. "They’re on the way,” she assured. “They’ll be here soon."

Another huge yawn prompted Pork Rong to get his blood pumping. Face devoid of any embarrassment, he whipped out his penis and started masturbating before us. "Could you pay attention to your surroundings? There’s a lady present!" I chided.

Pork Rong grinned, "I’ll come once and freshen up myself!"

"Won’t you be more sleepy after this?" I laughed.

"I’m different!” Pork Rong shook his head. “I’m more energetic when I’m finished!"

I could hardly believe we were standing around a criminal and watching him pleasure himself.

"I’ll leave the room first," said an awkward Xiaotao.

"You’re not allowed to go!” cried Pork Rong. “Who am I supposed to look at when you go? This bunch of men? I’m not gay!"

I could almost hear Xiaotao’s teeth rattling with fury. At this moment, Wang Yuanchao winked at me, motioning for me to leave the room so we could have a brief conversation. Just as I was about to walk away, Pork Rong shouted, "Where are you going?"

"I’m going to the restroom!" I yelled back.

"Well don’t take your sweet time! Who’s going to light my cigarette if you’re not around?"

I thought to myself, Go on, throw your weight around! When we finally arrest you, a group of policemen will have their turn with you!

I went outside and saw Wang Yuanchao already waiting for me there. "The murderer fully trusts you now,” he said. “You’re the only one who can approach him. I’ll teach you a simple move to grapple him. Find an opportunity to take the detonator from him."

"It would be great if I could subdue him but he’s much stronger than I am!” I lamented.

"Grappling has nothing to do with strength,” explained Wang Yuanchao. “It only requires a moment of explosive force. Let me show you first."

Wang Yuanchao then instructed me to pose like Pork Rong. He was just about to demonstrate the moves when a Tang Sword was suddenly held to his neck.

"Stop!" a frosty voice commanded.

I turned around and a cold face entered my line of sight.

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