Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 284: Bragan

Chapter 284: Bragan

As far as the combat abilities of Morte Bianca's soldiers went, Bragan knew they really suffered from defense. They were the fastest, and they hit the hardest and by virtue of mostly being undead, elves, and orcs, Biancans had stamina to spare. However ultimately there was a trade off, and that meant not many were resilient enough to withstand hits, not unless you were a vampire with a ridiculous healing factor.

But that was why Bragan was here today, he had tried time and time again to get an audience with Alistair, but that man was even more busier than the king. Which was why he was left with no other choice, he had to take this to the king himself. and while it should be decisively harder to get in touch with the king of Morte Bianca than its minister of Techno-Magical development and research ministry, at least that was the name it was being called for now as it would be subject to change like the last four names.

Either way he could at least get an audience with the king. This wasn't like the old world where all you had to do was level up your classes and you would be able to get stronger and make really cool stuff. No this was a whole different ball game and he was amongst those who had absolutely no talent whatsoever when it came to combat. Not everyone is meant to rule the battlefield, just as how it would be hard for a soldier to give a report on bio-magical sub-dermal parasites with a penchant or replication by utilizing the mana within an individual's body.

None the less he had an idea and a prototype, all he needed was audience with the great king of Morte Bianca. It was well known that Rezar Deathwind was a man that valued talents, especially those that can help improve his military. And what he has could very well be the solution to the crisis literally looming above their head, a bloody godforsaken meteorite about to crush the entire city and its peripheral islands to oblivion.

"Halt! Speak your business! What brings you to the palace of the king."

Bragan gulped hard as he looked up at the extremely tall Kitsune looming in front of him. Necron might not have been existence for long as a city, but with the influx of new uploads to escape the destruction of earth, its development has been extremely rapid. Both in cultural terms and in military terms. However, it was still in a state of growth and this was the best time to cement positions as individuals of import. Not just to the king, but to the people as a whole, and that was why he was here.

But along with that being a goblin has been pretty tough on him. Everyone was taller than him, and they made fun of him. Not to mention there was a little bit of prejudice against goblins, and it was stemmed from a lot of depictions on earth media about how uncivilized and monstrous they could be, yet they were monsters at the bottom of the food chain, practically the weakest.

"I'm here to seek and Audience with his majesty King Rezar Deathwind. I-I-might actually have a plan to stop that big rock."

The kitsunes raised an eyebrow at the small goblin dressed in leathers that were a little bit too tight, and had a massive back filled to the brim with rolled up papers and what looked like schematics. The bottom line was, a goblin was not what you would expect to come seek the audience of the king, or even have an idea about averting the crisis they were facing. The guard shook his head, this was probably above his pay grade, even if it does turn out to be a hoax.

"Well why don't you give me a minute to report to my superior. Though let me warn you, it this is a hoax or some bloody attempt at an assassination, you would be dead before you so much as twitch in front of the king. In the meantime, my colleague will verify your identity, I will get you an audience with my superior, as for the king, you're going to have to convince him about that." With that said the Kitsune turned around and left while his colleague, a giant necrotic ant, with its white chromed shell came forwards with a tablet to have Bragan fill out a digital form and perfume a search to see if he was registered in Necron City's database.

In Bragan's mind, he couldn't help but admire the guard. He was a lot nicer than he expected, and somewhat lax in the way he interacted with Bragan. After all he could really be an assassin; but he understood that at the moment everyone was tense due to the giant rock hanging above their heads. He spoke the magic words of having a solution, so even if he was a mad man, they would definitely give him a listening ear.

It didn't take long for him to get verified, the moment it had become an option to become a registered citizen of Morte Bianca he had quickly jumped on that band wagon. If he had to be honest the goblin King's defeat was the best thing that ever happened to him. King Tristian was nothing more than a puppet, and that was something everyone knew. If Tristian had won the war against Morte Bianca, then by now Bragan would probably be in the army serving as one out a thousand goblin wolf riders, a useless life of violence with no productivity.

After his verification he was led through a side entrance where he met with a man who was probably in charge of all the palace guards, and that man also referred Bragan to his own superior, before eventually Bragan found himself standing in front of the most famous Kitsune in all of Bahrenburg. The Demon Fox of Death; Kitagawa.

"I hear you have a method to stop the meteorite above our heads. We're already coming up with contingencies and many of them are already in implementation, so frankly speaking your suggestion has come a little late."

Bragan felt his heart grow cold at that comment, that means that his chance to gain a bit of prestige and Karma with the king had passed him by.

"However I will give a listening ear, if what you have to offer is good then I can guarantee you that it would make its way to the ears of the king. So speak, and speak fast, my time is valuable." Kitagawa said as he stood opposite Bragan with his hands folded, it made Bragan feel really small in front of him.

"W-well w-what I have is a prototype, but I was able to make a device capable of deploying shields autonomously around a combatant. I designed to serve as a proper shield for the soldiers in the army, it would replace the use of traditional shield as each of this device could be tied to a soldier and orbit around said soldier, running on magical energy supplied by the soldier.

The beetles; that's my nickname for them actually. not that it matters, I just call them that since I haven't really come up with a good enough name for them. I wanted giving his majesty the honor when I presented them to him, or when I do so, but that's not relevant information and I'm sorry but can I please get a drink of water?" Bragan asked as he came out of nervous tirade, however the only thing that met his gaze wasn't the glass of water he asked for, but the steely gaze of Kitagawa who seemed even less impressed than when he was first here.

"I'm sorry about that, anyways as I was saying before we were. or rather before I interrupted us. These beetles are made from a polymorphic coral that I had harvested and synthesized from the coral reef below the harbor. Can you believe that it constantly absorbs mana to grow and increase its size, growing harder, and somehow more flexible each time.

After a few experiments I realized that the coral responds to elemental mana. Which would also influence the sort of colors it displays in the process of its growth. I reversed engineered it, and could make energy shields with elemental attributes that can absorb impact and release it back in a microscopic elemental bursts that can affect and eradicate things on a molecular level.

If I'm allowed to build a huge version of it, we can let it smash into the Meteor, the subsequent burst of energy would literally eat away at the meteor down to the last grain until there's nothing left but dust raining down on us. And that's just a simple application of it, there's so much more I can do if I get the funds and manpower to improves its design and scope, I could- "

"Stop! I have no idea what you just said, but congratulations kid, you get to see the king. Come with me and make sure you keep up; I wouldn't want you to become snack for our resident bloodsuckers."

Bragan could nothing but follow behind Kitagawa with a surprised look on his face, he couldn't believe it, but it seems he would be getting his wish. It was the only thing that kept on crossing his mind.

'I can see the king! I'm going to see Rezar Deathwind! Oh! God! I forgot to shower yesterday!'

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