Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 278: Blood And Snow (I)

Chapter 278: Blood And Snow (I)

Rezar took a deep breath and released a mouthful of fog from the corner of his mouth. The idea to scaled the mountain would have been detrimental if it was being done by someone other than the vampires and the undead. They need to create another route to the top of the mountain, without being able to locate the location of the detonator, it would be nothing more than suicide if they tried marching through rising snow city.

And it still left quite a few things up for debate though, he had been in that city and laid waste to the army that was within it, yet whoever's supposed to be responsible for blowing the damn city to thy kingdom come had held off on it. It could also be possible that said person was amongst the casualties within the city and was probably walking around and climbing this mountain right now as a part of his undead horde.

It was a novel idea, but it was just an idea with too many risks in it and no definite truth. It was a probability, and he would not place the lives of his soldiers on a probability. He was a lot wiser than that, and he wasn't fighting the snow elves to the point of mutual destruction, he wanted to win with the least amount of damage taken, which was why he was out here fighting side by side with his soldiers instead of letting Lenore lead the charge.

A sharp draft of wind blew past, raising a bevy of snow that got into Rezar's eyes and caused it to water. The undead were unshaken, but some of the vampires had to reaffirm their grip so as not to get blown off the side of the mountain. Even though they were all quite powerful, even to the point of having a few silver ranked individuals amongst them. but they weren't exactly immortals, and the power anyone had was quite synonymous to their ranks.

And Rezar had to be honest, the silver rank wasn't as powerful as it should be, heck when he measured it against the power scale of Elysium before the rejuvenation. This would be putting someone with a dual class around level 20 and 10 of each. It was just below average in terms of power. Large scale skills and attacks were limited to feats of strength as the amount of damage anyone could actually cause was now quite limited.

He had also found something quite peculiar out, the way stats are measured for a vampire was quite different for everyone else. A single point of strength stat would actually coincide with at least 3 to 5 points of a normal persons. Anyone not a vampire and silver ranked had their stats in the second stage, with the third stage putting them snugly within the second or third level of the silver rank.

It was harder for vampire to level up and gain stats as opposed to normal people. But due to their monstrous strength, speed and constitution they need far less stats to keep up with everyone else. Which was why it being possible for Rezar being a Bronze Rank III, to contend and even defeat individuals in the silver rank. But then again such results were somewhat limited as the fight with the snow elf woman in rising snow city had shown, he was only so strong at the bronze rank.

Rezar looked up and noticed a ledge above his head that was covered by a snow storm. He could barely make it out, but he knew that's their destination and aim. Getting there would put them back on the path that would lead them to Sillomere and the town and cities on the path before getting to it. And getting there would actually give Rezar some breathing space to think and figure out how to get the rest of the army up here, this place was almost 300 meters above Rising snow city


*whoosh! *


Rezar felt the intent to kill before the arrow was released from the bow. A vampire close by too the arrow to the eye and lost his grip before plummeting down to snow and rocks below. His body was definitely going to get battered up and significantly too. He would probably be out of commission for a while until he has healed. But therein lies the problem, unlike Rezar, the other vampires couldn't heal as fast as he could.

Forget injuries they could actually get killed, and while Rezar didn't want to look down on the rest of his army, his vampires were the secret key to making sure this war goes smoothly. Not to mention that he made them, had sired much if not all of the vampires now scaling this mountain with him. Even if he didn't dare say his relationship with them was akin to a parent and their child, he would say it was similar to a master and his pet. He knew all of their names and he could feel all of their feelings, this move pissed him off.

*Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! *

The arrows fell like rain, indiscriminate in the way it picked off his vampires and sent them plummeting down into the snow below. Some of them would not survive this fall, and it was leaving a knot in his stomach. He turned and released a mass telepathic message for all of the vampires.

[Use the Undead as A cover!]

It was a good idea, and it would have been enough to solve the problem of them being no different from fish in a barrel. They couldn't see their enemy due to the snow storm that seemed to hang above them, almost like a natural curtain or camouflage shielding them from his sights. It was probably a skill, but their problems were only just beginning.

*Kurawwwwwwwww! *

Rezar felt his blood grow cold as the air became filled with dozens of screeches. He looked to the east and watched as dozens of armored wyverns came from around a bend of the mountain face. Their claws and jaws were outstretched as they made a beeline for Rezar and his soldiers. They were trapped!

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