Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 276: Rising Snow City 4

Chapter 276: Rising Snow City 4

[Rezar DeathWind] = [Age: 17] = [Class: King] = [Rank: Bronze III]

[Race: Vampire] = [Bloodline: Storm Dragon// Death God//(HIDDEN)]

[Mental (II): 34] = [Magic (II): 39] = [Constitution: 71] = [Strength (II): 15] = [Speed: 91]

[Traits: War Edge//Black Magician]

{Skill Trees}

[Vampire: Supernatural Body {Power King} (5)// Bullet Time (1) +// Blood Mastery(0)] [Necromancy: Summon Skeleton (3)// Spectral Skull {Satellite} (5)// Raise Undead (3)+] [Magic: Magic Mastery (5)// Mana Charge (3)// E.M.P (1)// Mana Blade (0) +] [Arms: Dual Swords (2)//Staffs (2)//Chains (2)//Unarmed (0) +] [Dragon's Arte: 13 Pulses (1): Water Element Mastery (0)// Wind Element Mastery (0) +]

[Skill Points: 132]

Rezar was contemplating whether he needed a new skill or not, at the moment he didn't have much attacking skills, and the amount of skills he could possibly get was extremely limited. He could only have five skill trees and each skill tree could only have five skills. It didn't matter what sort of skill he chose, it would continue to grow infinitely stronger as long as he kept on mastering it.

Not to mention it seems when a skill gets to level 5 or rather every 5 levels it gains an auxiliary effect or skill of sorts. He didn't know if there was anymore use for his skill points apart from using them to purchase skills, because eventually when he's completed his skill trees there would be no more use for them, and they were sure to keep growing with every achievement he gets.

His Dragon Arte: 13 Pulses skills had not even gained a level no matter how hard he tried to move water or wind it was just stuck at a big fat zero. He's not missed..well scratch that, it's been quite a while since he last trained. It would do him some good if he grew his strength a little bit faster, and then again he hasn't even discovered what was the use if his bloodline yet. But no matter what it was, he'll discover it soon enough.

He shifted his gaze down, watching the flames and scent of blood the wafted up into the sky, it was tempting enough that he felt his stomach begin to rumble from the hunger he felt. He really should try to feed more often, but the idea of going around and biting necks wasn't something that sat too well with him, but none the less he..!

[Bullet Time!]

The world slowed down as Rezar moved his head that the side, narrowly escaping the beam of light wrapped around a lance that went last his head. He turned around watching the snow elf warrior rapidly pull her lance back even in bullet Time and try to smash it into his chest.

Rezar combined the two blades of Vita Gratia and returned time back to normal as he deflected the strike, causing sparks to be released from the moment of impact. He and his opponent was pushed back as he fell off the balcony down to the square below, while her back slammed against the door that she had swiftly came through to attack Rezar.

But scarcely had her back hit the door that she exploded forwards, going off the balcony as she pointed her lance down towards Rezar's neck who's feet had just touched the ground. But fast as she was, Rezar was able to keep up with her speed, though in this case it as just barely and this was all die to one very obvious fact that he had noticed. She was a silver ranked individual as opposed to his bronze rank III status. but it didn't matter, even if she was a mountain, he would get through her.

[Mana Blade!]

[Spectral Skull]

A sharp crescent beam of light shot out of Vita Gratia as Rezar swung it upwards, the bean met her midair as she smashed her glowing silver lance at the compressed form of magic. But that was just a diversion as a pair of skulls smashed into her side, but just in the right time, a golden shield seemed to spring to life around her body, defending her against the effect of the skulls. But it was just enough to have Rezar plan out his next move.

He move back just as she landed with a loud thud, cracking the stone tiles underneath her feet. Rezar wrenched his right hand backwards, almost as if there were invisible strings in his hand that he was pulling. The snow elf stumbled forwards, completely shocked and caught off guard by the sudden wave of dizziness she was assaulted with. That was enough time for Rezar to close the distance, spinning and releasing the vita Gratia from it's staff form.

A back hand swing had a blade rushing for her neck, her lance came just in time to block the strike from him. But Rezar was close enough as he smashed his head forwards to the bridge of her nose. But the same golden barrier that defended her from previous attacks sprung up and Rezar felt as if he had hated his head against a ten foot thick wall of solid steel. It hurt like a bitch, but the woman was still blasted backwards like she was shot out of a cannon ball.

Rezar stumbled backwards, shaking his head a bit as she flew and smashed through a pillar that was holding up the balcony on the building they had started fighting from. The balcony lost balance and crashed down on top of her unmoving form. For a moment it seemed as if she had been crushed by the time of concrete that fell on her, but Rezar knew better as he had exchange a few blows with her to know that she was not just stronger than him by virtue of her rank, she was a very good fighter.

Rezar ignored some notifications that hung in front of his sight as he shook his shoulders and cracked his neck from side to side. He was getting into the groove, and he as totally ready for a challenge. [Summon Skeleton] a black inky portal appeared besides him as three armed skeletons with eyes burning green with the flames of undeath.

The rubble covering the snow elf's form blasted upwards as she doesn't up, Rezar smiled as he prepared for a fight. But she took one look at him then turned and ran to left where an ice wyvern suddenly swooped down and snatched her up with it's class.

Rezar looked on completely dumbfounded as she flew away into the night, heading deeper into the mountains and what was probably going to be the next stage of their initiated conflict. All the king of Morte Bianca could say as he watched a worthy opponent flee into the night was.


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