Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 254: Friend Of The King

Chapter 254: Friend Of The King

"What's your name Kid?" Rezar asked as he lifted the boy up from his position on the ground, giving his parents a nod as he asked them to get up while he held on to their son.

"But I told you already?" the kid replied without a hint of fear, Rezar raised an eyebrow at that, he couldn't help laughing as he remembered a friend of his that he hadn't seen in quite a while, a precocious little girl whose mom was probably responsible for more than half the buildings in Necron if not all of them. or was her mom a farmer instead? Rezar couldn't really remember, but he would get right on it as soon as he was done here.

"Yeah you did say your name was Lawrence, well then, People of Morte Bianca! Hear the words of your King!" the moment he said that, all of the soldiers and guards who were around quickly took a knee and bowing their heads. Rezar was shocked, he didn't even know they could actually do that when he had to speak, he looked up at the podium and noticed that Gynaika also had her head bowed, though she was kneeling like the others. Rezar quickly leaned towards little Lawrence and asked.

"What's your family name little Lawrence?" the kid equally leaned in and whispered back.

"Lawrence Harvey."

"From this day forwards, Lawrence Harvey and ten of his generations will now come to be known with the title Friend of the King! Each generation of his family, himself, his children and their children after for ten generations can ask the crown for a single request. and if its within my power, I would make that request a reality. And yes young Lawrence I will teach you how to be strong don't worry." Rezar finished up with a smile as he handed the young boy back to his parents who looked on with tears in their eyes as they thanked the king profusely and blessed with prosperous reign and long life.

"The Morte Bianca you all see now; the Necron you live is not for you. I will be honest with you all, I came into this world as a slave! Punished for what honestly is not a crime but an attempt on my path to get justice for myself. But those that be with the power to make the decisions on earth sent me here to be a slave for all of my lifetimes. But unfortunately for them, the Goddess of Death took a liking to me. I became her son, and the power to survive, fight and build was not too far from me.

I worked hard for my freedom, suffered and bled for it until eventually I was able to gain it after an extreme eight months of constant battle and bloodshed. And I was not even a vampire then, I was still human just like all of you. But then I got my freedom, and in that time all I ever wanted was place that I could just call my own. I didn't want a settlement or a village, or a town or a city much less a freaking kingdom!

but along the way I met people willing to follow me. My friend, teacher and currently missing mentor Priest, my first general and your Hero! Lenore! And the first of my blood, the first vampire born of me, and also your Hero, Gynaika De La Muerte and also someone who will be one of your future queens.

And from then on it was one adventure after the other, one battle after the other, one brush with death after the other until finally; here we are. Out towers are growing taller every day and soon enough they will pierce the skies. Our army unbeatable, our cities lit at night like the day, food in our bellies and on our table, peace in every sense of the word even though we have enemies all around us."

By this point he had already got on top of the podium, Gynaika gave him a small bow as she gave way for him to talk to the people present. Rezar was perceptive enough to catch the look of annoyance that flashed across her face, he smiled triumphantly. He did come here to annoy her and throw whatever plan she had going on in disarray, and based on the look on her face it was obvious he had succeeded, but just like everything his life, this gesture had turned into something more, and it was an opportunity, after all it was not everyday someone got the chance to talk with his people.

"Morte Bianca has grown severely since the Rejuvenation, and while we have problems to handle outside of our borders, there are still much more problems to take care within the confines of our kingdom, in an attempt to foster peace and unity amongst our people I came with a plan that I had the 'Queen in Waiting' Gynaika put into play, and I must say I am quite proud of everything she has achieved.

To solve the problems of the people, from small disputes to dangers of the land like bandits or monsters that don't know better than to mess with the sacred people of this kingdom, the judges would be there to lend a listening ear and have the limited authority to utilize the resources of Morte Bianca to help you all after a thorough investigation on their part. You can bring all of your problems here, and I would make sure every resource required is made available to the judges to help you all in solving your problem and helping you all live a life free of pain, discomfort and distress.

This is Morte Bianca! In death there is life, and in death there is rebirth. Because you all must understand what we are, because War Bends to Us, Life Falls for Us and?" Rezar paused, waiting for them to complete what was probably the most absolute creed of Morte Bianca and not the one Gynaika so stylishly tried to implement.

"AND DEATH SMILES FOR US!!!!!!!" Rezar smiled as he said.


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