Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 247: The Plains Of Revere 5

Chapter 247: The Plains Of Revere 5

Rezar mounted Valka after the 9th ship fell to their assault, the others which would have made up a fleet of 15 ships had turned around and ran with their tails between their legs. Rezar had half a mind to chase after them, but that would drag him away from the battlefield, and frankly speaking he wasn't too sure chasing after them was not a part of the plan. After he knew there was still an ambush waiting for them in the forest, but then again said ambush might be completely useless in this case. And that was because whatever edge the fleet from the Dustin Crowe merchant company would have given, Rezar and Valka had completely destroyed it. The people on this ship were at most bronze rank II, so not a single one of them posed a challenge, and Rezar always shined best when he was facing off against multiple people.

As for the army led by Lenore; there wasn't even a single casualty or injury, so far they had held a defensive formation. Rezar wasn't sure how, but when they stood in formation, their armors seemed to sync and a greyish blue barrier sprung up at the front and sides of the entire army. Weapons could only go through after a significant amount of attacks from the enemy soldiers, but in that time, well-practiced and organized thrusts from bone spears Rezar hadn't noticed would take care of the attacking enemies. This was like that old movie about Spartans, then again who knew I that wasn't what Lenore had drawn inspiration from to make a formation as defensively and at the same time aggressively dangerous with attacks.

It wouldn't be too farfetched to say that Rezar felt incredibly smug about everything, this was his army, and at the moment they had the enemies on the defensive. No matter how many times the Reverians pushed forward, they still found themselves moving backwards and on the defensive. The Biancans were too organized and too calm with their approach, it was a far cry from Rezar's normal fighting style. There was no chaos within the battlefield, it was just a one side slaughter that looked like it was nothing more than child's play. Rezar felt the itch to drop down and just cause a little bit of chaos, but Valka felt his intentions and spoke out.

"Hold your horses master... or your lion? This fight isn't yours. It belongs to your soldiers, and there's no need for you to get involved, this fight has already been won; look at the rear of the Reverian army." Valka said as Rezar shifted his gaze and noticed small pockets of men and women peeling away from the main army, right in their lead was the same general who had talked a big game and led the attack. How in the hell did he shift his position from the frontlines to rears shocked Rezar, but in the end he had to admit watching him run away was quite comical.

"Should we go get him Valka? We could play fetch or something." Valka turned his head and narrowed his eyes at Rezar with an annoyed look on his face.

"I'm no Dog master!" Rezar sheepishly smiled at his familiar and said.

"I know, go Boy!" the only reply he got was Valka growling as he flew his way towards the fleeing enemy general.


First general Slade had to get the hell away from this battlefield, the fact that there were a few hanger on's behind him pissed him off. After all his initial plan had been to silently slip away from the battlefield without anyone noticing, what would he be doing after that would be completely up to him, or whatever the fuck destiny had in store for him. This had always been a suicide mission right from the get go, he wasn't sure why he had let those stupid shareholders talk him into this. This was the same thing they had done when Tristian Ramos was the herald with the spotlight on him, but then again it wasn't exactly a good spotlight as it didn't matter what he had achieved they had mostly tried to keep him down.

He wasn't as stupid as Tristian to resist the powers that be, as far as Slade was concerned in order to survive he would kiss whoever's ass he has too, clean their shoes, suck their dicks and fuck whoever wants to fuck him without worrying about a useless loyalty to a comatose wife who would have probably lived a dozen lifetimes in Elysium and was probably fucking somebody else now. But that was not the case anymore, this game has become his reality, there was no way he would throw his life away for a group of greedy people who should know better than to go after a monster. He would escape from this place, and after neither the so called Bone King of the Morte Bianca or the Remus organization can get to him, he would be completely free to live his life in this world.

Whatever the case may be, he was startled when all of a sudden there was a shadow above his head, he looked up in time to see the massive lion that had left a shadow in his heart swoop down and take him up in its jaws, his teeth digging deeply into Slade's golden armor as an amused laugh rang out from the back of the lion. Slade looked up, his entire body rigid with fear as he lost control of his bladder. Those piercing red eyes and pure white fangs would probably be the stuff of nightmares for many people, but today... Slade was well awake to know this was no nightmare, this was death string right back at him with a fanged grin and a promise of eternal darkness, there was no escape.

"And where do you think you're going! First General Slade of Revere? We've not finished chatting yet. And believe me when I tell you, it's going to be a long and quite painful... err I mean productive chat. What do you say! Doesn't that sound fun?" all Slade could say was.

"Mummy help me!"

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