Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 245: The Plains Of Revere 3

Chapter 245: The Plains Of Revere 3

New skills and the perfect scenario to put them to a test. But Rezar had an epiphany, as far as Elysium was concerned, be it the world or the universe itself, conflict was what it thrived upon. The opportunity to cheat death and live as many lives as possible, have as many adventures as possible was all just bullshit. It would have been better if Elysium was just name Earth II or better yet hell. There was no peace to be had in this world, the same darkness that has encumbered and trapped humanity for a long ass time back on earth, was and is the same poison that has wholly taken over Elysium. Humanity was nothing without its conflicts, it's from conflicts heroes and villains are born, it's from conflict revolutions and changes are implemented, War was what it is.

Valka banked left dodging another boulder of flames heading his way as he flapped his wings and took off in the direction of the ships. The army could handle itself, but if Rezar didn't do anything about reinforcements coming from the sea, then there would be a lot more of a significant loss than what they could deal with. The wind rushed past his ears and in seconds he and Valka were already above the anchored ships. He turned and fell from Valka's back as the familiar went forwards to go wreak havoc somewhere else. Vita gratia was still in its staff form as he swung it in an arc, the top most blade shooting forwards with rustling of chains to go stab into the main mast of the lead ship.

There was a dull metallic clang as the blade sank in deep and Rezar repelled towards the mast, evading strikes from spells and skills alike. He landed against the mast with a dull thud that seemed to make the entire ship vibrate.

While the ship looked like the normal wooden ship with masts and sails, this ship was mostly made of steel, with a little bit of wood incorporated in other areas. The group of soldiers at the bottom of the mast already eager to take a chunk out of Rezar were dressed an armored haphazardly without a single hint of uniformity. It made him believe they were not a well-trained military outfit, but either sailors, mercenaries or based on the Dustin Crowe Merchant company flag being flown by the ship, a personal force trained by that conglomerate of greedy merchants.

A massive lance of Lightning came flying at Rezar with the speed and unforgiving fury one would expect from the element. Rezar jumped off the mast with the lance of lightning flying past him and lightly grazing his skin and clothes. But it was close enough that when Rezar landed in their midst, the smell of singed hair and burnt flesh was quite prevalent. He smiled as he split Vita Gratia, one Khophesh in each hand before he began to rapidly spin, the blades shot out attached to the chains giving the blades a far longer and deadly reach as Rezar literally mowed down all of his opponents, slicing off heads and severely mutilating upper bodies.

Both Blades of vita Gratia bounced off a purple shield that came to life in front of him, bringing his rampage to a halt as the shield pulsed and created a shockwave that blasted Rezar backwards. His back impacted the mast, causing an audible crack and forcing Rezar to cough out a mouthful of blood from sustained internal injuries. But there was barely any time to reorient himself as that same Lance of lightning came flying for his head, and with Rezar being on the ground and with barely any second to catch his breath, it looked like he would be subjected to the torture.

[Bullet Time]

The world seemed to slow to a crawl as the Lance of lightning stopped just a few inches away from Rezar's body. He moved to the left just as he placed his attention to the culprit responsible for the lance. A capricious looking woman with a look of mischief hidden on her face, and seeing how she was hiding behind her follow fighters and letting them die first, Rezar concluded she was also a slimy bastard of a human being. Time seemed to speed up almost immediately as he swung both halves of Vita Gratia in the direction of the sneaky mage.

[Mana Blade]

A light blue almost white crescent bolt of magic shot out pf his blades and moved forwards, and this time the magic skill actually caused physical damage as whole bodies were bisected, before the wave came to a stop after impacting the same purple shield that had stopped his swings. There was another woman standing beside the cowardly mage, a staff in her hands and a serious look on her face. Rezar cursed as he looked around the deck, there was barely anybody alive capable of fighting him except for this two, but be that as it may, they would not be stopping him today.

[Raise Undead]

[Raise Undead]

[Raise Undead]

[Raise Undead]

[Raise Undead]

He was about to use the skill for the sixth time when a massive headache lanced through his brain and brought up the option of stopping, by force! His vision went black for a moment as he tried to process what just happened. It would be an extremely fatal mistake to remove his attention from the pair he was fighting, but it didn't matter, cause right now, he was not alone.


Five zombies with and eldritch black color in their eyes to denote them as zombies. They surged forwards towards the two women and any other survivors on the deck, whether they were injured or not, it didn't really concern them as they were so fixated about was to kill anyone who had life. The purple shield kept the zombies away for all ten seconds, and then it flickered off, and the woman with the staff was forced to shoot small blasts of purple energy orbs from her hands to keep the zombie away. Apparently seeing their former comrades attacking them had flustered her a bit, but that mistake would cost her. Rezar was in his right frame of mind again.

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