Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 242: Live Free And Fuck The Rest Of The World!

Chapter 242: Live Free And Fuck The Rest Of The World!

It's been a few cold weeks since Rezar's wild foursome with Samira and her cohorts, in that time they have been moving from place to place, hunting down the bandits who were terrorizing Morte Bianca's territories. It's been quite busy for them, but by this point new that the king had returned had already been spread all over the kingdom. Right now they were heading for the south-western border where a new kingdom of humans had sprung up. Most of them were new uploads who hadn't yet completely accustomed to the fact and knowledge that this new world was now their reality.

They still treated this like it was a game, which made their hands and feet and misguided sense of justice itchy for a war against a bloodsucking vampire king and his armies of animal undead.

Every other opponent had backed off the moment the found out he had returned, but this human kingdom was unwilling to do the same. It was crazy, and Rezar suspected they were being goaded into it, which was why he had sent Samira and the others into that territory. They were meant to be spies after all, and he found they were quite good at being hidden, it wouldn't take them too long to discover the secrets he needs and bring them back to him.

In the meantime, he was here, standing over a hill and looking at Vita Gratia's gathered army, and the army of this other human kingdom; Revere. Standing at a faceoff in a plain atop high cliff that overlooked the western sea. This was the border between the two kingdoms, and thankfully, there were no settlements within a day of this place.

Just military outposts to watch the going and coming of the border. The army of Morte Bianca was decked out in resplendent black and white armor, it wasn't the bulky chain mail type that was synonymous with fantasy settings. But this was more like body army, worn close to their body with tiny scales to serve as an extra layer of defense and a mane of white around their neck which also served as a hood...Rezar felt there was no need for that addition, but it made them really cool when the hood was pulled over half covered face.

They had a helm that completely cover their head and eyes, but stopped at the bridge of their nose where their mouth was exposed. But Rezar had seen a metal plate slid down to cover their mouth, showing a helm that completely covered their face and had no seams whatsoever. The eye holes were just glowing lines of a blue he was very familiar with, the same eyes that stared right back at him when he looked at a mirror. The armor itself was completely white, but where there were outlines, like the seams of the scales, or the biceps where the muscles could be seen where completely black. The armor looked like it was alive, and if Rezar had to hazard a guess he would say the armor had skills of its own, there was an audible pop as a massive white lion showed up beside him.

"I have to say those are some nice threads." Rezar shook his head at the arrival of Varka, considering the damn familiar lived within his body, it was hard to imagine that the lion hardly ever made an appearance, even when Rezar would seem to be in dire straits. Varka only ever showed up when truly the odds were against Rezar, and even then it was just to keep pesky opponents from interfering with any of his fights and not to actually help his master Kick ass.

"Nice of you to join the party." Rezar said to the lion as he crossed his legs and sat down overlooking the battlefield as both armies stared at each other, waiting for the other to make the first move.

"What party? You know it's not a party if you're not in it. Besides master; what the fuck are you doing here, moping and watching over a battlefield. Don t you want to go down there and rip some limbs, tear out some throats?" Varka asked Rezar as the young king rested his chin on his fist.

"I do want to do that Varka, you know me well enough by now... I love the bloodshed. Killing is who and what I am, death is my fucking mother, so yeah I do want to rain down destruction on that battlefield. But a king can't be all about bloodshed, but never the less what kind of king am I, what kind of king do I want to be? This is frustrating without Priest, he always had all the answers. He was always my moral compass when I needed one, always there to tell me what to do right and what not to do wrong."

"Isn't that just the same thing?" Varka asked, eliciting a glare from Rezar that made the massive lion chuckle.

"I feel out of control, and honestly speaking I can't tell my path forward anymore. I seem to be going through the motions and have no idea what's the next step for my life. I just took everything as it came, but now everything just feels so dull, and in turn I feel so lost. I can't live like everyone else, I feel hollow like something is missing from deep within me. And in the end I'm just left floating, even more of a zombie than my undead." Rezar felt extremely frustrated with his life, he has always been a creature of desire and curiosity when the need arose, but in the end he was still stuck doing the same thing over and over again, and he had lost a taste for such a life.

"don't be and Idiot master, the world we live in isn't fair, even if everyone now has the same starting positions, your trip to hell should more than prove to you that there are still those ahead. But what makes you think they have a better life than you, everyone else has to deal with love and irrational decisions, but you are probably the most clearheaded person alive, even in the midst of a raging anger fest. How you've lived so far has brought great change and prosperity and happiness to many. Just look at that sexy looking army down there, they belong to you!

You can go down there and tell them all to strip before fucking their assholes raw if you want to and they wouldn't resist you. If you can't feel, then live by your desires. At the very least satisfying them would make you happy, being a good king isn't too hard for you, but don't forget to live as best as you can, you don't have to be like everyone else. Live free and die well is what I'd say. Fuck emotions, fuck propriety. Protect your own and fuck everyone else who thinks they can judge you or want to take what's yours. You are the KING!"

Rezar smiled, Varka didn't understand, but none the less his words were more than enough to light a fire under Rezar. He should do whatever the fuck he wanted, protect his own, live free and fuck the rest of the world. That was a philosophy he could get behind.

"Varka; please announce my arrival to the battlefield."

"With extreme pleasure your majesty...... Roooooaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!"

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