Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 210: Snakes Vs Bone (I): The Bone Horde

Chapter 210: Snakes Vs Bone (I): The Bone Horde

Rezar was taking a walk through Necron, it had rapidly grown to become a large town, and while its central area was mostly bare, past that were the residential areas to the north and south that had a smattering of well-organized buildings. There were a few dozen apartment complexes with at least 12 floors, normally they would be built with wood or just stone for simplicity, but this was a new world, most of the buildings looked like something you would find in the middle of a metropolis. They were sleek, and clear and the land they were built on was quite well taken care of.

To the east was, a little way from the entranced of the town a market was slowly coming in to shape. With the arrivals of the orcs commerce pretty much got turned over its head for Necron. They were good hunters and foragers, and with the exclusion of the undead ants that were left, could actually scavenge quite well for resources. Most of them chose to use their raiding experience to become merchants, exploring the territory and moving resources from one town to the other within Morte Bianca. However, because not much was known about the new world, they kept their dealings within the territory.

To the west was a harbor, Rezar reckoned once it becomes a little bit more lively, the port would also be a hub of activities, a market of its own. They still didn't have boats, but that was only a matter of time, because with the sheer amount of people that Necron now had, there were already more than a few dozen men and woman who could run a shipyard and make all sorts of sailing vessels. Necron had every key to grow and be successful as a capital city, what they really needed now was time to actualize that goal.

His walk eventually took him outside the city walls, beyond that was still a wide expanse of knee high green grass and field of flowers and trees and the beginnings of the Kerwood forest to the south. Necron has three entrances on the tall hills that surrounded it, giving her a natural defense that most cities could not be afforded to have. But the east and west gates were her main entrances, the city wall itself only had two entrances, while the hills had openings in three places. He had left through the east gate, and was heading south east, to an area where the hills were a little flat and was close to the forest.

It was here that the army they had built were gathered, and even before he got close, a walk that invariably took him forty minutes, he could still see their sheer numbers from a distance. 2000 strong warriors with the samurai skill tree, gained from training in the barracks that were now moved outside. 2000 Mages with the illusion skill tree, about a 1000 orcs with shaman skill tree, 500 Black Dawn guards, and another 500 daughters of the eclipse led by none other than Samira, the dark dryad he once tortured. Making it so that the midnight children, personal guards of the king were a thousand strong. And then finally a 1000 other soldiers filling in positions of logistics, support and auxiliary combat units, this was way better than Rezar expected, and it was quite wonderful.

But one thing they all had in common right now was the method of training they utilized. Rezar had given the melee classes a crash and well detailed course on the 13 set of moves the dragon had taught him. He had divided it into three parts, with two parts having four stances and the final having five. He was still refining the technique and decided to make it a sequence that could easily be followed. The stronger a soldier would get, the more exposure to the techniques you would receive. The mages learnt the breathing method, and so too did the melee fighters. The breathing method was also watered down to make it easier and avoid injuries.

If not for the fact that Rezar had to now go face an invading army...well considering their running away from problems of their own, it would be better to say he was going to take care of a threat to his kingdom. He already had interactions with BOA alien race, and he was not interested in doing anything other than wiping them off the face of Elysium. But with this fight in front of him now, he no longer had a chance to focus on a pet project of bining the [Dragon's Breath Pulse] with the 13. Which would be a lot of hard work and experiment, but Rezar reckoned would bring a lot of gains if successful.

But that was for later, there was trouble heading for his home, and the thing his people were best at, was handling the troubles that came their way. Rezar flexed his body and a flash of light burst out from his back as Valka appeared. The familiar only ever showed his face when he felt like it so he hardly made an appearance. But eh Lion had grown, he now had a mane of the purest white, and eyes the deepest of blue and stood at a good five feet tall. There were a few yips on the ground behind Rezar and he turned to notice a massive direwolf standing close by with seven cubs that happily ran to play with Rezar's legs. Not too far away Screet came out with an honest to go cybernetic arm, Brutus was actually armored, and Jason was riding on Alpha, the defacto head of the wraith wolves who had joined forces with the police.

His first general Lenore took her place besides him, prompting an annoyed hiss from Screet much to Rezar's chagrin. Kitagawa held back a smile as he a Samira stood a little way back to face the army that had been raised for the sake of Morte Bianca and in the name of Its King Rezar Deathwind. It was quite a sight, and one that won't be forgotten anytime soon. There was no definite armor as at the moment they didn't have enough time to focus on it, but each and every single one of them had a bone of some sort hanging of their bodies. This army, this Bone Horde...was ready.

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