Naval Gacha System: It's Time To Monopolize The Seven Seas!

Chapter 179: | 179 | Newfound Power

Seconds passed since he began.

Somewhere in the northern plateau of the island, Crescere. As the night fell and the day gone by, darkness intruded the world with the moon above heavens giving light to the sunless world. Amidst the shade of the night, Abraham watched as his body evolved before his very eyes.

HIs already firmed muscles squirmed in delight. His bones hardened even further than before. His organs more robust than the strongest of steel. His senses grown beyond of what made sense. Most importantly, his cells were nourished into their most strongest.

It was at this moment that he understood one thing. He had gone pass the realms of the natural.

He was now a Superhuman.

Seconds later, his transformation concluded like a gust of wind. Passing by as though it hadn't existed and ruffled his hair. He noticed his heart calmed as before, his body refreshed, and his strength remaining unchanged. Or was it really the same as before?

"Damn... I didn't think that the reward would be so overpowered." Abraham muttered under his breath since he had expected Systema to give me a not-so-op but incredibly useful power. To think that the Naval Gacha System would go all-in by giving him such an ability.

Perhaps it was an investment of the system towards him.

However, while he'd like to continue checking out his new and evolved body. First and foremost, something has been bothering his senses after his evolution. It was as if something it was observing him.

He turned his gaze towards the direction where his instincts screamed at and noticed nothing there. But all of his senses were giving them away. While they were incredibly good at hiding, especially her and her latent magical abilities, it wouldn't be enough to penetrate his new senses.

The edges of Abraham's lips rose as he remarked towards the direction he was staring at. "Laplace, what did I say about trying to seek me out? I guess Charlotte must have been the one that had you to find me." His words resounded amidst the silence of the night.

The evergreen foliage rustled as two figures emerged from their hiding spot. These figures were two gorgeous ladies, each having their own remarkable features. One had a dark tail and black horns, while the other was akin to someone who would look down on you if you failed her.

"Who wouldn't? It was thanks to Charlotte that I remembered you heading out for your training in the north. You have been for a few days now and the others have noticed it." Laplace responded while sizing up her lover who had just grown in power.

"The problem dragon is correct, Fleet Admiral. You have been gone for a few days and work is piling up. The commanding officers have also noticed your disappearance and are wondering for your current status." Charlotte stepped forward, maintaining an aloof expression.

"What we didn't expect was you punching a wall for a long time." Laplace frowned as the training that her lover had gone through was not only beyond difficult, it was torturous. The blood painted throughout his surroundings already tells its own story.

"I see... I must have worried you then, Laplace?" Abraham smiled as her reaction wasn't that much beyond his expectation. While she was strong, if he had seen her punching a wall with blood everywhere, his reaction would have been much the same. Perhaps a bit worse.

"But why have you done this, to begin with, Fleet Admiral?"

Charlotte coolly questioned, wondering the maddening behavior of the fleet admiral. No one punches a wall for thousands of times for no reason. She had been rather confused, especially with the hectic change of the fleet admiral in terms of appearance.

"Well, it's a bit difficult to explain it. But in simpler terms, I felt that I had been given a chance to break beyond potential. I don't know how or why, I was as confused as the two of you when I felt it." Taking his words in their simplest meanings, he wasn't technically lying to the two of them.

"I thought that the best training that could help me break out of my potential is perhaps the most simple and grueling one. And so, I began punching this wall for a hundred thousand times." Abraham smiled and glanced at the rock wall shrouded with cracks.

"It was difficult and extremely painful, to be honest. However, I can tolerate any hardships and pain for the sake of growth. After all, I can't stay the same forever. Especially with the United Navy growing by the minute, I'm sure the two of you will understand right?"

He carefully explained the reasoning for his actions, hoping that the two of them would understand his side. While it was certainly foolish that he had injured himself into damnation by punching a wall over a hundred thousand times, it was something he would do again if given the chance to do so.

After a short while, Laplace sighed since she understood the need for power in this world. One can't stagnate with enemies roaming everywhere. Besides, she wouldn't always be with Abraham every moment. Perhaps this was a piece of good news for the two of them.

"Alright, I'll take it as it is for now. But I hope you will tell me when you're planning to jump onto a volcano. At the very least, when things turns into its worst. I'll be there for you." Laplace uttered to Abraham, who merely gave her a teasing smile. She couldn't help but clicked her tongue and pout.

On the other hand, Charlotte stared at the rock wall filled with cracks of many sort. She could only shake her head and glanced at Abraham. "What the fleet admiral does is none of my business. However, I hope that you would take care of yourself. Not for the United Navy, but for you."

"Alright, I'll stick your words into my mind." Abraham lightly chuckled, but soon noticed something unusual. He squinted his gaze at the two gorgeous ladies and felt that something was amiss. Laplace furrowed her eyebrows while Charlotte frowned, both wondering why he was staring at them.

"Now that I think about it... Are the two of you a head smaller than usual?" He raised his eyebrows, wondering why the two had shrunk. When they heard his words, Laplace and Charlotte also noticed the strange disposition of the middle-aged man.

It was Laplace that realized the truth first.

"It wasn't us that shrunk. It was you who grew. Quite much taller than before..." Laplace sized up Abraham from head to toe and noticed that he was fairly large for a human. He stood tall for about seven and a half feet or 2.29 meters. One might falsely consider him an Avatar of a God if they saw him.

Immediately, Laplace turned her gaze towards his groin, curious whether or not it had grown with him. Meanwhile, Charlotte felt a bit strange, especially after noticing the tattered clothing of the fleet admiral, revealing a bit of his half-naked body.

Abraham felt comfortable to be scrutinizingly observed at by two gorgeous women. Besides, why was the dragoness so horny? If not for his Perk of Recovery, he would have died in exhaustion during their second bout. She was akin to a demoness sucking his soul out of his body.

Nonetheless, this wasn't the time to talk about such things.

*Cough!* He coughed out loud, bringing the two of out their noticeable trance. Laplace shook her head and wiped out the bit of drool that had managed to escape her supple lips. Charlotte also covered her face, trying to hide a tinge of her crimson blush.

"At any rate, my size might be a bit troublesome. Most of my clothes wouldn't fit me in my current physique." Abraham looked at his body, noticing his bulging muscles. The effects of the Personal-Power was exaggerating.

It made him wonder about its current limits.

"The clothing department of the United Navy have grown versatile these past few months. With the inclusion of various beastfolks in our ranks, several kinds and types of clothing were made." Charlotte stated to the fleet admiral, not wanting him to worry.

"I guess that should work for me. Though, I'd like to test something." Abraham pulled out his hands and clenched them into becoming his fist. He gazed at it, while the two ladies did the same. They already had an idea regarding what he'd like to test.

He took a deep breath as Laplace and Charlotte observed him with intrigued. They have also wondered how much of Abraham's power had grown. The most curious was Laplace. After all, she could feel a slightly threatening aura from her lover.

Abraham looked at the rock wall that was slightly painted with the red hue of his blood. It had withstood a hundred thousand punches from him as it was the base of a mountain's apex. But perhaps, this will be the last time it stands tall amidst the northern plateau of Crescere.

Unexpectedly, however... He opened his clenched fingers and placed his hand onto the rough surface of the rock wall. The edges of his lips rose for a little bit, before he turned his head towards Laplace and Charlotte.

"I guess it's time for us to return. We don't want them worrying with the three of us gone." Abraham walked away from the rock wall, making the anticipation of the two anti-climatic. Laplace was deep in thought, while Charlotte tilted her head and questioned.

"Weren't you going to punch the rock wall, fleet admiral?" Hearing her, Abraham merely smirked and shook his head. "There's no need to use so much force against a mere wall."

"Right, Laplace?" He looked at the dragoness, who maintained her gaze at the rock wall.

Charlotte also glanced at it, curious about what the fleet admiral had done to it. It didn't take a moment for the results of Abraham's touch to appear. *BANG!!!* Out of nowhere, a powerful shockwave blasted outward. She squinted her eyes from the gust of wind roaring out.

When nature and its surroundings calmed down overtime. She focused at what was in front of her and saw a shocking yet grandiose scene. The entire rock wall and the mountain apex above it were blasted into dust.

There was nothing left but the beautiful night sky brimming with hundreds of twinkling stars.

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