Naval Gacha System: It's Time To Monopolize The Seven Seas!

Chapter 11: | 011 | Valkyries from Above

As they saw the Apaches in the distance soaring through the azure heavens, those in the Black Hawks were relieved. The arrival of the reinforcements brought hope to their hearts. This was mostly applicable to the expeditionary research personnel.

The Marines merely grinned at the arrival of their cleavers.

"Hahahaha! It's time to get some pork barbeque!"

"Bring some back when you return!"

"I wonder how they taste?"

Such words escaped from the mouths of the soldiers who almost got slaughtered by living pick-up trucks charging at them with their sharp protruding tusks.

While the Marines were cursing at the living pick-up trucks, the Black Hawks continued to hover above the dozens of monster boars that still kept trampling over their previous locations.

However, the Marines had long stopped firing as there was no need to waste ammunition. The only thing they needed to do was return as their operation had already succeeded.

*Delta 1-3, Delta 1-4, you're clear to RTB.*

When the two Apaches arrived near the transport helicopters, they immediately ordered the evacuation of the Black Hawks belonging to the Bravo Task Force.

*This is Delta 1-3, Affirmative!*

*Delta 1-4, Roger!*

The Black Hawks didn't hesitate to accept the transmission of the apaches and pointed their nose in the direction of the Port of Dawn. The pilots then directed the transport helicopters towards their destination.

In the meantime, the Apache pilots soon observed the herd of monster boars. They remembered the mission given to them after reinforcing the Bravo Task Force.

They were free to engage any target they deemed a threat without further authorization from higher command. Meaning that they were weapons-free.

*Cleave 1, Engaging ground targets!*


Cleave 1 didn't hesitate and started firing its chain gun mounted at the bottom of its nose. Gleaming flames escaped the barrels of the chain gun as a torrent of lead stormed the monsters below.

*Cleave 2, opening fire!*


The second Apache followed suit and brought down the might of gunpowder to the pigs that dared to attack them out of nowhere. The results of the deadly chain guns were horrifying.

In mere seconds, the herd of monster boars were stripped of their numbers. Dozens of giant boars were riddled with expounding holes that blew their bodies open.

It was a massacre.

But the Apaches never stopped firing.

They were given orders, and they shall do so without questions.

The thunderous roars of the chain guns reverberated throughout the eastern grassland. Even the retreating Black Hawks heard of it, making the crayon-eaten cavemen cheer for the cleavers.

Several of the assaulting monster boars felt instinctual fear with the thousands of thunderclaps echoing in their ears. This caused the herd to split up into multiple sections.

Some continued to assault and stomp the former LZ, while the others escaped into the eastern grassland.

The cleavers didn't bother the escaping ones and merely cleaned up the remaining pig bastards that bothered their oil inspection. How could these beasts stop them from acquiring oil?

It didn't take a minute for the tiny battlefield to turn silent. Hundreds upon thousands of holes were everywhere along with corpses lying on the tall and slick grasses.

Blood seeped into the ground, slowly forming puddles or lakes of crimson water. It was a terrific and hellish sight. But it was the result of those who dared to attack the United Navy.

Regardless of their reasons, if they attacked without warning. They will be met with an unstoppable force that will crush them six feet into the ground.

At any rate, the mission of the cleavers was complete. They had succeeded in terminating the entire opposing army of giant boars.

While these monsters were tough for rifles and small arms, the military had bigger guns in their arsenal. So, the monster boar's defeat was to be expected.

*Eagle, this is Cleaver 1, termination complete!*

*Eagle, Cleaver 2 reporting, the operation was a success!*

The Apaches calmly reported their victory to the Port of Dawn. The reply didn't take time as the response of the high command arrived in a second.

*Cleaver 1, Cleaver 2, This is Eagle Actual! Cleavers will be reinforcing the Alpha Task Force continuing safekeeping operation.*

*Terminate any hostiles in the surrounding area of the northern plateau.*

Their next orders came from the Fleet Admiral himself. The Apache pilots felt honored to be directly given orders by the highest of command, but they kept their calm and replied.

*Cleaver 1, proceeding with safekeeping operation!!*

*Cleaver 2, Roger!*

*Good, I will be waiting for news. Conquer the skies, cleavers. And slaughter our enemies on the ground, Eagle out!* From the words of the Fleet Admiral, he was pissed by the unexpected assault of damnable animals.

Anyhow, as they were given their orders, it was time to fulfill it.

The Apaches slowly turned their heading towards the northern plateau and soared there at great speed. The Alpha Task Force will soon meet their Valkyries or cleavers.

On the other hand, the Port of Dawn was the command center situated deep inside the defense sector of the port. It was surrounded by dozens of defensive fortifications, making it the safest part of the port.

Inside the command center was the Fleet Admiral Abraham Shepherd with a deep frown on his face. The assault in the recent operation was unexpected.

But fortunately, none of his Marines or expeditionary research personnel got injured by the adversaries. Though… Nevertheless, it was the failure of the United Navy.

He had recently contacted the Alpha Task Force about the situation and also ordered the Apaches to reinforce the remaining task force in the northern plateau. He was on full alert.

"How did we not notice them?" Abraham quietly asked but his words resounded throughout the command room.

It was a fairly large room with a round war table and several electronics operated by officers and operators of the United Navy.

"They have appeared out of nowhere, Fleet Admiral. But we know the general direction of their origins which is deep into the eastern grassland."

"Our surveillance capabilities are still lacking, and despite the large numbers of such monsters, they might also be uncommon in this island." Lieutenant Commander Morgen uttered.

"Did we go too fast?" Abraham questioned his humble lieutenant commander.

"I believe not, Sir. This is the best time to inspect and establish research deposits, especially with the upcoming maritime security mission." Morgen didn't regret the operation, which made Abraham think about it.

No matter how much they try to avoid trouble. The world has always been complex and unexpected. There was no way they could control how things could happen.

The only thing they could do was adapt to whatever circumstances they were thrown in.

"Captain Lux, do you have any opinions?" Abraham looked at the silent captain in the command room.

"The operation was a success, Fleet Admiral. So, I agree with the words of the lieutenant commander. While cautiousness is appropriate, we also need to understand that risks must be taken for growth." Captain Lux supported the lieutenant commander.

It was in light of his way of thinking.

"Thank you for both of your opinions. I understand your point of view. Instead of conversing about regrets and what could be done, what should we do with the existence of such things?"

Abraham looked at the image sent by them during the assault in the eastern grassland. Giant boar-like monsters were not within his expectations, but it was in line with fantasy.

This made him stop questioning whether such existence made sense.

"These animals are dangerous. They appeared to be hostile and seemed to be concentrated on attacking. I believe that these boar-looking monsters must be predators of some sort."

"They must have quite acute senses since the only way for them to track the Bravo Task Force's location was through the loud noise of the transport helicopters."

"And these things could also take bullets with ease, requiring a great deal of effort to take down with ordinary arms. In simpler terms, they are problematic."

"In my personal opinion, I'd want to have them out of the island. But that wouldn't be in line with the thinking of the United Navy. Perhaps, a deterrence will be needed."

Lieutenant Commander Morgen was the first to give his opinion. His solution was expensive yet simple. That was to have an escort in future mobilization throughout the island.

Doing such a thing would cost a lot of resources to the United Navy, but it was an effective short-term solution.

"Until we learn more about these things, we must avoid exterminating them." Captain Lux also wasn't inclined to exterminate an entire species off the island despite finding them annoying.

"It seems that we have reached an agreement. In the future, armed escorts will be given to any convoy that will be mobilized into the island." Abraham reached a decision with the two high officers agreeing with nods.


Meanwhile, on the northern plateau was unprecedented chaos.


"Don't let them climb up! Take all of them down!" Campbell ordered his fellow Marines to keep shooting at the climbing strange-looking monsters.

These guys appeared out of nowhere and were about to attack them from the base. The bastards were good at hiding, but luckily the Alpha Task Force noticed them.

*Bang!* *BRRrrrrrrttttt!* *Bang!*

The Marines pulled their triggers and gave the monsters a hailstorm of lead. Some also loaded the GLMs with grenade ammunition and swiftly fired at the incoming abominations.

*Bam!* *Bam!* *Bam!* *Bam!* *Bam!*

Like before, the cannisters flew into the air and fell into the monsters sprinting at them from the bottom. What followed were the radiant lights and thunderous explosions.

*BOOM!!!* *BOOM!!!* *BOOM!!!* *BOOM!!!* *BOOM!!!*

The monsters resembled leopards with the size of elephants. These guys had several tentacles on their necks while also maintaining several pairs of eyes.

Their mouth was unsightly to see as it looked like a shredder. Most people would rather burn these things alive than let them live.

*BRRRrrrrtttttt!* *Bang!* BRRrrrrrrrtt!*

The battle between those of higher ground and lower ground was loud and fiery. None were willing to give up and were determined to fight to the death if needed.

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