Naruto Time Control

Chapter 9:

Chapter 9:

Ninja school.

Before the morning class time, the playground was still full of hustle and bustle at this time, and at the center, many teenagers were seen gathering and scrambling.

"Fire release! Phoenix Sage Fire!"

A young man made a seal with his hands and opened his mouth to the people in front of him, scaring them. But only a little flame came out.

After a short pause, the teenagers surrounding him suddenly laughed.

"This can be called ninjutsu?!"

"Go on! Hit him!"

"...Asshole, show me the trick!"

There were about seven or eight teenagers fighting each other. They seemed to be lower year students. They basically still didn't know much about ninjutsu. They were just pure fistfights. But two of them were a little older, and they fought decently, you can even see the shadow clone and some other jutsus.

Some onlookers cheered, while the others were scared that the situation might become worse. Because it was still too early so there's no teacher that would be able to stop this.

"What are you looking at?"

Feng appeared not far from the playground, glanced at the field, walked a few steps here and stretched out his hand to pat the shoulder of a figure outside the crowd.

Kurenai was taken aback, when she noticed it was Feng she immediately heaved a sigh of relief, and said: "Morning, Feng."


Feng smiled and said: "Let's go to the classroom."

He's not interested in watching children fight.

Kurenai glanced at the center of the fight, hesitated, and said, "That..."


Feng looked at her.

Kurenai said helplessly: "That guy that's getting beaten over there.."

Feng said strangely: "Who?"

Kurenai pointed to one of the several teenagers fighting in the field and said, "He's called Ibu Xiri, my uncle's son..."

I've never heard of him.

Feng shrugged, he was really not interested in a character who he had no impression of and said: "Boys fighting is normal, you girls shouldn't interfere, the teacher must be watching this anyway so you don't need to worry about that."


Kurenai was a little helpless, no matter what he's her cousin so of course she wanted them to stop them from beating him.

Seeing Kurenai's predicament, Feng smiled and took a step forward, making a simple hand seal, and pressing it gently on the ground.

"Earth Release! Earth movement!"


Looking at Feng's movements, Kurenai was surprised at first, as she immediately felt the ground under her shake, she immediately became alert, preventing her to fall

However, the crowd gathered on the playground was suddenly swayed, and several teenagers in the melee were also separated because of the sudden movement.

"Feng, you..."

Kurenai stabilized herself.

Before finishing her words, Feng had put her finger in front of her lips, told her to be quiet, and smiled: "Okay, This should stop them, let's go."

Many students who were stumbling around did not know what just happened thought it was an earthquake that made them panic, and the fight was completely interrupted.

But not all students are frightened.

A student in the crowd frowned and looked in the direction where Feng left, apparently aware that the occurrence just now was Feng's doing.

"Truly reckless..."

The boy shook his head.

He looked a little younger than Kakashi, and he wore clothes with the Uchiha clan logo. Although he looks inconspicuous among the crowd, his name was renowned.

Uchiha Shisui!

Unlike Uchiha Obito, Shisui is a genius who is no less inferior to Uchiha Itachi. Before opening the sharingan, he was able to make his name after the battle with Kirigakure, and after awakening the strongest mangekyou sharingan he was termed the strongest. Even gods can fall under his illusions!

It was not only Shisui and Kurenai who discovered that Feng used Earth release, but also Nohara Rin who was also looking at Feng early in the morning.

"...Feng, you are too reckless."

Rin walked over, muttered at Feng, and said: "But Feng, you're so powerful, the technique of earth movement seems to be C-level Earth ninjutsu."

Not noticing that Rin was here, Feng made a low-pitched gesture at her, smiled and said, "I stole it from Kakashi, just a trick."

Shisui just smiled and looked at this scene. He didn't intend to come over and say anything, he turned and left, but then he stopped after taking a few steps.

Not far away a teenager who was wearing Uchiha robes and goggles just like him, was standing in front of Feng while making a fist, and said.

"Hey! Feng, let's fight!"

It was Uchiha Obito that challenged Feng.

Today, he rarely encountered any accidents on the road. He arrived at school early and he walked by the playground. As he glanced, he saw Feng and Rin talking and laughing casually, causing his rage to explode on the spot.

It just so happened that the playground has a bad atmosphere from the previous scuffle so Obito thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to beat Feng. So he looked at him with his fists clenched..


Feng glanced at Obito.

He was really not interested in Obito before his transformation, as the Obito before the transformation was kind of a loser, and Feng also didn't have any idea of bullying children.

"Damn...stop for me!"

However, seeing that Feng didn't want to fight, he couldn't hold back his anger and lunged in front of Feng.


Obito attacked.

Feng sighed, and casually avoided the attack of Obito. He reached out and put his hand on Obito's shoulders. With a slight pressure, Obito lost his balance. as his whole person spun around in the air and fell awkwardly.

Seeing this scene, Rin covered her mouth.

Kurenai was also speechless for a while.

"Does this guy Obito really belong to the Uchiha clan? Uchiha's name will be tarnished because of him.."

In their impression, the seniors from the Uchiha clan are powerful figures that many families are in awe of, and among the Uchiha clan almost all of the members are geniuses, and they are always among the best in each class. But Obito's gap among his other clan members is a bit too big.

However, just as Kurenai's voice fell, a voice came from one side.

"I can't pretend that I didn't hear you."

Kurenai didn't notice that there was already someone next to her and was calmly talking.

"You are..."

Kurenai stared at the person beside her, and said, "Uchiha Shisui?!"

Both of them belong to the Uchiha clan, although he didn't care much about Obito but when it's something that involves his clan then he won't ignore it.

The name Uchiha Shisui is very famous in the Ninja School, nobody in his grade can be matched against him, and rumor has it that he even defeated a Genin not long ago!

His level can undoubtedly make him graduate early. In the eyes of many people, Shisui is the only person that can compete against Kakashi!

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