Naruto: The Otherworldly Cultivator

Chapter 96: The Sand Racoon

Chapter 96: The Sand Racoon

Disclaimer: Naruto and all of its characters belong to Shueisha and Masashi Kishimoto. I own nothing but the original characters I create.



-Author notes-

Chapter 96: The Sand Racoon

"Arggg!, what now?!. I was busy." The gigantic toad complained.

The Jonins stared in shock at the summoned creature.

"Oi… isn't that?..." Asuma said.

"The Fourth…" Gai said.

"Naruto… what the…" Kakashi muttered. It's only been a month since he last saw him. He was already surprised when Naruto used the Rasengan all of a sudden, and now this…

"Gamabunta!" Naruto called for the toad.

"Mmmm… Naruto? I didn't expect you to call me this soon…" The smoke cleared, and Gamabunta saw the creature in front of him.

"I can guess that you didn't call me for a drink."

The Toad Lord was now talking to him in a much more polite way. This was the result of Naruto passing his test.

The large gash that Gamabunta now had going across his entire face was also a reminder of that day.

He had pushed the boy a bit too far during the test and, without being able to use the Kyubi's chakra, Naruto resorted to using his sword.

That decision had almost cost the Toad Lord his life.

"No, no drinks today, sorry about that," Naruto told the toad. "I have a bit of an issue here."

"What is that thing?... It doesn't look human at all." Gamabunta glanced at Gaara.

"A Bijuu trying to escape its container," Naruto said.

"What?!" Gamabunta exclaimed. He had not expected to see another one of those demons so early.

He then noticed all the mess around the village. There were many fights occurring all over the place, and a gigantic snake was currently trying to break the entrance gates.

"Konoha is under attack…"

"That's what it looks like…" It wasn't like Naruto hadn't noticed all that noise around him, but his focus was on Gaara.

"However, my issue is just this guy. I need you to help me take him away from the middle of the village. Maybe to one of the forests on the outskirts. I can fight him there a lot better."

"That's an easy request, I suppose," Gamabunta said.

Gaara tried to attack again after he passed the shock of seeing that gigantic toad appear in front of him and begin speaking.

However, despite the large size of his right arm, it was tiny in comparison to the Toad Lord.

Gamabunta brushed aside his first attack and grabbed him.

"Graaaa! Let me go!" Gaara screamed and tried to wrestle himself free, but to no avail.

"Let's go then!" The toad made a massive jump in the air. In just one move, he almost disappeared from view, along with Gaara and Naruto.

"Hmmm…I believe we can leave that to Naruto," Kakashi said.

"Are you sure?" Gai glanced at his friend.

Kakashi nodded. "The Hokage is the one who worries me the most right now." He looked at the roof where the old man was fighting.

"I agree… I don't like the look of that barrier either," Asuma said.


"Ahh!" As they were close to the outer walls of the village, Gamabunta hollered and tossed Gaara into the distance.

"What did you do that for?!" Naruto exclaimed. If the container dies, then the demon will be released. That was the very thing he had been trying to avoid.

"That bastard bit me!" The Toad Lord groaned.

Naruto sighed.

"Just take me there. I think he landed near that clearing," he said while pointing.

He then heard a loud cracking noise, and from the sky, he saw the entrance walls of the village began to fall.

"Those are some large snakes…" Naruto remarked, seeing what was happening in the distance.

"They called for the snake clan… this is probably Orochimaru's doing," Gamabunta could take a guess. After all, that particular Sannin was the only holder of the Snake Contract.

"You know that guy too?" Naruto asked.

"Of course… that human always gave me the creeps. But you don't have to worry about that. I can feel another summoner in that area."

As the Toad Lord said that, a massive toad armed with two swords fell on top of one of the snakes and killed it.

"So, that Jiraiya is here too." This was not Naruto's concern. His interest was mostly in Gaara.

He had finally found another one of those demons, and he wanted to do what he could to secure it.

In the future, he was going to need every single one of those chakra demons.

'They will be my key to the heavens…' Naruto thought.

But for that, he needed to capture this one alive and keep it contained.

It was too early for him to absorb the chakra of another demon. The Kyubi would still take him at least another two or three years. Only then would he be able to start using the others.

"There!" Naruto spotted Gaara.

The boy had continued to transform, and there was nothing human left of him.

"Grawwww!" The beast had grown twice in size. The moment they got closer, it threw several projectiles made of sand at them.

Gamabunta used his arm to block the attack.

"Do you have a plan to contain the demon?" The toad asked him.

"Not really." Naruto admitted.

"What?! Then why are we chasing this creature? It's just going to make things worse."

Gaara was now four times his normal size and was beginning to look like some type of animal.

"Is that an overweight raccoon?" Naruto asked.

"I believe that is the true form of the One-Tail… although it is still very small," Gamabunta pointed out.

"That won't be true for long. It is growing very quickly… that must mean the seal is breaking." Naruto was getting concerned. If the seal broke completely, he lacked the knowledge to remake it.

"Arhhhgg!... Kill!" The One-Tail screamed as its size continued to grow.

In just mere seconds, it was almost as big as the Toad Lord.

"I have an idea," Gamabunta suddenly said. "Do you know any fire jutsu?"

"Fire jutsu?... no, I don't know any of those. But, if you want fire, I can make some." Naruto's orange eyes became more intense, and red chakra started to emerge from his body.

"Okay… just tell me what you need."

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