Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 48: The first wave of GANK from Harry

Chapter 48: The first wave of GANK from Harry

Harry's flying skills are not very skillful, and he dangles from a distance.

Victor, who was already quiet, was very keen on the capture of electric energy. Those silver eyes were staring straight at the flying Harry.

Zhang Lan: "Reed, let go of Victor!"

The first reaction was to remind Rhett to let go, and wanted to stop Harry from being too late, the reinforced Victor, but before it was separated by fifty meters, it directly sucked electricity from the building into the body, not like a movie. Need to close up.

Rhett didn't react and looked at Zhang Lan in doubt.

Harry also arrived at this time: "Hi, Blue, I'm here to help you!"

Zhang Lan; "......"

If it's in LOL, Harry's absolute teammate's best sixth man-would rather you hang up at home!

Victor stared at Harry excitedly: "Thank you for coming, can you lend me something?"

Harry stared at Victor who was entangled in a strange way, and glanced at the contemplative Zhang Lan, but he still understood the truth. This should be the culprit tonight.

Harry: "No, I am not used to lending to strangers."

Victor: "Then, I took it myself!"

At the end of the conversation, a vigorous current came out of Harrys Green Demon skateboard and was dragged to Victor, which was extremely fast. Reed, who had been binding Victor, received the high-voltage current for the first time. Shock, the body quickly became hot.

The last hope is gone.

Reed, who was late and late, immediately loosened Victors body. Although he reacted a step later, fortunately, before Zhang Lans reminder, he avoided the iron that Victor wanted to grab him. hand.

If it was caught, it would be a Teppanyaki meal!

Rhide fled away from afar, he was the one to be overcome, there was no way out.

Zhang Lan on the side approached Harry quickly, kicking it away from the Green Devils skateboard with one foot. The main energy source of the Green Devils armor was installed on the Green Devils skateboard, which was learned from the system introduction.


Name: Harry Osbourne/Green Devils


Class E: Doppelganger, avatar, and transfiguration

Class D: Tu DunBeheading in Heart

Class C: Fire escape Fireball

S level: all attributes constitution, starvation cell

Blood relay limit: no

Chakra: 1150/1450

State: slight electric shock twitch

Comprehensive ability: C (combat value: 754)

Comprehensive evaluation: With great Chakra storage advantages, the Green Demon Armor adds some battlefield mobility to it.

Remarks: The main energy of the Green Demon Armor comes from the Green Demon Skateboard.


Seriously, these two people who inject medicine have a real increase in body size, and now Harry has more storage than Zhang Lan's Chakra.

This made him very sad.

After rescued Harry, the pig teammate, to prevent him from being electro-roasted, he kicked again on Harry's chest, where the green demon armor had the best protection, ensuring that Harry would not be injured and would be kicked very much. far.

far away.

After this guy came over and sent a wave of heads, he was stupid by his Green Demon Skateboard "leakage" and completely lost his fighting ability.

was really stupid crying by him!

This rescue delayed the opportunity to evade the first time, and successfully attracted Victor's attention. His hands were raised and the same skill: discharge.

A beam of electric light flashed, and it was Zhang Lan who flew Harry failed to escape. He was stunned and fixed in place, suffering a continuous electric shock, and his body was numb.

The picture is maintained. Victor keeps drawing power from the Green Devils skateboard. After a lap, he releases Zhang Lan and vows to kill it with one blow.

is also true. If normal people are concentrated by high voltage for such a long time, they must be familiar with them.

Although Zhang Lan's physique is much better than that of ordinary people, Victor's high-voltage electricity is not an ordinary voltage. Using steak as a metaphor, he is already familiar with five or six times.

If you have a good appetite, you can already eat it.

This drama of electric roasting has not been staged for too long. An invisible shock wave pushed Victor directly out of the defense. Zhang Lan and the Green Devils skateboard connected by the wire flew together. stand up.

Invisible Woman-Susan arrived.

The side of Reid's eyes quickly stopped Zhang Lan, and this was the rescue of his well-known end.

However, the heart of the five or six cooked heart must not be able to beat anymore!

How many times did he die? Sixth or seventh? He couldn't remember it, and he didn't want to count it. In short, his body died again!

Fortunately, he has the ability to die, and he can continue to fight until his twitching stops.

Zhang Lan whispered Reid: "Fire...Water..."

'S original intention was to remind Rhett to use the original play routine to heat Victor and then cool it quickly to solidify his actions.

But Rhett would obviously be mistaken, his eyes lit up, thinking that water can conduct electricity and restrain Victor.

Reid: Blue, this is a good idea. "

Finally, Reid hurried to the other side, trying to open a fire hose. It is a pity that he obviously didn't have the talent to open the power, and he had no way to get the fire hydrant.

Susan was puzzled: "Rhett, what are you doing?"

Susan in uniform is indeed a real eye-catcher, really sexy.

Reid: "I thought of a way to deal with Victor, water can reduce his ability."

"Oh? Then I heard it all."

The answer to Rhett was not Susan, but Victor who had stood up. During this time, he had already absorbed the power of the Green Devils skateboard, and now he was full of power.

Seeing this, Zhang Lan, who was still a ghost on the ground, felt a pain in his heart.

Bosses that are not the enemy are all weak and mentally retarded. What are our teammates capable of? How did he get to him, it changed completely?

Victor over there sent out an electric light, trying to heat Rhett to cook, and then slowly remediate Susan, contrary to expectations, the current stopped a few meters in front of Rhett, could not enter.

is Susan's idea shield.

Victor's kind reminder: "No, Susan, we can't fight."

Susan didn't appreciate it: "No, let's fight!"

Finally, Susan once again launched a wave of Nian Libo, wanting to knock down Victor according to law, this time Victor who was prepared was just repelled a few steps, and he stood firm.

Victor immediately had a bad tone: "Susan, you are fired!"

During the talk, the electric light flickered, and Susan flew with a single electric shock, broke the glass of the convenience store not far away, and rolled into the convenience store.

Victor was carrying a trace of electro-optical light. This was a new skill he had just grasped. It covered the whole body with electric energy and could be perfectly protected from Reids attacks, as long as he dare.

step by step to the convenience store, the store is not big, can't hide people, but it's not like Susan's figure, it must be hidden in a corner. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Victor moved slowly, trying to find Susan's position, and found nothing.

Reed on the side also completed his preparations. He was lucky enough to find a fire truck, holding a fire squirt gun and spraying it towards Victor. Victor was showered directly, and there was no meaning to move there. .

His body is too heavy, and the water pressure of a fire hose is not enough.

And the water flowed around, with some current released by Victor, and slowly flowed into the convenience store, but the floor of the convenience store was invaded in a moment. Now.

Water is indeed able to restrain Victor, but it is not used by Reid.

The tactical talent of scientific research genius is basically zero.

Now Victor can no longer use electric shock to carry out long-range attacks, and will be attracted by the water flow, but the water can conduct electricity, directly turning his skills into range attacks.

Reid also meant his mistake. Restrained Victor's long-range attack but killed Susan, quickly shut down the fire hose.

Victo walked towards Susan, paralyzed by the current step by step, grabbed her neck with one hand, and threw it towards Reid.

"Susan, say goodbye to your brother?"

Reid took Susan and hugged him in his arms. They watched Victor raise his hands high and walk towards the water-free range. As long as he walked out, the electric energy brewed on his body could be released remotely!

watching the side of the blue is very helpless, he can be said to be the death of Victor, body surgery is self-casting net, ninjutsu tickle, illusion level is too low to use.

The only sand escape useful to Victor is also completely converted into glass slag. How to use sand escape without sand?

It seems that there is nothing to do!

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