Mythical Era: I Evolved Into A Stellar-Level Beast

Chapter 84 - 84 Dark Age

Chapter 84: Chapter 84 Dark Age

Translator: 549690339

Wearing battle armor and carrying heavy weapons, Jack Clark and Justin Welan stood at the street corner, drawing the attention of passersby.

As the Federation defeated the rebels and suppressed the remnants in the last two days, Lester City had regained some vitality.

For example, there were noticeably more pedestrians on the street, and vehicles occasionally drove by on the road. Some shops and restaurants on both sides had also reopened.

However, after the meeting, Justin Welans face had been looking terrible.

Jack Clark couldnt help but ask, Mr. Willard, are you constipated this morning? Why do you keep making that sour face?

Justin Welan gave a bitter smile, Its because of the Blood Seeds.

Wasnt it said that the spread of ordinary Blood Seeds wouldnt allow them to break through the Third Layer Heaven? Whats there to worry about? Jack Clark frowned.

Its mainly because the Blood Seeds reminded me of some unpleasant things.

What things?

Justin Welan looked serious, Under normal conditions, when we cultivators step into the First Layer Heaven, we absorb Transcendent energy from Heaven and Earth to enhance ourselves.

But just over fifty years ago, when such cultivation first began, the energy between Heaven and Earth was even more barren in our world than in Koroya. It was possible for cultivators to not break through the Second Layer Heaven for ten years.

Then someone came up with the cannibalism cultivation method, referring to the Giant Beasts that had descended for the first time back then.

At the beginning of the New Era, Giant Beasts frequently appeared. The most famous example was the World Serpent that appeared in the Aohedi Sea. It coiled in the sky above the city and swallowed millions of people in one gulp.

It was said that the sky was covered by a giant swallowing mouth, and countless ordinary people turned into blood foam, forming a blood river that surged into the sky.

The fundamental reason was that after they came to our world from their high-energy world, they couldnt adapt to the environment and instinctively wanted to replenish their energy.

From this perspective, some crazy cultivators determined that humans are also energy sources and conducted a series of experiments, including refining the flesh and blood of cattle and sheep.

I dont know the specific process, but as the blood refining method spread, the whole world fell into a five-year Dark Age.

You must know that at that time, there were more than 150 countries around the world, with a population of more than three billion people, but after those Innate Awakened Ones suppressed the chaos and established the Global Federation, there were only more than two billion people left.

Jack Clark suddenly felt a chill, as if an endless smell of blood was coming towards him.

Approximately one billion people died unnaturally within ten years. What a desperate and dark era that was; the mountains of corpses and seas of blood could not even be described.

Nevertheless, Jack was still puzzled, How come 1 havent seen any information about the deaths of nearly a billion people on the internet?

Justin Welan spread his hands, Of course, its been erased. The technology at that time was far less advanced than it is now, and information wasnt as developed.bender

In this situation, news of massacres and slaughters in some places would turn into rumors once it spread thousands of miles away, and most people would just treat it as idle talk.

Those who witnessed or experienced it personally were mostly dead, and only a small number joined the military and became strong cultivators.

Under these circumstances, after the official fading of the history for decades, almost no ordinary people remember these events now.

People nowadays only know that the period was chaotic, and there were Giant Beasts everywhere devouring humans. Many people died due to local military missile attacks.

At the same time, this is also one of the reasons why the official control of cultivation methods, wheel fishing, and cultivators is so strict, to avoid such a situation from happening again.

I only learned about this when my elder brother had a breakthrough to the Seventh Layer Heaven last year. In his excitement, he accidentally let the information slip and told me when I questioned him.

At that time, I just felt dumbfounded after hearing it. Hundreds of millions of people had been eaten by those crazy cultivators. At this point, Justin Welans face looked extremely terrible.

Jack Clark let out a long sigh and said solemnly, So, the Blood Seeds are the cannibalism cultivation method from back then?

Correct, but not completely.

Justin Welan nodded, Many of those madmen back then were Innate Awakened Ones who created numerous terrifying blood refining techniques, even capable of massacres on a large scale.

Blood Seeds are just one of them. It is said that this kind of cultivation method has a Blood God Origin, and the strong man who controlled the Origin at that time had split countless Blood Seeds and granted them to ordinary people.

Finally, when those peoples strength had reached a certain level, that strong man would take back all their power, and in a very short period of time, become a terrifying existence.Jack Clark suddenly said, Blood God Sects supreme god, Akunus.

It should be it. Justin Welan nodded seriously.

These people, they deserve to die. A killing intent appeared in Jack Clarks eyes.

Its normal for cultivators to have ideological disputes and grievances, but nobody can tolerate the act of eating their own kind for cultivation.

Even if Jack Clark had never seen the so-called Blood God, at this moment, he was filled with hostility towards this unknown strong man named Akunus.

The population of Lester Urban Area is more than 700,000, and with the administered villages and towns, the overall population is over a million.

Under such circumstances, for twenty Special Forces Soldiers to search for cultists and hidden blood disciples among a million people is like finding a needle in a haystack.

However, this problem is easy to solve.

After learning that blood disciples needed to kill to quickly increase their strength, many students, including Jack Clark, came to the local Law Enforcement Bureau.

As Special Forces Soldiers, they easily obtained the authority to view recent death case files.

However, due to the previous rebel incident, many files are currently missing. The newly established Law Enforcement Bureau only had the files of homicide cases from the past week.

Hey, line up, one at a time. Zac Lyons spread his arms, signaling his classmates not to squeeze in.

Sitting in front of the computer, viewing the files, White Veil cooperated and shouted, Everybody, dont rush. Theres only one computer. Once Ive determined a target, Ill make way.

Soon it was Jack Clarks and Justin Welans turn.

Jack Clark reminded, Mr. Welan, rule out those who died from illness or old age, and focus on those who died unnaturally in the past few days.

With his Hearts Eye Perception and the enhanced Five Senses as his physique improved, Jack Clark was confident that he could detect blood disciples within a range of tens of meters.

I understand.

Got it, a death case occurred here the day before yesterday. The victims were two adults, and their corpses were found withered and hidden in a ditch.

Okay, okay, its our turn.

As soon as Justin Welan confirmed a target, the classmates behind him urged him to make way. They were all eager to eliminate harm for the people.

More than half an hour later, the two appeared in the suburbs. Their eyes scanned the low and shabby brick houses, the narrow and dilapidated roads, and the rubbish and debris on both sides.

Not far away, several dark-skinned men in tattered clothes sat with lifeless eyes at the entrance of their homes.

The first impression this place gave Jack Clark was dirtiness, chaos, decay, and despair, with no trace of modern civilization.

Its no wonder that the Koroya royal family deserved to be overthrown by the rebels, but unfortunately, those people shouldnt have teamed up with the Evil God Sect.

Otherwise, even if they had overthrown the Koroya royal family, the Federation would not have intervened.

Of course, Jack Clark knew that his assumption was a bit far-fetched. After all, the Koroya royal family controlled Cultivation Methods and the military, leaving ordinary people with no power to resist.

This was also the reason why the Evil God Sect could develop secretly here. Desperate people wouldnt miss any hope, even if that power was poisonous.

However, now that the official authority here is supported by the Federation, the place should gradually develop in line with international standards.

Lets go, Jack Clark said, striding forward, with Justin Welan following.

The alloy cast battle boots made a dull sound as they stepped on the ground. As the two walked by, the elderly sitting in front of the door just glanced at them weakly.

Old people sunbathing, children hiding behind doors sneakily watching them, insects crawling underground, and rats searching for food in garbage piles.

Everything around them was exposed under Jack Clarks Hearts Eye Perception..

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