Mythical Era: I Evolved Into A Stellar-Level Beast

Chapter 142 - 119: Swallowing Everything, The

Chapter 142: Chapter 119: Swallowing Everything, The

Demon Dragon of Bloodline Evolution (Seeking Monthly Pass) _6

Translator: 549690339

It was clear that it wasn’t just this mutated tiger whale; other mutated organisms were also eyeing these blood crystals, lurking around during their battle with the red eels.

Shortly, the mutated tiger whale brought over the corpses of two eels, gently placing them in front of the Sword Armor Beast, blinking its lively eyes expectantly.

Although this creature understood the art of ambush, it seems a bit naive, not considering the scenario where the Sword Armor Beast might retreat into the cracks with the two sea eel corpses, giving it nothing.

Whimper whimper whimper!!

Under the urging of the tiger whale, the Sword Armor Beast spread open its claws, revealing four blood crystals, then took out the two largest ones and placed them in front of itself.

Among the four blood crystals, the largest was as big as a fist, while the smallest was only as small as an egg.

Roar roar roar!! One “fish” for the two of us.

Whimper!! The tiger whale looked at the two considerably smaller blood crystals in front of it, then looked back at the two in front of the Sword Armor Beast, a confused look flashed in its eyes.

Everyone got the same number, but why did it feel like it was short-changed?

Roar! There is something amiss in the surroundings, take quickly and go.

In a low growl, the Sword Armor Beast put the two largest blood crystals in its mouth, grabbed the bodies of the two mutated sea eels with its claws, and rushed to the bottom of the sea fissure.

The tiger whale didn’t dare to delay either, it slightly opened its mouth, and a suction power was transmitted. It swallowed the two smaller blood crystals into its mouth in a blink of an eye.

The deeper the water, the larger and higher level the lurking mutated organisms will be.

This is why the Sword Armor Beast usually stays above a water depth of three hundred meters, instead of hiding at the riverbed like before.

If the mutated tiger whale hadn’t led the way this time, it would not have dared to come down to the thousand meter deep waters where who knows what terrifying mutated beast could be encountered in the dark environment.

After all, its feather horn perception isn’t omnipotent; if it encountered a top-tier mutated beast with a body length of hundreds of meters, it won’t even be able to run.

Boom boom boom!!

The sea water above the crack suddenly exploded, with an unknown creature’s low growl and a powerful aura of a mutant beast, the waters below became increasingly murky.

The Sword Armor Beast didn’t pay attention to these, with the two mutated red eel corpses in its claws, it delightfully arrived at the depths of the fissure.

This place is narrow, very suitable for it to burst out in power.

If the large creatures from the surface came looking for trouble, it won’t mind showing them what extreme physical strength looks like.

Arriving at the seabed fissure filled with rolled-up poisonous gas, the Sword Armor Beast opened its mouth and spat out the slightly smaller blood crystal, pulling open the python skin bag on its neck and stuffing it inside.

According to the information Jack Clark had read, one only needs to eat one blood crystal, eating more is useless, but the effect is better the larger it is.

This is also the reason why it is so generous.

Besides, that tiger whale isn’t lacking in intelligence or power, there’s no need to turn hostile.

And it seems to have a keen sense of these ‘heaven and earth treasures’, the Sword Armor Beast wanted to see if there would be any more opportunities for cooperation in the future.

As for the remaining one, Jack Clark hadn’t decided whether to sell it to the school or what to do with it.

Expectantly, the Sword Armor Beast crunched on the blood-colored stone in its mouth. With its current biting force and the solidity level of its teeth, it could even eat metal as if they were beans.

Waiting until it felt that it had chewed enough, the Sword Armor Beast swallowed it down in one gulp mixed with seawater.


The shattered blood crystal just entered its stomach, a blazing energy instantly exploded and swept over the entire body of the Sword Armor Beast, causing its whole body to start boiling.

Underneath the raging energy, the muscles, bones, bone marrow, and even genes of the Sword Armor Beast underwent a special transformation. This feeling was similar to the previous three evolutions.

Only, it wasn’t as intense…

I’m so hungry.

The Sword Armor Beast lifted its head, its light golden vertical pupils had somehow been covered in blood, grabbing the mutated sea eel corpse in front of it and started devouring it.

It brutally tore off a mouthful of flesh and blood with each bite.

It would usually take at least two hours for the Sword Armor Beast to fully digest two eighteen-meter-long and twenty-one meter long mutated red eels, due to their dense bodies.

But at this moment, every cell in its body was sending out signals of hunger. The food that just entered its stomach was immediately digested and before it knew it, it had finished devouring one of the eels.

It’s not enough.

The Sword Armor Beast grabbed the other mutated red eel’s corpse and continued to feed. It wasn’t until it had devoured both the mutant beast corpses that its feeling of hunger subsided slightly.

By this time, it had undergone a significant transformation.The entire body was covered in a pitch-black exoskeleton, with gaps flashing red lights, radiating scorching heat. Meanwhile, the body became more robust, bursting with an explosive force.

Especially, its limbs were even more muscular and typically vigorous, with ghastly sharp toenails. Even its neck had significantly lengthened and thickened.

Additionally, with the three pairs of red feathered horns on its sides, which were more distinctly colored red, sharper, and with the hint of flames leaping around them, it looked very imposing and horrifying.

At this moment, the twelve meters long Sword Armor Beast resembled a demon dragon lurking in the abyss of the sea. As it breathed in and out, it spewed out scorching heat, causing the seawater to churn and emitted a dreadful pressure.

“Is this the change due to bloodline transformation?”

In the reading room, feeling the changes in the Sword Armor Beast’s body, Jack Clark’s eyes showed a trace of shock as he subconsciously summoned the attribute page.

Realm: Third Layer Heaven

Physique: 475+

Strength: 512+

Agility: 423+

Spirit: 414+

Talent: Soul Split+

Cultivation Methods: Lotus Platform Meditation Skill, Dragon Elephant

Power [Extreme Realmization] Heart’s Eye Bright Knife+[Third Layer)

Rune: Elephant’s Fury [incomplete]

Attribute points: 8

Equipment: Standard Combat Knife[+io Solidity, +10 Sharpness]

Avatar: Hexagonal Sword and Armour Flame Beast

Level: Intermediate Unique Beast[King of its ranks among unique beasts of the same level, possessing three powerful talents and one ordinary talent)

Talents: Strength +[ioox Strength Burst]Defense +[ioox Pressure

Defense]Agility+[3ox Instantaneous Speed Burst, slightly weakened underwater]

Blazing Flame +[An ordinary physiological talent, can emit a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius from its body and exoskeleton, and has a very high resistance to fire and energy attacks.

This talent can be evolved by absorbing hot energies to purify its bloodline, or it can increase strength by consuming attribute points]

Evolution value 1320/3000

Jack glanced at his own attributes, and then his attention fell on the changes of his avatar below.

The name had changed to Hexagonal Sword and Armour Flame Beast, and it had gained another talent.

The ability to emit a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius from the body… didn’t seem to be that useful. Didn’t emitting high temperatures in the sea mean a continuous consumption of energy?

A bit comforting was that the talent could evolve. Even without using attribute points to strengthen it, it could evolve and become stronger by devouring materials with high thermal energy.

Additionally, it made the Sword Armor Flame Beast’s resistance to energy attacks stronger, which was more important.

For example, when encountering Crystal Horn Fish again, it could charge up and kill them while enduring their freezing glows, rather than being wary of them all the time.

Of course, this good effect had much to do with the Sword Armor Flame Beast itself. Ordinary unique beasts wouldn’t change so much after eating. Otherwise, the starting price wouldn’t be 30 contribution points per piece.

Then, Jack’s gaze fell on the evolution value below, and the corner of his mouth unconsciously lifted slightly.

At this time, it had been just over a month since the Sword Armor Beast’s third evolution, yet its evolution value had already accumulated over a thousand; the speed was getting faster and faster.

Of course, accumulating so quickly has a lot to do with devouring those high-level mutant creatures.

Compared to the ‘barren’ river, the sea was too rich, full of mutated organisms everywhere.

Especially those mutated beasts exceeding fifteen meters were full of rich energy in their flesh and blood. Eating one was equivalent to hunting dozens or even hundreds before.

During this period, when the Sword Armor Flame Beast was lucky, it could accumulate sixty to seventy evolution points in a day.

Even when it was unlucky, it could still accumulate tens of points. After all, although the sea was rich in resources, most of them were still common mutated fish of level one or two.

Although there were many unique beasts above level four, they were not everywhere. There was no way; the ocean was too big.

But now, with the improved strength of the Sword Armor Flame Beast and an expanded hunting range, the level of the unique beasts it hunts would be higher, and the next accumulation of evolution points would be even faster.

It was estimated that it would reach the requirement for the fourth evolution in a little over a month, even faster than the previous three evolutions.

Then, the Sword Armor Flame Beast, which had merged with the new talent, would surge in strength once more, moving a step closer to the dream of ruling the sea as a ten-thousand-meter giant beast..

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