Mythical Era: I Evolved Into A Stellar-Level Beast

Chapter 118 - no: Descending upon Erica Knowles, Found You

Chapter 118: Chapter no: Descending upon Erica Knowles, Found You

Translator: 549690339

It was 11:30 at night.

Seeing Jack Clark suddenly come to him, Emmitt Wesley suggested, “We don’t have any transport planes in Lester now, so if you want to go to Erica Knowles, you’ll have to drive yourselves.”

“However, the road conditions in Koroya are a bit tricky, so you’d better be prepared.”

Jack Clark nodded, “Yeah, we know, and we’ve already rented a modified off-road vehicle from the base. We just need you to report it for us, sir.”

As the trial recruits of the Special Forces, Jack and his team needed approval to leave Lester, otherwise their sudden disappearance would cause some trouble.

So they sought out Emmitt Wesley late at night, saying a close classmate was injured and they needed to go see him.

Emmitt Wesley smiled slightly, “Since you’ve already made preparations, be careful on the road.”

After talking with Emmitt Wesley, Jack Clark and Justin Welan, who had rented the car, went back to their room, put on their battle armor, picked up their weapons, and left with their luggage in tow.

Despite the fact that most of Koroya was now relatively stable, the two were still fully armed for safety.

However, as the two of them rode the elevator out of the hotel, they saw Marcus Lee, also fully armed, carrying a heavy hammer and grinning while waiting for them in front of the modified off-road vehicle.

“Jack, Mr. Willard, it’s so unfair of you guys not to tell me you were going to Erica Knowles.”

Justin Welan was speechless, “We’re going to kill someone, not play. Do you think you can handle a Fourth Layer Heaven Mid-stage Blood Envoy sneak attack?”

Marcus Lee turned serious, “1 know, it’s because of what happened to Crystal Leinster and the others. The news is all over the Trial Class Group now.”

“Although I can’t handle a Fourth Layer Heaven Mid-stage Blood Envoy’s sneak attack, 1 can hide! Besides, the more people, the stronger we are. What if I find him first?”

“If you want to come, just get in the car,” Jack interrupted. “You don’t need to do anything at the time, just leave it to me. It’s just a Fourth Layer Heaven after all.”

Saying that, Jack threw his suitcase and long knife into the back of the extended off-road compartment before getting into the driver’s seat and starting the car.

After his breakthrough in the Dragon Elephant Limit Enhancement, Jack estimated that his fighting prowess, including the activation of runes, was around the Fourth Layer Heaven Mid-stage.

Now, with his base attributes increased even more over the past two weeks, a Fourth Layer Heaven Mid-stage would not be unbeatable.

“Damn, Jack, you’re amazing! ‘Just a Fourth Layer Heaven,’ huh? We’ll kill him for sure.” Marcus Lee grinned and hurriedly got into the car.

Soon, accompanied by the roar of the engine, the elongated off-road vehicle disappeared into the night.

Just as Emmitt Wesley had said, the roads in Koroya were terrible.

As a backward country, Koroya had only a single National Highway connecting its major cities even before the chaos. After the chaos, many bridges and road sections were destroyed and blown up.

So, even with satellite navigation, it took Jack and his teammates a full day to drive the more than 700 kilometers, arriving near Erica Knowles the next afternoon.

Justin Welan rubbed his sore neck as he looked at the retreating road signs, “Finally, we’re almost there.”

Marcus Lee nodded in agreement, “Yeah, finally.”

Bumping along for a day and a night, they ate dry food when hungry and slept in the truck when tired. Even as cultivators, they felt somewhat uncomfortable.

In contrast, Jack, who had been focused on driving all day, didn’t feel as uncomfortable as his comrades, mainly because his physique was far superior to theirs.

As the sun set, a huge city appeared before the trio’s eyes.

Compared to Lester, which felt like something from the Eighties, Erica Knowles had a more modern vibe, with skyscrapers dominating the cityscape and the roads being much wider and smoother.

Overall, it reminded Jack of the early 2000s, with a touch of prosperity.

As they approached the city, more vehicles began appearing on the highway, along with people walking on the roadside.

However, once inside the city, Jack and his two friends could keenly sense the lingering scent of blood and fire.

Many damaged buildings were cordoned off, with excavators and other machinery tearing them down nearby. Some roads were barely passable due to the severe damage.

In addition, there were large black scorch marks on some buildings, uprooted trees by the roadside that had yet to be dealt with, and Koroya soldiers stationed every few steps.

Following the address, Jack drove the off-road vehicle to a hospital in the south of the city, only to be stopped by the soldiers at the entrance.

“This area is a Controlled Area. Please park your vehicle outside and verify your identity before entering.”

“It’s such a hassle just to enter a hospital.”

Justin Welan was unhappy, “These guys are useless, boasting of being

First-class Martial Height geniuses, but not able to kill the remaining Blood Disciples in the city for ten days.”

Marcus Lee chimed in with a nod, “Exactly! If we were here, we would have caught them and crushed them one by one long ago.”

“Stop bragging, you two. Do you think this is Lester?” Jack shook his head and parked the car in an outdoor parking lot nearby.

Bang, bang!-

With heavy footsteps, the trio, dressed in dark red armor, stepped down from the vehicle, their expressions calm. After completing face recognition at the hospital gate, they proceeded inside.

Behind Jack, the flamboyant Justin Welan and Marcus Lee followed.

There was no choice; compared to Jack, who had only replaced his black cloak, Justin Weian’s black wings and the barbs on Marcus Lee’s armor joints were all very conspicuous.

However, the hospital staff were accustomed to seeing special forces soldiers in battle armor, since there had been many injured people in recent times, including trial recruits and regular soldiers..

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