Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2185 Turmoil

Chapter 2185 Turmoil

News of the God Tomb's disappearance sent shockwaves through the Nine Heavens Realm, rapidly rippling outward to the other realms. Countless ancient gods, legendary figures presumed dead, began to emerge from the shadows across the Primal Chaos.

The Nine Heavens, the first to feel the brunt of this eruption, descended into chaos. Many star realms were annihilated before they even understood the threat they faced. Similar scenes of devastation unfolded elsewhere, a horrifying testament to the power unleashed.

Within the heart of the Heavenly Court, Yu Huang, the Jade Emperor, perched upon his celestial throne. His gaze fixated on the Heaven's Eyes Pearl, a swirling orb that projected scenes of utter devastation across the Nine Heavens Realm. Star realms, once vibrant with life, were now consumed by an encroaching void.

A low hum resonated through the grand hall as a figure materialized before him. It was Wen Quxing, his usually composed demeanor replaced by a grimace of worry.

"Your Majesty," he began, bowing low. "The situation across the Nine Heavens is dire. Several star realms have been consumed by the rampaging ancient gods. We must take action."

Yu Huang, his brow furrowed in concern, released a frustrated sigh. "Alas, we are powerless against such beings."

"Should we seek the opinion of the God of Heaven?" Wen Quxing inquired cautiously, his voice barely a whisper.

The Jade Emperor shook his head, a hint of trepidation flickering in his eyes. "No," he rumbled, his voice heavy with authority. "Disturbing him must be a last resort."

Before Yu Huang could elaborate further, another figure, the robed leader of the Heavenly Tribulation's Worshippers, rushed into the chamber, his face etched with panic.

"Your Majesty," he gasped, "our people have encountered the Dragon of Death!"

Yu Huang's expression shifted slightly at the news. Long Xuan, much like Xie Pojun, was a name he'd believed consigned to the annals of history.

"He lives?" Yu Huang murmured, a flicker of surprise crossing his features. "It seems the God Tomb held more secrets than we ever imagined."

"There's more, Your Majesty," the man continued, his voice laced with despair. "The Shadow Court has resurfaced, and our forces have suffered heavy casualties."

Yu Huang's gaze turned steely, his voice laced with a hint of irritation. "Perhaps a tighter leash on your Worshippers would have prevented such losses," he remarked coolly.

The leader of the Worshippers bowed his head in shame. Since integrating with the Heavenly Court, his followers had indeed grown arrogant, their presence becoming an unwelcome burden in many realms. He had failed to rein them in, and now they were reaping the bitter consequences.

In that moment, a hush fell over the court as Chun Yue entered. Her posture was graceful, her movements imbued with an otherworldly elegance.

Ever since Ren Yuan seized control of the Heavenly Court, he'd dispatched search parties to locate Chun Yue, his maidservant who had vanished after their separation.

Now, restored to his side, she commanded a position that even the Jade Emperor was compelled to acknowledge with respect.

"Lady Chun," Wu Quxing and the other man bowed their heads in deference.

Chun Yue offered a slight nod in return, her gaze settling on Yu Huang. "We cannot afford to cower in the face of this crisis," she declared, her voice imbued with quiet authority.

"Such timidity would be a severe blow to our prestige. Issue a proclamation. Announce to the world that the Heavenly Court will convene a conference to address the current situation. Extend invitations to the Western Emperor, the Shadow Court, and the Northern Demon Emperor. A united front is our only hope."

Yu Huang studied Chun Yue with a penetrating gaze. He grasped the essence of her plan. Whether it was the Western Emperor, the Shadow Court, or the Northern Demonic Emperor, none could afford inaction. Refusal would not only cede control of the Nine Heavens but also inadvertently bolster the Heavenly Court's prestige.

With a subtle nod, Yu Huang acknowledged her suggestion. "Understood."

Chun Yue then turned her attention to the leader of the Heavenly Tribulation's Worshippers. "Precisely where did your people encounter the Dragon of Death?"

"The Western Region," the man replied respectfully.

"The Western Region?" Chun Yue echoed, her eyes flitting towards Yu Huang. "Do we have any insight into his motives? What would draw him there?"

Yu Huang sifted through his knowledge. According to his knowledge, the Western Region held nothing of particular interest to Long Xuan. Why would he venture there after his escape from the God Tomb?

"Did your people glean any further details?" Chun Yue pressed the man.

"He appeared aboard a pristine white profound ark, one seemingly belonging to the Dongfang Clan's trading group," the man recounted. "He was accompanied by a young woman with her eyes tightly shut."

Having witnessed the scene through the eyes of his fallen followers, he could relay the information firsthand.

"Show me," Chun Yue commanded.

The man complied swiftly, conjuring a shimmering image in the air. Chun Yue's gaze narrowed as she recognized the young woman depicted – Long Qingxuan.

"Who is she?" Yu Huang inquired, a flicker of curiosity crossing his features. He had no recollection of Long Qingxuan, not even from her birth during the Primordial Era.

"Long Qingxuan," Chun Yue supplied coolly, "daughter of the Primordial Azure Dragon God."

A jolt of surprise shot through Yu Huang. He vaguely recalled whispers of a child born from the union of the Azure Dragon God and the Light Dragon Queen, a birth shrouded in secrecy. No one had ever laid eyes on the child before.

Chun Yue's gaze remained fixed on the image, her voice laced with calm determination. "Yun Lintian's presence is likely as well, given Long Qingxuan's involvement. Dispatch our scouts. We need to locate their whereabouts."

"Certainly," Wen Quxing readily agreed, his voice laced with a hint of eagerness.

Chun Yue met Yu Huang's gaze for a fleeting moment, a silent exchange passing between them. Then, without another word, she turned and swept out of the court, her movements imbued with an air of quiet authority.

Yu Huang watched her depart, a contemplative silence settling upon the chamber. Finally, he turned to Wen Quxing. "This task requires a delicate touch. Perhaps it would be best if you handled it personally."

A flicker of surprise crossed Wen Quxing's face, quickly replaced by a resolute nod. "Understood, Your Majesty. I will not disappoint."


Yun Lintian's eyelids fluttered open, revealing a pair of eyes that shimmered with an ethereal sapphire glow. His vision swam for a moment, adjusting to the unfamiliar surroundings.

"Where is this place?"

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