Mysterious Awakening

Chapter 38: The Mark

Chapter 38: The Mark

Just as Rain prepared to end her shift and retreat to the sanctuary of her dorm, a call from Miles abruptly halted her plans. The seriousness in his voice was unmistakable, an urgency typically associated with ghostly encounters, causing her to snap into action.

In the world of ghost tamers, a call isnt placed without a paranormal incident looming. And Rain, playing the role of switchboard operator during such crises, is crucial to the process. She collects and organizes information, evaluates the level of threat, and helps maintain regional stability.

Therefore, the trill of the phone is a call to duty, regardless of whether she had just begun her rest. Now fully alert, she tuned into Miles recounting of the incident.

As she retrieved the file on the spectral entity known as Right, a frown deepened on her face and grace concern reflected in those eyes.

So, youre telling me that the ghost baby which emerged from Rights stomach is maturing? A few days ago, it was still in an infantile state, and now its a child displaying the ability to manipulate the ghost domain? she probed.

That seems to be the case, Miles confirmed. Additionally, the ghost baby left two palm prints on a peer of mine. Now it appears to have marked her for consumption, much like a victim of a haunting curse. Do you have any records of similar occurrences? Or maybe a potential solution?

Rain recalled certain archived paranormal cases, Yes, there have been comparable situations. Typically, if a ghost has a solid intent to kill, two conditions need to be satisfied a distinct trigger and a killing pattern. This bears a stark resemblance to the motives and methods of conventional murderers.

The knocking ghost was triggered by the sound of knocking, and it haunted doors as its method of killing. Other modes of killing are not ruled out, of course. As for the ghost baby, its method of killing seems to be consumption, with the trigger being physical contact.

From my research, its likely the ghost baby will consume the first person it touches. Thats probably why it has targeted your classmate because she made contact with it, Rain explained.

But Ive never touched the ghost baby, Miles cut in, Yet it still assaulted me.

He was the ghost babys initial victim.

Many ghosts kill indiscriminately. In the absence of a trigger, they will attack at random. You were the first person the ghost baby saw after leaving Rights body, so it chose you as its prey. But remember, even if we understand the ghosts pattern, it doesnt guarantee safety, especially with a roaming ghost of this nature, classified as a Level B, Rain elucidated further.

Miles grimaced, now understanding why someone like Jing might make harsh sacrifices to ensure their own survival.

As for your classmates palm print issue, we think it might be a mark of a ghost slave, Rain added.

A ghost slave mark?

Intrigued, Miles questioned, What is that? How is it different from an actual ghost slave?

Each ghost with the ability to navigate the ghost domain shares a singular power: they can turn the deceased into ghost slaves. These slaves may appear as they did in life, but they lack any semblance of rational thought. They are a distinct category of ghosts, and its important not to be fooled by their familiar appearance. They are entirely subservient to their ghost masters. You must have seen this before. However, the knocking ghost you encountered is an exception; it can control a larger number of ghost slaves than you could imagine. Weve already categorized it as a Class A entity.

Class A.

Miles felt a chill seep down his spine. The knocking ghost was more sinister than hed realized.

The ghost slave mark is basically the signature of a powerful ghost, akin to a companys logo. Even though your classmate is still alive, shes been marked as a ghost slave in the ghost domain. Upon death, shell fall under its control. This is all we know for now, Rain further explained.

This revelation left Miles despondent. So youre implying that the ghost baby is already set on collecting attractive women for its ghostly harem despite being newly formed? I had the impression it was benign, but it turns out its a little libertine.

Presently, ghosts dont experience desires. They dont distinguish between beauty and ugliness. Its possible the ghost baby targeted your classmate, seeing her as an easier prey after failing to attack you, especially as shes a girl and appeared weaker. Thats likely all there is to it, Rain clarified.

Is there a method to erase the mark? Miles queried.

No definitive one, although theres a theoretical solution. Yet no ghost tamer has ventured to try it, Rain responded.

Why not? Miles pressed.

The prerequisites are too steep, Rain admitted.

What prerequisites?

Rain elucidated, At the fundamental level, it necessitates the ghost tamers use of the ghost domain. One academic theory suggests that if a ghost can have a ghost slave, then a ghost tamer should be able to do the same. They could potentially override the powerful ghosts mark with their own, thus liberating the person from the haunting of the potent ghost.

So, even after everything, the mark still remains? Isnt that absurd? Miles countered.

Its not quite the same. A powerful ghost is deceased, but a ghost tamer is alive. Even if the marked person becomes the ghost tamers slave, they wont lose their sanity. This is fundamentally different from a ghost slave. Of course, if you die due to a powerful ghost, the ghost within you will take over your ghost slave, Rain expanded on the theory.

Miless expression grew troubled.

Ghost tamers were notorious for their short life spans. So, this solution seemed like trading one peril for another. Death was still inevitable.

I understand. Well continue this discussion another time, Miles conceded.

Hold on, Rain interjected as if recalling something urgent.

What now? Miles asked.

I need to create a file on you. Your cooperation would be appreciated. Ideally, you should be familiar with the ghost inside youits abilities, traits, and form. Without your cooperation, my assistance in the future will be limited, Rain explained.


After pondering for a brief moment, Miles decided there was no harm in discussing the ghost within his eye.

Once Rain had documented all the details, she continued, Weve assigned someone to take care of your mother. Shes currently engaged in a legitimate business and will return to Dachang City soon. You dont need to worry about her. Also, can you elaborate on the issue with your father you mentioned last time?

My father? My father passed away when I was young. What are you referring to? Miles asked, confused.

Rain seemed surprised, You mentioned your father being present in your rented house before, didnt you? I thought it was a ghost and suggested you move.

You think that ghost is my father? Miles was incredulous at the idea, Please refrain from making such unfounded assumptions.

Rain remained calm despite his skepticism, her brows furrowing in thought. From her point of view, Miles doesnt seem to be joking. Could it be that his memory had been altered again? A ghost capable of manipulating human memory, and the person is oblivious to the fact? Even a ghost tamer wouldnt notice it, but why was her own memory unaffected?

She swiftly noted this down, planning to pass it to their think tank for analysis. This wasnt her area of expertise.

If theres nothing else, lets continue this conversation next time, Miles proposed.

Before you hang up, how has your mental state been recently? Rain abruptly queried.

Im fine, no issues, Miles ended the call abruptly.

Turning to Mr. Beach and Mrs. Ocean in the car, he announced, Did you catch all that?

That was a call from an operator at the Asian division of the Ghost Tamers Headquarters. Her words carry weight. In fact, Ive been involved in this for a while. Since youre now part of this, I wont keep it a secret to avoid being accused of deception or madness.

A profound silence enveloped Corals family.

Everyone was perturbed.

Miles glanced at Coral and noticed a faint red mark on her wrist, barely visible. It vaguely resembled an eye.

When did this appear? Miles abruptly grabbed Corals wrist.

Coral pulled away, whispering, It showed up when you grabbed me.

It was a ghost slave mark!

A chill ran down Miless spine as he remembered holding Corals wrist while saving her.

Was he the one who left the mark?

It all started making sense. That was why Coral hadnt died even after her prolonged encounter with the ghost baby. It was due to his mark. But now that the ghost baby had grown stronger, his mark was fading.

This mark can be both a savior and a curse, Miless face flickered with mixed emotions as he sank into deep contemplation.

Shortly after ending the call, a file bearing his name was added to the headquarters records. The first page of the document read: Ghost Eye Miles (Not yet recruited).

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