My Wives are Beautiful Demons

Chapter 6: Explore the possibilities

Chapter 6: Explore the possibilities

After the... incident...

"What time is it?" Vergil asked.

It had been almost an hour since the girl had been trying to reach the other two... it seemed like... well, they didn't want to answer Ada.

"It's 10:24," she said neutrally, even though... internally... she was burning with many repressed desires she had.

Including the desire to jump on that man and do... things...

"Hmm... I'll leave then," Vergil said, standing up. "W-Wait! You don't know anything yet about—"

"And what difference will it make to me? I mean, you were following me like a stalker, those two will show up eventually," he said.

For Vergil, nothing had changed; he just had a stronger physique, and nothing more. To him, it was simple.

"H-How am I a stalker!" She yelled angrily. "Alright, alright, no one's deaf here, okay? Geez," he said, stretching.

"I still have two and a half hours to get back to school before they notice I'm missing," Vergil said, grabbing his phone.

"Too late." He said with a completely closed expression... He looked at Ada and smiled, a bit nervously, "I have to go."

[28 unread messages from Harry.]

He showed her, "Is everything alright? If you need anything, call me, this is my number."

Vergil wasn't happy about being stuck with this woman for several hours, not because she was annoying or anything else...

He just...

Wanted to understand his strength now...

I mean, let's be honest...

He's a demon now...

He needs to explore the possibilities.

He had already accepted the situation easily, and well... he revived, which was proof that he was fragile and for some reason...

He wanted to get stronger.

Something happened that night... He couldn't accept dying again so uselessly... And after almost killing that angel... he felt a pleasurable sensation...

It wasn't just love and hate, good and evil; all his emotions were completely amplified... and a stronger personality was tempting him...

This showed when he had perverse thoughts about Ada... He wanted her for himself... almost irrationally.

'Is it the contract? Or these strange feelings?' It was like a natural lust telling him to possess her, to take her for himself and never let go... and anyone who looked at her, he would kill...

'I'm turning into an unconscious yandere...' He murmured as he finished giving Ada his phone number.

"Don't forget to be discreet... and please... don't try to jump, run, or make sudden movements... we still don't know your strength and you can't just control it as you wish," Ada warned, and Vergil nodded.

"I'll do my best, dear." He said with a smile, but she... shivered at hearing that word...

"D-D-Don't call me dear!" She said angrily as he walked out the door. "See you later!" He said, closing her apartment door...

"Irrational! Of course, it's because of Katharina! That bitch! She had already planned everything! But involved us together! And now..." She started to freak out, kicking the air...

"UHHHRR!!! I hate these people!" She roared as she grabbed her phone. "Come on, bitch! Answer immediately!" She picked up the phone again, calling her...

"Answer!" She ordered, as if the phone would miraculously obey her request!

"Hello?!" Surprisingly, someone on the other side answered...

"Katharina!" Ada shouted, but... "Oh, Lady Baal, I'm sorry... Lady Agares... is currently being punished..." Someone on the other end of the line responded...

"Alice?! You're in the human world?!" Ada said, surprised... "Y-Yes... W-We have some problems to solve..." The woman on the other side responded, a bit hesitant.

"W-What do you mean by that?" Ada stuttered... "The Inquisition... sent an Exorcist to the city where you are... It seems the Vatican is busy..."

"D-Don't joke!" Ada said, quickly getting up. "Alice, tell Katharina immediately that her little demon is loose out there!" Ada said, starting to open the door quickly.

"Please, call Roxanne and send her directly to my college, tell her it's a matter of life and death!" Ada said quickly, running down the stairs...

Her apartment led directly to a parking lot and the street, she quickly looked around...

Searching for Vergil but...

"Wh-where is he?" Ada said, looking around frantically...

If she only knew what Vergil was doing...

"UUUUUHHHHHUUULLLL!" He shouted as he ran, his speed was... impressive, to say the least.

"Is this like... 200 kilometers? 300?" He wondered, fortunately, the part of Los Angeles he was in was desert-like at this time, and well... he wanted to have some fun...

As he ran, his senses heightened more and more; it was like a perception of the area, imagine a GPS where interest points appear, it was exactly like that, but with human bodies.

He didn't have much control over how he felt, but he was having a blast...

"Let's see..." he said, stopping in front of a building. It was only two stories high, but... It was clear that he could do this...

He bent his knees and took a precise jump.

The sound of the wind being cut by his body was electrifying; the leap was accurate and he made it to the top of the building...

"Wow," he almost fell, but fortunately, his balance was maintained and he could finally see the view... which, well, wasn't that impressive, but from where he was...

"This is really strange." He said, "But I might get used to it."

As he leaned against the edge of the building, he felt something tremble in his pocket... Yes, Vergil remembered to grab his phone.

"Hm?" He grabbed the phone.

[Call = Harry]

"Hello?" Vergil answered the phone and quickly the man on the other end...

"Hey idiot... Where are you?" He questioned, his voice sounding a bit strange...

"I'm on my way, had an unexpected issue." Vergil replied, "Did something happen?" he asked...

"Get here soon... that crazy coach... said that if he doesn't find you, he'll call your mom... And we know how your mom is." Harry said, he... didn't get along very well with Vergil's mother.

"Shit..." Vergil replied, "Give me five minutes... I'm not far." He responded, "O-Okay... I'll... 'HEY where's Vergil? That bastard missed again?'" On the other side of the line...

"N-no sir, he's in the bathroom... Yes, that's right, diarrhea, he'll be out soon! I swear!" Harry responded... "I'm going, get here quickly!" He said quickly in whispers and hung up the phone...

"Shit," Vergil muttered, "If the 'Honorable' finds out I'm skipping class, I'll end up as sardine paté." He muttered.

"Two hours..." "Damn inclusive system! I'm doing engineering, not physical education! Let alone a club!" He said, jumping from the top of the building.

He fell from the top of the building into a small alley next to it, making a huge noise, breaking concrete.

He looked at the ground...

"Am I that heavy?" He murmured, seeing the spiderweb-like cracks that formed on the ground after the impact.

"Ah, fuck it."

Leaving the area, he started walking quickly... Not running, of course, he was leaving a desert area for some of the busier streets; if he ran, it would be... well, obvious...

Just imagine a crazy man running at car speed, everyone would immediately call the police.

"Wait..." Vergil stopped immediately.

"She carried me, all the way to her house... alone and no one noticed?... " He thought, after all... the map wasn't very helpful, it was about twenty minutes from her house to the college.

"Shit... she's fast."

Vergil murmured and continued on his way...

A pity that somewhere else...

A man walked through a sort of warehouse at the back of a building... "Is there a dead body here? What a stench of rot..." He murmured, his hands in his pockets.

He felt his pocket tremble and picked up the phone. "Demon activity is higher; we found six bodies today." A man said over the line...

"Oh come on, who are we after?" The man questioned while looking displeased, poking a dead body he had just found hidden behind a dumpster.

"Don't make too much noise... just check if it's the work of demons..." the call continued... "We're in neutral territory, but that doesn't mean we can attack any demon. Only fugitive demons, you understand?"

"Yes, yes, boss, I got it. But this is going to be expensive, you know? As far as I know, there are three Special Class Super Demons in the area."

"Just don't pick a fight with the Special Class." The voice on the line warned...

"Being an exorcist is a pain in the ass," the rude man replied, spitting on the corpse. Immediately, the light flashed and the corpse disappeared...

"I purified a putrid corpse, common human, cause of death: dismemberment, time: around two in the morning, sending location," he said.

"Good work, Leon." The voice responded, "Have a good hunt, Amen."

"Amen." He said, and the call ended.

"Ugh... What will we have this time... I hope it's not any of the major clans; I don't want to risk the Vatican. That hot bitch probably just wants a reason to set the Pope's palace on fire," he muttered as he surveyed the area. "Well, I'll have to look."

"I wasn't keen on it, but I guess I'll need to check the school..." he said, not enthusiastic at all.

"And let's burn some demons," he said, grinning as he adjusted his overcoat, filled with sharp, white weapons, ready to make demon mince meat...


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