My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 654: Hoping for you two to give me cover

Chapter 654: Hoping for you two to give me cover

Although the Divine Marquis Army and the Military War Duke Army set out together, they split into two routes.

One route went to the city of Qiyuan to meet up with the Demon Slaying Department of the Southern Domain.

The other route went to the city of Prince Luo to join forces with the Prince Luo’s Army.

It is well known that when leading troops for battle, the most taboo thing is to disperse the combat power, but the Divine Marquis Army and the Military War Duke Army have no choice but to do this. 

After the incident in Jiaming City, how could the major Heavenly Cities in the Southern Domain not be on guard? They all increased their vigilance and patrols.

Even many patrolling emissaries of the Demon Slaying Department had left their usual patrol areas and hid around Heavenly City to prevent another unexpected disaster.

However, powerful and mysterious enemies always came and went without a trace. The destruction of the second Heavenly City took everyone by surprise.

Even though the patrolling envoys discovered it in time and sounded the alarm, by the time the Divine Generals and Prince Luo’s troops arrived, the enemy had already vanished without a trace.

Therefore, the Divine Marquis Army and the Military War Duke Army had to split their forces and expand the defense perimeter of Heavenly City to deal with the hidden enemies.

Someone in the Military War Duke Army team said: “It is said that Heavenly Tower National Teacher will go out with the army this time, but before leaving the city, I looked around, but I didn’t see his figure.”

“Speaking of which, do you remember the National Teacher ever leaving the Imperial City?”

“The National Teacher of the Heavenly Tower is infallible, and his words are as good as gold. Since he said he would come, he will definitely come. We just have to do our own duties and kill the demons and ghosts.”

“There’s no need for you to say that, but the enemies this time are completely different from what we’ve faced before.”

As soon as these words were spoken, a sense of gravity passed through the eyes of all soldiers around.

Needless to say, the Garuda clan has a vicious reputation. How can an enemy who can instantly kill Heavenly City Demon Slaying Department Chief and defeat Heavenly City in one night be so weak? 

In fact, when they left Imperial City this time, they all did so with the determination to die if necessary.

To be more realistic, probably five or six out of ten soldiers in the Military War Duke Army carried farewell letters in their pockets.

On military expeditions, the greatest fear is low morale. With every drop in morale, the probability of death increases. 

An experienced old soldier saw the subdued expressions of the soldiers around him and said, “Forget about being afraid! Have you all forgotten that the Military War Duke’s Army was present during the disaster in the western region?” 

“Are the endless hordes of demons and ghosts weaker than the Garuda Clan? Are those terrifying and powerful demons and ghosts inferior to the hidden enemies this time?” 

“Our Military War Duke Army was still victorious! If we triumph this time, Emperor Ming will surely give us rewards. Those without wives will get married, and those with wives will have another child. Isn’t that something to look forward to?”

The soldiers’ fighting spirit was rekindled. “That’s right, we weren’t afraid of the catastrophe in the Western Region; what’s there to fear this time!”

However, some soldiers remembered something and sighed, “But don’t forget, the last time the Military War Duke’s Army triumphed, it was because we had Military Advisor Qin by our side. But this time, he’s not here with us.”


Upon hearing this, even the old soldier couldn’t help but sigh.

Qin Feng’s reputation has long been elevated to the level of a god in the hearts of the soldiers of The Great Qian.

Inventing the gunpowder, improving the Martial Qi Control Art, writing the popular Literature Treasure, improving the combat power of soldiers, and the powerful formation… 

In the hearts of everyone in the Military War Duke Army, Master Qin was as important as General Lie, and perhaps even greater!

If Advisor Qin could accompany the army this time, their confidence would increase at least tenfold!

Of course, they also understand that this is unrealistic.

As a prominent figure in the Imperial City, Master Qin’s situation with his two pregnant wives back home has long been known to everyone.

At such a critical time, what man would dare to risk his life by venturing to the dangerous southern region?

The old soldier shook his head and sighed, “Military Advisor Qin , don’t dwell on such thoughts. Focus all your attention on the southern region!”

“Even if we take a step back and unfortunately die, the compensation offered by Emperor Ming would be enough for our families to live out the rest of their lives in peace in the Imperial City.”

Hearing this, the surrounding soldiers all nodded, and their morale instantly rose. 

In fact, in times like these, joining the Demon Slaying Department and becoming a soldier was like putting your head on the chopping block.

They’re not afraid of death, but rather of leaving their families unprotected and struggling to survive in this harsh world after they’re gone.

However, it’s well known that Emperor Ming is generous with his compensation!

Even if they die, they don’t have to worry too much about their loved ones in the city

But at that moment, a voice inappropriately sounded out, “Compared to this compensation, I still want to come back alive.”

“Otherwise, if my wife remarries and becomes someone else’s wife, and that man uses our compensation to beat our son, I can’t imagine it.”

When the soldiers around him heard this, their expressions froze, and their blood suddenly went cold. Who wouldn’t feel sick after thinking about that scene? 

Watching the morale rise and then fall, the old soldier couldn’t help but feel desperate. He looked towards the source of the voice and saw a man in a brand-new Military War Duke Army uniform, with his military cap pulled down, walking with the troops. Without hesitation, the old soldier stepped forward and struck the man hard on the buttocks with the scabbard of his sword.

The expected cry of pain did not come. The scabbard seemed to strike the cotton with a completely different sensation.

The old soldier was puzzled, but didn’t think too much about it. Instead, he shouted, “Who dares to speak out of turn? It turns out that he’s just a rookie who recently joined the army. Your hat is so low, if there’s any danger above you, wouldn’t you risk your life for nothing? Besides, rookies like you should be at the back of the formation. You don’t even understand that rule. Who’s your leader?”

The rookie raised his hat slightly when he heard this and hastily replied, “I’ve positioned myself wrongly. I’ll go to the back.”

With that, he ran to the back of the formation.

The old soldier spat and then kicked him. The commotion subsided.

After a moment, however, the old soldier let out a quiet exclamation. As he walked past the rookie, he felt a sense of familiarity from that brief glimpse of his face. He shook his head slightly. The soldiers of the Military War Duke’s Army often performed in the martial arts field; maybe he had seen him a few times but couldn’t remember.

And this rookie was none other than Qin Feng in disguise.

His earlier words weren’t meant to disgust the officers and soldiers, but to give them another reason to fight for their lives. Unfortunately, the effect seemed to have deviated slightly…

He lowered his cap and ran to the back of the formation, joining many other recruits, surrounded by young and inexperienced faces, each with different expressions – some excited, some nervous.

As Qin Feng looked back, the silhouette of the Imperial City became increasingly blurry. He couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

“Father didn’t notice, Wife didn’t follow. It seems that the letter I left for Second Brother should work.”

In order not to worry his family members, Qin Feng deliberately wrote a letter to his younger brother, the content of which was nothing more than a reason to leave the Qin residence, similar to what he had told his father.

“Younger brother, don’t blame your elder brother for cheating you. You’re still young and unmarried. If something were to happen to you without experiencing love matters, wouldn’t it be too unfortunate…” Qin Feng shook his head and muttered softly, “I hope you can cover for me and not arouse suspicion among our family members.”

“I hope my big brother can cover for me and not arouse suspicion among our family members.”


Two voices sounded very close, almost in unison.

Qin Feng turned to the source of the voices, and the other person also met his gaze.

They looked at each other in disbelief, their mouths agape and eyes wide open.

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