My Supermodel Wife

Chapter 987 - You Misunderstood!

Before Erika took Anna out of the room, she stood in front of the door, turned and looked at Merry.

Her eyes were as calm as water and without waves, but the reluctance and nostalgia embedded deep in her gaze made her nerves tear all the time.

Until now, of all Hiroshi's family members, the one that worried her the most was Merry.

At this moment, Merry was greeted by Paul, so she didn't see Erika's complicated expression.

As the door of the private room gradually closed in front of her, Erika retracted her gaze and put a smile on the corner of her mouth again, intending to bring Anna back to the Hiroshi family's house first.

If she had hesitated before, then she was truly determined after tonight!


It's already half past eight.

Standing near Paul, Merry thanked him. "Thank you for helping me today!"

She felt that Chris's father wasn't that hard to talk to!

He is a very nice person!

Paul lifted his head slightly to look at Merry, then said softly, "If you really want to thank me, then tell me, why would that woman want to take you away?!"

No matter how he looked at it, what Emma said and did were too absurd in his eyes!

Also, Samuel's attitude towards her was enough to explain that there was a past between the two people.

Merry lowered her head, pursed the corners of her mouth, then explained, "If I tell the truth, can you promise not to tell anyone else?"

This little girl is worried!

However, there is no real evidence of a relationship between her and Emma.

Besides, Merry didn't want to admit that Emma was her real mother at all!

Hearing her voice, Paul nodded deeply. "Okay."

"Alright, I'll keep your promise!" Merry then reveals the whole relationship between her and Emma.

Since Merry has prejudice, her tone is not very restrained, and her words definitely showed her dislike towards Emma.

Not long after she finished her stories, she ran back to the table with a dry mouth. She took her teacup, and poured half a cup of tea.

At this time, Paul and Indra looked at each other. The eyes of the two old men were full of irony.

While Merry was drinking her tea, Indra leaned over and whispered in Paul's ear. "It seems suspicious that this matter is not to be mistaken, I think this woman named Emma does mean something bad."

Paul glanced at the little girl as she drank her tea and narrowed his eyes. He then turned to Indra. "Send a few more people to follow Emma. No matter what she is doing, keep an eye on her!"

Indra nodded, seeing Merry had put down her teacup, he immediately straightened up as if nothing had happened.

After drinking, Merry quickly turned to Paul's side. "Uncle, do you think I'm exaggerating?"

Paul looked at her seriously and smiled faintly. "You are…"

However, before Paul could finish, there was a knock on the door.

When Clifford opened the door, Merry was a little surprised. "Wood, you haven't left yet?"

He shook his head, turned to the side, and Chris walked in front of everyone

"Brother Chris!" Merry couldn't help but scream with joy when she saw Chris.

Suddenly, the little girl stopped running towards Chris.

Oops, she's too excited, is this uncle going to find a clue?!

Merry's movement made Chris frown.

He almost subconsciously thought that the little girl must have been bullied by her father again, otherwise why didn't she dare to approach him?

Chris stepped up, and stretched out his long arms, pulling Merry to his side, then staring at Paul with cold eyes. "If there's something you want from me, come to me directly! Don't bully her!"

The estrangement between Chris and Paul cannot be erased in a few words.

In the past, this father and son were so far apart that they avoided seeing each other. Still, no matter how strong the discord between them is, they tried to avoid each other so as not to hurt anyone's heart.

However, Paul repeatedly attacks Merry, which makes Chris really want to sever his father and son relationship with him.

At this moment, the father and son were like old enemies, and their eyes that looked at each other in the air were stained with discomfort and alienation.

Merry was caught between the two of them, her eyes were rolling, and she immediately tried to help Paul. "Brother, you misunderstood, uncle didn't bully me!"

Chris heard her sharp and soft voice. He immediately pulled her into his arms. "Don't be afraid, I'm already here, no one can bully you!"

Paul. "..."

Indra. "..."

Merry who was hugged. "..."

At this moment, the atmosphere in the room became deadlocked and stagnant due to Chris' gloomy and cold demeanor.

Indra looked around and had no choice but to explain with a smile. "Young master, you have completely misunderstood! Today, Master coincidentally met Miss Merry, so…"

Chris looked at Indra coldly. "What a coincidence? You bumped into her out of sudden? No way!" He did not let Indra explain!

Indra scratched his head helplessly, stared at Paul, and spread his hands helplessly.

No matter how he explained the situation, his young master is definitely not going to believe it!

It looks like the label 'criminal' is already attached to each of their foreheads!

At this time, seeing the atmosphere between father and son becoming increasingly tense, Merry struggled to free herself from Chris' embrace. She then pushed him away and said. "Brother, I really happened to meet them here and it was really unintentional. Not only that, Uncle has also helped me! He didn't bully me at all, don't accuse a good person carelessly!"

Chris. "Huh??"

Did this girl just say that his father was a good man?

Chris looked at Merry with deep eyes, then he held her face and said with a serious expression. "Hey, be honest with me, did he threaten you?"

Otherwise, why is Merry suddenly defending him? How could his father's attitude have changed so much?!

Paul. "..."

Is Chris really his son?!

At this moment, Merry kept shaking her head in Chris' arms. "Why don't you believe me! Your father is so good to me, how could he threaten me?"

Chris narrowed his eyes suspiciously, staring at Paul. His gaze was full of wariness and doubt.

In his life, his father was only friendly to his parents. In the past, almost no one saw him smile!

Thinking of this, Chris took Merry's shoulder and faced Paul, then asked in a cold voice, "What do you want to do?"

After hearing this, Paul averted his gaze slowly and looked at Chris with a gloomy expression.

After a while, he nonchalantly withdrew his gaze, ignored Chris' question, and directly spoke to Indra, "Let's go back home!"

Indra shook his head with a sigh, and walked behind the wheelchair. Then he tried to explain, "Young master, you had better ask Miss Merry what happened today. This time you really misunderstood!"

After that, Indra pushed Paul's wheelchair from behind and left the room.

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