My Son Might Be A Villain

Chapter 10: Pretend Mother and Son (1)

Chapter 10: Pretend Mother and Son (1)

Su Han was also a bit surprised himself when he saw that Su Ran almost fell. Instinctively he reached out to steady her but forced himself to pull his hands back a second later.

The shred of guilt and worry that flashed past his face was quickly replaced by his coldness.

When Su Ran finally caught herself and looked up at Su Han, all she saw was a young man, who was so handsome that mortal men and gods would be envious of, looking at her coldly with distant and repulsiveness.

The moment that Su Ran looked up, Su Han seemed to have further taken a step backward, as though she was some sort of infectious disease

Su Rans lips twitched. She almost wanted to slap this unfamilial son of hers.

Perhaps, Su Han had only sensed that something was wrong with Gu Jiahaos banquet, but didnt realize that they were in clear and present danger. Su Ran, on the other hand, had read the original novel. She knew full well that if anything had gone wrong, both of them would have died at the Gus.

She had risked her life to get him out of there, and what did she get in return? Not only did her instant son not appreciate her effort, he gave her a I-am-staring-at-the-flu-patient-and-better-stay-away look.

But, she found her zen almost immediately.

This future boss villain had very good reasons to dislike his own mother so much. After all, the original owner didnt exactly welcome him with both arms either. 

As far as Su Ran was concerned, the birth of Su Han was unexpected.

At the beginning, after Su Ran was scarred and violated, she didnt even realize she was pregnant. When she realized it and wanted to have an abortion, it was already too late in time.

Su Ran gave birth to Su Han in the bathroom of her rental apartment. At the time, her first reaction was to toss the kid into the dumpster.

It was her neighbors that noticed it, called the police, and saved the innocent little life.

Perhaps, the original owner had thought about killing him ten thousand times, and had ten thousand and one ways to kill him, but fearing the law, Su Ran with neither money nor power had no choice but to keep the child with her.

There was no way Su Ran, at that age, could take good care of the child, not to mention that the child was the biggest nightmare in her life.

Su Ran had very complicated emotions toward Su Han. Perhaps there was some maternal instinct in there, but not a lot. She mostly felt resentment and fear toward him.

The way that Su Ran raised him was worse than the treatment of a stray dog sometimes Su Ran would be gone for days and the just a few-year-old Su Han narrowly avoided the fate of starving to death because of food from the neighbors.

Never mind if he had become twisted, the simple fact that he survived into adulthood was a miracle in and of itself.

It was only natural that Su Han and Su Ran were like strangers to each other. As for disgust, that was normal too.

If she was in his shoes and found out that her mother was in the line of work that Su Ran was in, she probably wouldnt be very fond of her either.

Not to mention that Su Han was already at the age of being able to tell good from bad and also entering into his rebellious period.

Su Ran, as an outsider, did not have the same resentment toward Su Han like the original owner. That being said, it was also impossible for her, someone who had never even been in a relationship, let alone getting married and having kids, to suddenly step into the role of a mother.

That being said, looking at Su Hans face that had already started into adulthood, Su Ran shook her head inside and sighed. He was, after all, a villain who could take on the male leads son in the future. For sure he has superior intelligence, and he was handsome on top of that.If he didnt become twisted, he could for sure turn into an outstanding man. Perhaps even a mighty boss was entirely within reason.


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