My MCV and Doomsday

Chapter 80: Jiang Liushi’s Choice

Chapter 80: Jiang Liushi’s Choice

Translator: Liu_Kaixuan Editor: Valvrave

Jiang Liushi immediately chose the "Yes" option without any hesitation. After that, a lot of options emerged in his mind and he examined them one by one.

The bottle of gene evolutionary fluid would enhance or activate one of Jiang Liushi’s abilities.

"First option: Evolve defensive attributes! Let the muscles, skin and blood become tough and powerful that can resist even a sword attack. After the second evolution, the enhancement can stop pistol, and even rifle bullets."

Seeing the first option, Jiang’s mind was perturbed. The defensive ability was what he needed most. If the defensive ability could help him getting stronger, he would not be afraid of zombie attacks anymore.

However, he decided to look the other options…

"Second option: Evolve strength! The user will gain unparalleled strength."

"Third option: Evolve agility! The user will gain accelerating speed and can instantly dodge at the same time. This is a high-level agility fortification, the eyesight becomes sharper and the brain can make instantaneous decisions, so the user can dodge attacks from hot weapons."

"Fourth option: Evolve physique! The user will gain strong vitality. If the user suffers a serious injury, it can be restored within a short amount of time. Also this ability helps the user resist the virus if he or she has been bitten by a zombie."

"Fifth option …"

Jiang Liushi thought that if he could obtain all those capabilities, he would become a superhuman. Unfortunately, he could only choose one of those. Regardless the strength, agility, defense ability, they were all too simple. Although they could help him become a powerful person, he needed an ability to immediately enhance his comprehensive combat capability.

Finally, when he saw the tenth option, Jiang Liushi made up his mind of what he would choose!

"Tenth option: Nerve and brain evolution! Enhance the neurons, so that neurons have faster conduction speed, as a result the brain will have a stronger and faster computing power!"

Seeing that option, Jiang Liushi looked at it intently. Faster transmission speed meant too much.

Most people's nerve information transmission speed was 100 meters per second. And for a complete nerve information reflection, it needed at least 0.1 to 0.2 seconds of time, this was already good.

For example, seeing a zombie rushing, from the information coming from the eyes, through the nerves to the brain, and then through the brain to think as well as to determine the dodging direction, and then passing the command to the whole body muscles, all those processes needed time!

However, what if the nerve transmission speed reached one thousand meters per second?

It meant the speed would become ten times faster, including the brain's computing speed. At the same time, memory, learning ability, judgment and so on would gain a qualitative leap!

Large-scale electronic computers used power to transmit a signal, in fact, because the electronic after all was made from physical particles, the real information transmission speed failed to meet the requirements. When, the photon computer came into being, its calculation speed was measured in trillion times.

Quantum computer’s transmission speed was almost infinite. Then if it was developed, the computing power will be unimaginable. Just because of this, Jiang Liushi chose the tenth option without hesitation--brain and nerve evolution!

Once the evolution was complete, although he would still be considered as an ordinary person, his brain would be extremely powerful. The speed of neuronal information transmission didn’t need to reach the speed of light, as long as it reached 10,000 meters per second, then when he looked at other people's actions, whether it was offensive or defense, they would become a hundred times slowdown scene!

Moreover, because his brain and nerve would become powerful, his muscles’ control would be more accurate and efficient.

Controlling the muscles was not easy, even trying to slip some threat into the needle hole was difficult as the muscle would start trembling. If someone put their palms up, there was no way to keep the ring finger and forefinger unbent and at the same time to keep the middle finger and little finger vertical to the palm, unless letting the other hand to help. But if the brain field could become stronger, fingers’ dexterity could not be imagined!

Jiang Liushi made no bones about choosing.

[Nerve and brain field evolution option has been selected. Confirm?]



[Gene evolution liquid is being created, it needs ten minutes until it’s completed]

Ten minutes was nothing. Jiang Liushi stared at the console with the utmost concentration. Ten minutes later, a light flashed, and a transparent glass tube appeared in front of Jiang Liushi.

In the glass tube was a purple liquid, looking crystal clear, like a vintage red wine in general.

Jiang Liushi was holding the bottle of gene evolution liquid, looking at the control panel, finding that all the gene evolution liquid modulation options had disappeared.

The modulation of each gene's evolutionary liquid required materials, such as a large amount of mutant meat, as well as mutant nuclei. In addition, some gene evolution liquids’ modulation needed the MCV completing "secondary evolution".

[Ah? What? The second evolution?]

Jiang Liushi was stunned for a moment. He really did not pay attention to this. He decided to investigate it later, the enemies were outside so he had to hurry.

Jiang Liushi decided to drink it clean in one gulp. He took the glass tube, drinking the purple liquid up.

The liquid did not have any taste. After drinking it, Jiang Liushi felt like he had drunk fire, a burning sensation came from the stomach quickly rushing to the head. Jiang Liushi felt a headache.

[Terrible!] Jiang was holding his head, which felt like it was going to explode at any moment.

At the same time, the Starseed suggested, [Neurons and brain transformation will cause headache, but the host can choose to be put in an artificial coma, and the gene evolution can be automatically completed.]

Jiang Liushi didn’t choose the artificial coma and decided to endure the pain. After a while, he gradually adapted to the pain, which was getting lighter and lighter, until it disappeared…

Ten minutes had passed! Jiang Liushi suddenly opened his eyes, he felt like he had experienced a long nightmare. Suddenly he sat up from the seat with lots of sweat.

The headache had disappeared, and Jiang Liushi felt that his perspective was very clear. Carefully looking around, his field of vision had suddenly become much clearer!

He just glanced at the MCV’s windshield. But when his eyes swept it, he found that he could even count the number of cracks on it.

A bullet had created 132 cracks, however, Jiang Liushi had counted that in less than ten seconds.

[Jiang Zhuying…]

Outside the minibus, Jiang Liushi saw Jiang Zhuying, who was worried about him.

When Jiang Liushi was drinking the gene evolutionary liquid, others did not have time to pay attention to him, but his sudden reaction had shocked Jiang Zhuying. However, the MCV’s door was locked, so she could not get in. Seeing that Jiang Liushi had recovered, she was relieved.

"Brother, are you okay?"

"I am fine." Jiang Liushi waved his hand, and he found himself easily counting the number of Jiang Zhuying’s breaths.

Generally speaking, it was almost impossible counting someone else’s breaths just from seeing, without the help of some machine, but Jiang Liushi could do so, he could see Zhuying’s chest moving up and down very slightly.

He could even accurately calculate the time without looking at a watch. Jiang Zhuying’s breathing was 26 times per minute, which was probably because she worried about his security, so it was accelerated.

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