My Martial Arts Can Train Themselves

Chapter 24: Poor Acting Skills

Chapter 24: Poor Acting Skills

"To tell you the truth, I don't know anything about pills. I don't even understand the medicinal properties of many herbs. I nearly touched the ghost weed by mistake on Sky Light Mountain. If it's possible, I would like to ask you to give me a lesson before I choose my pills."

He could not possibly ask for his money back now. Hence, Yang Yi diverted the topic to the medicinal properties of the herbs.

"You're smart. You're trying to buy two things with the same money."

Zhuang Chenglu kept the gold certificates and knocked her cane. She said, "Well, since I have nothing to do today, I'll teach you something. Otherwise, you won't even recognize a natural treasure when you see it in the future."

The two of them left the Harmony Court and walked towards the herbal field.

Since they were going to talk about pharmacology, doing so in the presence of actual herbs would naturally be the most effective way.

Moreover, they still had to purchase medicinal herbs to cultivate pills in the future.

"Senior Sister Zhuang, that Senior Brother has been sitting cross-legged here for a long time. I wonder what kind of martial arts he's been cultivating."

When they reached the cliff, Zhao Heng was still sitting under the tree. Beside him, there was a glowing green sword with an incomparably sharp edge.

"That's Zhao Heng of the Li Bamboo Academy. When he was at the Cauldron Assembling stage, he managed to stand his own ground against Senior Brother Liu Yang, who was at the Mountain Moving stage. In the end, he only lost by half a move. He's now a famous figure in the Inner Courts. Rumor has it that he's already trying to break through to the Mountain Moving stage. About his cultivation method, I have no idea. I think it was personally taught by the master of the Li Bamboo Court." Zhuang Chenglu shook her head and said.

Strength Entry was divided into three realms, namely Spiral Force, Cauldron Assembling, and Mountain Moving. Every time one advanced to a higher level, the strength in one's body would multiply.

Zhao Heng was able to make up for the difference in strength and challenge those of a higher level. It was likely that he had his own unique methods.

"He's really amazing."

Yang Yi yearned for the realm of Strength Entry.

No matter how strong a Body Tempering cultivator was, they were still an ordinary persons. Only by knowing how to use the force could one truly step into the path of martial arts.

"He joined the Inner Courts later than me. Logically speaking, he should address me as Senior Sister Zhuang!" Zhuang Chenglu raised her head.

The two of them continued to ascend the mountain in single file.

At the peak of the mountain, in the Herb Hall.

When the medicinal herbs in the herb field matured, they would be sent here for processing. This was the place for sect disciples to buy medicinal herbs at the most affordable price.

"This is the heartless weed. If you consume it directly, it will give you diarrhea. However, if you cultivate it into a heartless pill, it will be a good medicine for injuries."

"This is the blood ginseng, the main medicinal ingredient for refining the nine whisker pill. The older it is, the better the medicinal effect."

"The earring fruit looks like an earring. It's very easy to recognize. You can eat it directly, or you can smear the juice on the external wounds. It has the effect of dampening the pain."

The Herb Hall occupied a large area. There were rows of wooden shelves inside.

Yang Yi followed Zhuang Chenglu and listened to her introduction. She had been paid for her service, and her explanation was quite detailed.

After what seemed like hours, they completed a tour of the Herb Hall. Yang Yi's head was dizzy from listening to the explanations. Zhuang Chenglu was also a little tired from talking.

"If you reach the Strength Entry realm and are chosen by my master to enter the Harmony Court, you'll get the chance to systematically learn about pills and medicine. I can only give you a superficial explanation this time. It won't be long before you forget about it." She walked out of the Herb Hall to breathe in fresh air.

"I haven't decided which Inner Court to join yet." Yang Yi held a few wooden boxes in his hands. Inside were the medicinal herbs needed to cultivate pills in the future. There was also a small wooden cage which contained a palm-sized cloud marten that was looking outside in fear.

The blood of the cloud marten was a very good ingredient for cultivating pills.

When Zhuang Chenglu introduced this animal, Yang Yi decided that he would cultivate the clarity pill.

This was a pill that eliminated impurities from the body. It was especially suitable for martial artists who had just broken through.

"You're talking as if you can surely enter the Inner Court."

Zhuang Chenglu smiled. "No matter how high the grade of the pill is, it won't be completely harmless to the human body. Pills exhausts the potential of the human body, so try not to rely on them." She directed the latter half of her message toward Yang Yi.

Yang Yi had used the dragon blood pill to break through to the Bone Refining stage, and then immediately looked for her to cultivate pills. This was because he had experienced how effective pills could be.

Zhuang Chenglu had seen too many people being addicted to pills to improve their strength. In the end, they became dependent on it. If they did not take the pills, they would not be able to cultivate at all.

"Thank you for your advice, Senior Sister." Yang Yi knew that this was the bitter truth.

After choosing the medicinal herbs, the two of them descended the mountain together.

"Senior Sister, there seems to be a path at the bottom of the slope. Where does it lead to?" Yang Yi suddenly asked her this question while they walked on the forest path.

"Are you stupid? This area is connected to the cliff. This path naturally leads to the bottom of the cliff." Zhuang Chenglu walked in front and urged Yang Yi to hurry up.

Yang Yi was neither fast nor slow. He said casually, "I heard that the devil lord is suppressed at the bottom of the cliff. I wonder if it's true."

"Of course it's true, but I've never seen it with my own eyes. That happened a long time ago." Zhuang Chenglu knocked on her cane and urged, "Walk faster, or the it'll get dark."

"Can you help me carry some of these items, Senior Sister? This cloud marten is throwing a tantrum. I can't hold it steady." Yang Yi was having a hard time carrying the stack of wooden boxes.

"You're such a pain," Zhuang Chenglu grumbled.

However, she walked over and took the small, exquisite wooden box at the top.

How much weight could that reduce? Yang Yi cursed in his heart.


He suddenly slipped and fell on his back.

The wooden box in his hand fell to the ground.

It was thrown far away and rolled down the slope down the mountain.

"Are you kidding me?" Zhuang Chenglu turned around and could not help but roll her eyes.

Yet, she still walked over and picked up the scattered herbs.

"The cage containing the cloud marten fell down. I'll go pick it up."

Yang Yi got up and jumped down the slope. After taking a dozen steps, he picked up the cage.

While Zhuang Chenglu was not paying attention to him, he opened the wooden cage and let the cloud marten go.

He planned to use the excuse of finding the cloud marten to lead Zhuang Chenglu to the bottom of the cliff, making her the first person to discover the Devil Qi.

From the feedback reports, the leakage of Devil Qi was not serious yet. If it was discovered and reported in time, they should be able to control the situation.

"Ah!" Yang Yi shouted.

"What's wrong now?" Zhuang Chenglu was sorting out the herbs when she was startled by the shout. She walked to the edge of the slope.

"The cloud marten bit me and ran away." Yang Yi pointed at the foot of the mountain.

"Then let's go buy another one." Zhuang Chenglu was indifferent.

"Uh, when it bit me, it took away one of my jade tokens. That was my mother's legacy." Yang Yi covered his fingers with a sad expression.

Zhuang Chenglu nodded and said, "Then you should get it back. It's getting dark. Be careful on your own."

Yang Yi was stunned and stammered, "Senior Sister, you..."

Most people would help to look for it in such a situation, right?

"I'll go down the mountain. When you've gathered the necessary herbs, bring them to the Harmony Court. I'll help you cultivate the pills."

Zhuang Chenglu waved at Yang Yi and left quickly.


Yang Yi wanted to cry.

He could not go down alone. It would be too dangerous. After thinking about it, Yang Yi decided to retreat.

However, his efforts were not in vain. There was a reason for someone to go down the path now.

If he did not want to go down personally, he could go to the Mission Hall and issue a mission to trick the other disciples.

He believed that with a generous reward, there would be someone willing to help him find his mother's legacy.

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