My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early

Chapter 432: 432: Cunning and sly, broadcast is imminent (one more)

Chapter 432: Chapter 432: Cunning and sly, broadcast is imminent (one more)

Yin Ying wore a sinister smile, she said, “Li Wenjun says he has a way.”

Weng Cheng seemed disbelieving that Li Wenjun could handle it; Weng Cheng had a habit of looking down on others. Since joining the Milky Way, apart from Yin Bin, who he had no choice but to acknowledge, he scorned everyone else even more so for people like Li Wenjun, he would not give the time of day.

Yin Ying sensed her son’s mood, she said with a somewhat awkward facial expression, “Don’t look down on these people who have grown up from the bottom, they really do have their own cunning little schemes, much more so than you can imagine.”

“I’m keen to see it then,” Weng Cheng’s sarcastic voice echoed.

Yin didn’t wish to indulge her son with any more justifications. She said, “Give Li Wenjun the convenience, and wait and see.”

“Alright.” Weng Cheng readily agreed.

Why should he refuse when someone else offered to do the job for free?!

He just didn’t harbor any hopes.

And, in any case, he didn’t think Yin Qin could cause any significant disruption; it was just a temporary bluff and nothing to fret about.

Yin Ying gave up on the idea of chattering with her son.

She turned around and walked off.

Li Wenjun, this man, had been with her for a considerable time but these days she genuinely found his presence pleasing. Not only did he serve as a yes-man, but also knew how to be charming and comforting. He was cunning and adept at planning and plotting, which warmed her heart.

She understood her son Weng Cheng well, he was always used to being smug. Regardless of who he didn’t approve of, he felt they were all failures, somewhat arrogant, which was not necessarily a good thing! However, Li Wenjun was different. He started from the very bottom, he would not look down on anyone; anyone who he perceived as a threat, he would use all means to incriminate, she was quite pleased with this.

After leaving the Milky Way Building, Yin Ying said while driving her red Ferrari, “I just gave Weng Cheng a heads-up just now, come straight to the point with whatever you need Weng Cheng’s help.”

“Ying Ying, you are very kind to me.” Li Wenjun’s voice came through the line, filled with excitement and flirtation.

“You are my little sweetheart, if I don’t be nice to you, who should I be nice to.” Yin Ying laughed.

“I’m really happy to have met you, I love you Ying Ying. Muah.” Li Wenjun kissed his phone passionately.

Yin Ying reciprocated with a kiss saying, “It’s your showtime next. If you can genuinely bring Yin Qin down, whatever you wish for, just tell me, I’ll buy it for you.”


“Of course, when was I ever stingy with you.”

“The fame of my personal brand is still not enough, I want to do an international promotion. Earlier, I made some friends abroad who are into international marketing, by then…..”

“Alright. Just let me know of the cost when the time comes!”

Li Wenjun couldn’t hide his excitement, “Thank you, Ying Ying, I knew you’re the best.”

“You just need to behave. Whatever you want I’ll give you.”

“I’m the best behaved.”

“Good boy.” Yin Ying flirted with Li Wenjun, “I’m driving right now, so I won’t chat with you too much. You handle the dealings on your end.”

“I know, be careful while driving.”


“Bye, my queen, Ying Ying.”

Li Wenjun hung up the call.

His servile smile faded.

Ever since he followed Yin Ying, she indeed showered him with significant benefits. He could genuinely sense that she favored him, which enabled his smooth sailing during that time. He always thought he would have a smoother path in the future, but today, he suddenly received a notification from Yin Qin’s secretary, announcing his discharge as a designer from “Hall of Heaven” without any reason, only a mere severance payment!


Does he need that small amount of severance payment now?

What he needs now is fame.

His reputation hasn’t completely taken off nationally, and he needed these platforms to publicize himself.

But when Yin Qin said he should be discharged, it was a done deal!

How he could swallow this insult.

He immediately gave Yin Ying a call, weeping, with feigned misfortune while revealing his tactics to Yin Ying, any older woman would love a man who is obedient and could come up with tactics for her. Throughout the years in the industry, although he wasn’t the most handsome neither was he the most skillful, he was always the most popular. Sometimes, whenever he set his eyes on a prospective sugar daddy, even if they already had a ‘little fresh meat’, as long as he was determined, he could catch them in his net!

He smirked sinisterly.

Yin Qin, I never thought we’d have to come to loggerheads, Ji Baixing was still the only woman I genuinely liked deep in my heart. Because of this woman, I didn’t want to have any friction with you. But now, you’ve obviously threatened my interest and targeted me, don’t blame me for being rude to you.

And Ji Baixing!

He clenched his teeth.

Regarding Ji Baixing, he thought her suffering would end here and now.

She was born in a wealthy family and would naturally have her happiness. But now, she could only be a sacrifice in this war of interests!

He picked up the phone and dialed.

It took a while on the other side before the call connected, “Lee.”

“Mm,” Li Wenjun said. “It’s time for you to help me now.”

The other side seemed to hesitate a bit.

“Otherwise, you’d want me to share the video, the explicit video with your husband and your adorable son…..”

“Don’t do this!” The other end seemed very agitated.

“I never thought I’d have to use this to threaten you. But it’s an edge case now. Don’t worry, once it’s settled, I won’t let you lose out.”

“But what you’re asking me to do now is really hard for me. If it gets discovered, my career would be over.”

“Everyone here is from inside the circle. Don’t you think I’m aware of the collateral damage?!” Li Wenjun said knowingly, “Relax, we just need to be cautious, no one will catch us.”

The other end didn’t agree immediately.

“You wouldn’t want your marriage to be ruined…”

“Enough!” The other end compromised, “but you must guarantee, that even if I’m discovered, I can’t be implicated.”

“Relax, I’m not that stupid to admit you helped me.”

“Alright then.” The other end had no choice but to agree.

“I’ll look forward to your good news.”

The other end nodded.

The hand holding the phone was gripping it hard.

“Anna.” A colleague suddenly called out to her.

The woman, Anna, was startled by the call.

Just like a guilty conscience.

“Stop with your flirty phone calls and get over here. The boss has called an emergency meeting,” her colleague urged.

Anna quickly put down her phone and hurried off to the meeting room.

The meeting room.

Ji Baixing, having just come back from a meeting with Yin Qin, had called all the staff of her studio to wait for her, as she had some important news to announce.

There were six designers in the studio, not including her, making them a seven-member team.

Seven people sat in the meeting room.

Ji Baixing got straight to the point, “We have received a case for the ‘Hall of Heaven’ talent show’s costume design. The next episode is commencing in 5 days, and we have to hurry and finish the costumes by the 3rd day. The performers will try them on on the 4th day for any necessary tweaks, and the contest will officially start on the 5th day. We are very short on time. Not only that, they have high expectations from us. They require us to come up with fresh themes each week, relating to the script of each episode. The theme for the upcoming episode is ‘friendship’, so we need to incorporate elements of ‘friendship’ into our designs. No one leaves the company before we finish drafting everything, even if that means staying overnight. Food and accommodation are on me. Each person gets 100,000 for the design fee for each episode, given that we meet the client’s satisfaction.”

“Yes,” everyone nodded in agreement.

Sometimes they also received very urgent orders. Designers often had to work over-time. But, there was usually more time than this.

“I ordered food for everyone. After eating, we will start designing. I hope to see a general draft by tomorrow afternoon at 5 p.m.”


Ji Baixing wasted no time.

Apart from other designers, she would personally do some designing too. They merely needed everyone’s inspiration to resonate.

Anna sat among them, staring at Ji Baixing.

She really didn’t want to go behind Ji Baixing’s back. Ji Baixing had been really good to them, at least financially. She paid them much higher salaries and bonuses than other studios, not to mention the famously comprehensive benefits! However… when she had been abroad studying, she had met that jerk Li Wenjun, who was a trainer there. He had given her special attention. Although she had been married at the time, she couldn’t resist and had an affair with him. After finishing her studies and returning to her country, they lost touch. But who would have thought that Li Wenjun was none other than Ji Baixing’s boyfriend? When she saw Li Wenjun visiting Ji Baixing on set, she almost fell apart.

Li Wenjun pretended not to know her.

So she pretended not to know him either.

Just earlier though, he had sent her a short video. It showed every bit of what they have done during their affair.

She was trembling with rage.

She then received a call from Li Wenjun, asking her to get Ji Baixing’s design plan for him.

When she thought about her own family and how a scandal would affect her son’s image at school, she felt left with no choice but to comply.

She looked up at Ji Baixing.

Her gaze seemed a bit distant.

Ji Baixing felt it. She said, “If there is a special situation at home, you can tell me.”

Ji Baixing wouldn’t usually force them too hard.

Especially since she knew Anna had a family, so she would always give Anna extra leeway.

“N-no,” Anna hurriedly shook her head. “I will make a call to my husband later and he can look after things at home.”

“That’s good. If any issues come up, let me know.”

“Ok,” Anna nodded.

Although she felt grateful to Ji Baixing in the depths of her heart, she was really betraying her this time!

For the next three days, they were swamped with work.

Over these three days, Ji Baixing had only slept for 2-3 hours each day.

She took the clothing that their studio had designed straight to the Milky Way building to see Yin Qin.

Yin Qin had just returned from the actors’ training base. He had arranged to meet Ji Baixing earlier.

Ji Baixing showed off her designs in Yin Qin’s office.

“This episode’s theme is friendship, and I chose the color blue to represent it. Blue, though not as flamboyant as red, is elegant; not as vibrant as green, but profound; not as noble as purple, but pure. Therefore, blue is the color of friendship to us. This is the basic concept. For the details, this blue dress is specifically designed for the female lead, a girl from a wealthy family. Lace is used in the dress to look more ladylike and decent and to showcase the damsel’s charm. The length of the dress comes to the knee, so it won’t hinder the actor’s performance. The female supporting actor is a mean girl, so we designed a neutral blue wind coat…”

Ji Baixing exhibited one by one.

She explained every detail, every piece of clothing to Yin Qin in great detail.

Yin Qin just listened and looked at Ji Baixing’s spirited demeanor.

If it weren’t for work, he probably wouldn’t have a chance to see Ji Baixing in such full spirit.

Ji Baixing finished explaining.

Yin Qin expressed his approval, saying, “It’s very good. My design fee was well spent.”

Ji Baixing revealed a confident smile and said, “So it means I met your standards.”

“Exceeded my standards,” Yin Qin confirmed.

Ji Baixing’s smile became more distinct.

Yin Qin’s approval made her even more excited. She said, “Then I will join the actors for costume fitting tomorrow.”

“Good, tomorrow at 3 p.m., I will go with you.”

Ji Baixing nodded, “I’ll head back and have the workers work overnight to get it done.”

“You’ve worked hard.”

Yin Qin watched her leave.

He leaned back in his office.

The first episode would be aired in two days.

He had been so busy that he’d forgotten to be nervous, but now that the date was near, he felt jittery.

Of course.

He knows deep down that the first episode is not going to be smooth sailing.

And he was prepared for it!

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