My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early

Chapter 429: 429: Blooming like a Flaming Flower, Luo Xiaolang Is Becoming More Beautiful in Peaceful Silence! (First update)

Chapter 429: Chapter 429: Blooming like a Flaming Flower, Luo Xiaolang Is Becoming More Beautiful in Peaceful Silence! (First update)
The deal with Xin Corporation has been finalized.

Yin Qin steps out and leaves in his car.

This is probably the earliest he’s left work in the past few days. There are still many things left to do, but at this moment, he doesn’t feel like going back.

He’ll deal with the pending matters tomorrow.

He sits in the back seat, leaning against the chair.

Wu Meili is seated in the passenger seat, and the driver is steadily steering the vehicle.

The car moves smoothly.

Before long, Yin Qin has drifted off to sleep.

When they arrive at the Yin Family villa, Yin Qin is still asleep.

Wu Meili calls his name.

Yin slowly opens his eyes, his voice still holding a hint of sleepiness, “Have we arrived?”

“Chairman, we’ve arrived at your home,” Wu Meili respectfully says.

Yin Qin nods slightly.

He opens the car door and steps out, “Thank you for your efforts, drive safely.”


Yin Qin enters the villa.

Wu Meili watches the chairman’s retreating figure.

Who would’ve thought this carefree and irregular man, who used to show little interest in serious work, would now be working so hard for his own business.

She always thought him tireless, energetic at all times. She would have thought this was a sudden whim, had she not seen him just now, falling asleep as soon as he rested his head against the chair.

Now, she truly realizes her chairman is working hard. She has even begun to admire him.

However, Yin Qin doesn’t really care about other people’s opinions of him.

If he did, he wouldn’t have spent his life following Ji Baijian.

Under the strong charm of Ji Baijian, he had long been reduced to dust. He found no need to seek self-abasement in front of him.

In essence, he is a casual and content man, a trait he shares with his mother.

Actually, he shares quite a few invisible traits with his mother.

Like… being in love with someone.

Being persistent in loving someone.

Only, he’s better at expressing these feelings than his mother.

Bottom line, his mother has always loved his father. She still does and always has over the years. Otherwise… how could she possibly stay with a man for so long? Otherwise… how could they remain together for years with no affection between them? Otherwise… why would she forgive so quickly?

As he enters the hall, he sees his father clinging to his mother. They are excessively affectionate.

His mother looks impatient, yet he has noticed her smiling whenever his father turns away. When she smiles, she looks… very happy.

A smile full of emotion cannot be faked.

Miss Qin from his family just values her reputation too much.

When Yin Qin appears in the hall, everyone is somewhat surprised.

They’re not used to him coming home late, and now they’re not used to him coming home early.

He always felt like a redundant existence, no matter what he did.

“Why are you back so early?” Qin Keqin asks bluntly.

“Can’t I take a break? What if I just dropped dead, would you be upset?” Yin Qin retorts irritably.

“Not necessarily,” chimes in Yin Bin.

Yin Qin looks visibly upset.

“I would be upset,” Luo Xiaolang suddenly speaks from the hall.

Yin Qin pauses and turns to look at Luo Xiaolang.

Luo Xiaolang is slightly embarrassed by his gaze, she adds, “I think… I might be upset.”

Yin Qin feels a warm sensation in his heart.

He smugly looks at his parents, “See, if you don’t appreciate me, there are others who do!”

Qin Keqin just smiles, seemingly untroubled.

The truth is…

She has been trying to foster a relationship between Luo Xiaolang and Yin Qin over this period. She thinks it’s unfair to have Luo Xiaolang take the initiative before Yin Qin has fallen in love with her. But then again, they already have a child together. She has her own desires; wishing the child could have a complete family, liking Luo Xiaolang as a daughter-in-law, hoping they can truly perfect each other! She hasn’t met Ji Baixin, but from the moment she laid eyes on her, she knew she didn’t like her.

This woman has a very strong personality. It’s undeniable that Ji Baixin outperforms Luo Xiaolang in many ways, beauty, upbringing, culture, career; anyone would think Ji Baixin is superior. But, the virtuous and innocent nature of Luo Xiaolang, the essence of a pure-hearted girl who can bare her soul to the one she loves, eclipses Ji Baixin’s allure. In this regard, Qin Keqin feels Luo Xiaolang surpasses all women.

Therefore, during this period, besides urging Luo Xiaolang and Yin Qin to strengthen their relationship, she has also taken Luo Xiaolang for beauty treatments and skincare routines from time to time.

Luo Xiaolang’s features are not unusually striking, but with her figure, if she dresses well and pays attention to her behavior, she can certainly hold her own amongst any socialites. Furthermore, Luo Xiaolang’s height of 173 cm combined with her well-proportioned figure definitely stands out as a beautiful sight.

It must be said…

Luo Xiaolang’s figure has bounced back quickly. She had a cesarean section previously, so any postnatal recuperation was avoided for fear of rupturing her wound. Compared to physical beauty, health is more important.

Even without any recuperation, Luo Xiaolang’s figure has gone back to its original state. Her belly has completely flattened, the cesarean wound is barely noticeable as she has been applying scar reducing products meticulously. A faint line is all that remains, concealed by her tiny shorts. Her firm, flat belly is a sight to behold, nobody can tell she’s given birth, despite her habit of wearing loose clothes.

The only thing that worried Qin Keqin was Luo Xiaolang’s dislike for long hair.

Her hair has just reached her jaw, something she has been consciously working on for a long time. One day, after washing her hair she almost cut it off, frightening Qin Keqin so much she almost miscarried. She quickly intervened, refusing to let her trim her hair any further.

She must understand…

A woman’s hairstyle can dramatically change her appearance. It can make an average woman stunningly beautiful.

She wishes to make Luo Xiaolang quietly beautiful. She even looks forward to the day Luo Xiaolang and Yin Qin get married, when Luo Xiaolang makes an entrance that takes everyone’s breath away! Just thinking about it makes her excited.

Seeing Qin Keqin so exasperated, Luo Xiaolang stopped cutting her hair. But it’s clear how fed up she is with it, constantly grasping at her strands in a fit of frustration.

Qin Keqin wants to compromise but holds herself back.

Isn’t a transformation always a difficult process? One day, Luo Xiaolang will thank her.

So, she chose to turn a blind eye.

“Have you had dinner?” Qin Keqin snapped back to reality, asking Yin Qin, who was sitting on the sofa like a lord.

Luo Xiaolang went over naturally and affectionately sat next to Yin Qin, massaging his shoulders.

Yin Qin was enjoying it.

Watching the two of them, Qin Keqin felt a touch of a marital vibe.

Who says … feelings can’t be cultivated slowly?

Everyone has a heart of flesh.

She doesn’t believe that anyone can’t move anyone else!

“I haven’t eaten,” Yin Qin replied contentedly while also sounding wronged, “These days I’m either stuffed or starving.”

“I’ll have the maid prepare dinner for you.”


In the end, she still cares about her son after all.

Qin Keqin got up.

Just as she was about to stand…

“Mrs. Yin, you really shouldn’t bother yourself with things like this; I can handle it.” Yin Bin quickly stood up, then headed eagerly for the kitchen.

Qin Keqin just watched Yin Bin’s retreating figure.

Yin Qin laughed, “Don’t you agree that my dad is quite good? It wasn’t in vain to have waited all these years.”

“What nonsense are you talking?” Qin Keqin shot back, feigning indifference, “When have I ever waited for him?!”

Women always say one thing but mean another.

For some reason, she felt that Luo Xiaolang was even better.

Luo Xiaolang was open about everything, no secrets between them.

How had someone as pure as her crossed paths with him?

He had always thought that even if he didn’t love her, he had to take good care of Luo Xiaolang, to treat her well for the rest of his life.


Life was full of unpredictability.

In the time that followed…

Yin Qin was busier than ever again.

He hardly made it home before 8 pm – usually, it was past 11 pm, sometimes even later.

That night was bound to be another late one at work.

Yin Qin had handled all the company affairs.

He and his team had painstakingly checked over all the tasks previously assigned.

Tomorrow they had to discuss the specifics of the program.

With time so tight, he barely had a moment to rest.

When he finally returned home, it was past one in the morning.

Luo Xiaolang would always wait for him.

She used to seem rough and rugged, but now looking at her coiled up on the bed on her phone, she didn’t look large or imposing at all, but rather delicate.

Luo Xiaolang still prepared his bath water, massaged his shoulders and neck before sleep, and then cuddled into his arms after he had fallen asleep. She would kiss him and accompany him.

The next morning, Yin Qin left early.

When he left, he would kiss Luo Xiaolang.

It seemed to have become a habit for both of them.

Yin Qin arrived at the office.

Wu Meili now had his arrival times down pat.

When their chairman was disciplined, it could be quite daunting.

So, by timing it right, Wu Meili could have a cup of black coffee ready for him two minutes before he arrived – mainly to help him wake up, as getting up so early left him a bit groggy.

Yin Qin finished his black coffee.

He called to Wu Meili, “Notify the director and actors of the ‘Hall of Heaven’ program. The director is to see me at 11 am, and auditioning actors are to come at 3 pm.”

“Yes.” Wu Meili wouldn’t doubt her chairman now.

From his actions lately, when the chairman did anything, he did it seriously and thoughtfully.

In the past five days, he had handled several issues within the Milky Way, including his sovereignty, compensations, and sponsorships. Now, he was focusing fully on the details of the ‘Hall of Heaven’ program.

He had a long checklist but no traditional PowerPoint to present. He disliked doing things in a rote fashion but was worried about forgetting anything – that’s why he needed this list.

It was now 11 am.

The chief director of ‘Hall of Heaven’ Wu Wen, along with two assistant directors and two writers, showed up at Yin Qin’s office.

Yin Qin cut to the chase, “As you all know, I plan to revamp the ‘Hall of Heaven’ program. First, we address the competition format. The current one was designed for internal presets. Let me be clear: There is no more internal designation. Everyone has to earn their role through real talent. Therefore, every segment has to be redeveloped. This is the competition process my planning team has come up with by referencing some successful foreign models and local audience preferences. I want you to refine and arrange it. Quite simply, my philosophy is: it has to be honest, intense, and impactful.”

Wu Wen was somewhat impatient, “The previous director explicitly told me that this program was a show, not a real casting. He asked me to prop up new stars. Now with only five episodes left, you expect me to overturn everything and start anew in a week? What if it isn’t done well? I’ll be cutting my own throat! Chairman Yin, don’t you consider other people’s feelings when you do things?”


He’s very resistant!

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