My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 50: As they fight

Chapter 50: As they fight

Suo, the elder of medicine and Mijil started fighting, while the Elder of martial disciple could hardly defend against the giant chieftain attacks, his height made him easy to dodge but if even one hit from him made home with the Elder of the martial disciple he would become a meat pancake.

Suo and the elder of medicine tried their best to fight Mijil but they were easily overwhelmed by the hybrid, even though they were both at the King Realm their strengths were insufficient to deal with such an advanced opponent.

Yun Jhin was rubbing his hands like a merchant ready to strike a huge deal as he watched them fight, he knew that they would turn desperate and put their lives on the line soon enough, injuring both sides, hopefully fatally.

Mijil threw her fists around as quickly as she could but due to her big size, her fists were easily telegraphed by the duo from the Zither sect. The same could be said about the high chieftain attacks, the Zither sect focused on speed and long-range attacks so they easily dodged most of the attacks, their disciples fought it out with the hunters and troops of the giants.

However the disciples weren't as strong or lucky as the upper echelons and most of them were getting crushed and eaten by the giants, Suo's heart bleeds as she looked at the disciples, they were basically family, in a sect like hers she would look out for all of her juniors, seeing them die like this cut her heart open.

Mijil grew angered with their dodging as she engulfed herself in a deep red aura, she started to spew flames everywhere engulfing the buildings and the alive disciples that weren't fast enough to dodge her berserk attack.

Suo failed to dodge in time as her left part of the face got singed and burned disfiguring her, she clutched her face as she screamed from the extreme pain of having her face burned.

A distinct blue aura appeared around her as she took out a Zither from her spatial bag and started playing, the sound from the Zither traveled along attacking the eardrums of everyone besides her allies, she was a prodigy of the Zither as she was supposed to be the next sect mistress.

The Zither made the giant troops drop down like dead flies, blood coming out of their ears, eyes, and noses.

Mijil used ki to protect her ears but the sound waves still made her unbalanced, the moment her balance faltered, the medicine elder jumped on her shoulder leaving behind a big cloud of dust that hid Suo's form.

The medicine elder spewed a cloud of deadly poison that he infused with his ki coagulating it and trapping Mijil's head.

However Mijil opened her mouth and blew out another wave of fire destroying the hardened cloud of poison, she grabbed the man from her shoulder and crushed him into meat paste, then she opened her mouth and swallowed!

She knew that her tribemates and her grandfather were eaten as well so she just returned the favor!

Suo shouted as the dust disappeared, behind her an illusory giant Zither appeared, it's strings started to move as a deadly song engulfed the whole battlefield, 50% of the giant troops fell, most of the disciples of the Zither sect were already dead but the ones that survived felt their wounds closing up and their morale increased, Suo shouted towards the survivors:


The disciples wanted to fight for their sect but realized there was no way they could win here so they ran away, unfortunately for them they ran inside the formation that Yun Jhin planted, they became a cloud of gore that was absorbed by Yun Jhin.

Suo's eyes widened as she saw what happened to the disciples, she looked around with critical eyes but she couldn't see or sense who did that.

Mijil frowned as she looked around as well, she realized that she might have been fooled here!

No one from her people had acted to kill these running disciples, most of them couldn't make it in time or were dead, the Elder of martial discipline was still holding her uncle down as well.

Well holding down was an overstatement, he just made it so he couldn't attack the others by annoying him incessantly.

Mijil frowned as she looked at Suo, Suo's eyes met with Mijil's and they seemingly realized at the same time that they were fooled!

Yun Jhin frowned as he saw Mijil stop her troops, she started to look around with Suo's help trying to identify what happened, Yun Jhin chuckled as he saw them search in unison, women's intuition was quite frightening.

But he could care less about that, he took control of a body of a downed giant and made it attack Suo!

Suo used her illusory Zither to destroy the giant's body into pieces, Mijil frowned deeply at Suo's actions, it seemed they were ready to fight again, but then Mijil smiled as she shouted:


Yun Jhin knew he made a mistake there, but he thought they wouldn't realize because of the intense fighting, it seemed the chieftain and the elder of martial discipline stopped fighting as well. Yun Jhin looked around at the fighting and kept himself hidden as best as he could.

They could continue thinking that there was someone who made them fight, but if they couldn't find anything they would have to go back to fighting!

They put too much on the plate here, both sides had disastrous loses and when Suo's uncle came back he would surely come to attack and not negotiate!

They all started to search around, but their soul willpower, and their eyes couldn't tell them anything, Mijil even used a special technique that turned her eyes a deep black color and looked around for Yun Jhin but she couldn't find anything.

Suddenly Suo used her Zither to create a non-lethal sound wave that traveled around the place, Yun Jhin frowned as he dodged the sound wave, this was the one weakness that his stealth technique had at his current level, he could mitigate it when he would reach the King Realm and make himself be able to slip in and out of the shadow realm.

The shadow realm was a special plane of existence that those who trained in this technique could access, with the connection in the shadow realm he could also create shadow soldiers that would have 100% of his physical attributes, but depending on the ki he pumped into them they couldn't last much time.

His stealth technique also had offensive techniques in it but they would appear at the later cultivation realms.

Yun Jhin continued to dodge the sound waves, the only thing his technique couldn't currently erase was his life force, if the sound wave hit him and revealed his life force, the theory of the two women could be proven correct and they would stop fighting and attack him!

Yun Jhin never thought that Mijil would be so observant, after all, she was doing her best to control her ki to protect her ears and body from Suo's Zither, technically speaking she shouldn't have even given a damn if the disciples of the Zither sect suddenly died.

While Yun Jhin was dodging the sound waves that threatened to reveal his position, Mijil frowned deeply as she looked at Suo and thought that maybe she was wrong, Suo did look extremely relieved when she put a stop to their attack but what if it was all an act?

Her hatred from before started to cloud her reasoning, she wanted to quickly kill her grandfather's murderer and put an end to things, after all, she still had to go back to the upper regions and return to the imperial dragon clan for her training, even though she loved her family she was still selfish, all cultivators were.

Suo eyed Mijil while she used the illusory Zither behind her to continuously discharge sound waves and try to find the true culprit, while the duo watched each other's actions with a critical eye, Yun Jhin made sure to get in a blind spot where the sound waves wouldn't get to him and observe what happened on the battlefield.

He sent his soul will near Mijil's and observed her mental state, a grin appeared on Yun Jhin's face as he said to himself:

"Feeling a little bit of hatred don't we here?"

Yun Jhin created a needle with his soul willpower that he immediately injected into her, this was a soul that would enhance the owner's most prominent negative emotions by 100%.

Mijil's eyes turned slack for a moment before darkness started to invade her mind and eat at her reasoning:

"Mijil, I know you are scared but you must do this for our tribe."

Scenes from the past started to appear in her mind, her grandfather that looked healthy and stalwart patted her shoulders as he smiled at her and said:

"Make sure you get to the upper continents and meet your father, even though he didn't take you with him back then, he should be able to see that you are truly talented, after all, your head morphed into a dragon's!"

Mijil clutched her new horns and felt the huge difference in her head structure, she smiled at her grandfather as best as she could and said:

"Yes grandfather, I will change the fate of our tribe!"

She looked back at her grandfather's frame that disappeared, she didn't look back only forward...

When she came back her grandfather didn't exist anymore, not even his bones she couldn't burry anything, she couldn't grieve for anyone, her mother died when she gave birth to her and her brother the current chieftain dragged her and his father out of the main tribe and threw them out, he also forbid them from ever coming back and banished them to the border village...

Mijil heart started to beat faster and faster as she recalled those scenes, her consciousness started to blank as her eyes turned a deep vengeful dark color, only her dark sclera remained as her pupils disappeared.

She growled as her muscles started to pump up and down, her body shook, the veins across her body popped and cracked as they became visible, her canine teeth elongated, she grew 5 more meters as a deep dark aura engulfed her body, her previous red aura morphed into something evil.

Yun Jhin laughed as he clapped and said:

"Very good, such a huge amount of hatred, bottled up in such a tiny and fragile soul... go and rampage for your grandfather and mother's sake little Mijil, make sure you take care of your uncle as well!"

Yun Jhin saw the same images as her as he kept his soul willpower for a little more while near hers and know how she was treated and what happened back then, he even modified some of the memories a bit to increase her hatred and make sure she went berserk.

Her cultivation base forcefully broke through to the 5th stage of the King Realm as her bodily changes finally finished, her dark eyes glowed with the same peculiar light as she looked at Suo and her relatively slow speed from before wasn't found at all!

She clutched Suo in her hand as the illusory Zither behind her started to waver, Suo knew that something was wrong with Mijil she used her soundwaves to try and wake her up from her trance but nothing happened!

Her eyes glowered the same black as before as her muscles shook, but some words could be heard coming from her gritted teeth:

"Re.. ve... n...g...e... f... o... r... t..r..u...e... f....a....m...i...l...y..."

She clutched Suo in her hand, Suo couldn't do anything besides struggle, and with an easy tight closing of her hand, Suo became a rain of gore that engulfed the ground, Yun Jhin made sure to use the formations to take her flesh and blood to him, it couldn't be wasted!

The elder of medicine and martial discipline tried to take Suo back but they failed spectacularly as they weren't fast enough, they both tried to attack the new Mijil but both of them became prisoners in her hands.

Suddenly out of the biggest pavilion that still stood up in the sect grounds came a voice:


The grand elder and Suo's uncle finally got rid of the curse from Mijil, but he came way too late, his sect was in ruins, and his disciples and family dead.

The man had red eyes as he looked around, his muscles tightened as his gown exploded, showing his well-sculpted muscles, a deep blue aura engulfed him, the aura had streaks of electricity inside it, his cultivation broke through to the 6th stage of the King Realm as blood started to pour out of his nose and ears.

He softly said:

"I will defend the sect master and patriarch, I will meet you soon Suo, as long as they stay alive they can recreate the glory days of the Zither sect!"

He threw himself at supersonic speeds towards Mijil, but he missed one factor!

The chieftain jumped in front of his niece with a big smile on his face as he intercepted the small human, he caught him in his hands as he laughed seeing victory in the horizon, but then he looked down at his chest seeing a scaled arm sticking out of it.

He looked behind him to see his niece looking at him with her hatred filled dark eyes, a soft voice entered her ears:

"Y...o...u a...r...e..n..t f...a.m...i...l..y."

This was how the main chieftain of the giants found himself in dangerous life and death situation, unfortunately for him, he wouldn't be able to escape.

Yun Jhin was still looming around ready to strike!

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