My interracial harem of beautiful queens

Chapter 153 Bunker City

Chapter 153 Bunker City



Two queens, whose kingdoms had fought against each other, met.

The atmosphere was tense as if the air alternated between heating up and getting colder. Sparks flew in the air as if they were dueling with their gazes, and if one focused, they could hear the clang of metal. The clinking of swords striking each other was highly unusual.

"You haven't changed a bit, Veronica. Still as crazy, restless, and stupid as ever," Elizabeth began with irritation, gritting her teeth. "Damn bitch, couldn't you just sit on your ass? Did you feel the need to come to my lands? Have you completely lost your fear, you old hag?"

Richard and Kennedy exchanged glances, feeling that they shouldn't have heard those words. In that exchange of glances, they understood each other's intentions, and Richard took a step back, suddenly disappearing from his spot. Kennedy mysteriously vanished as if in a magical trick. It was Richard's display of speed, which equaled the speed of light.


Veronica asked in annoyance, furrowing her brow in irritation. Her beautiful eyebrows crossed on her nose bridge, and her hand gripping the hilt of the Great Sword tightened, producing the characteristic sound of "Cr-r-r." Suddenly, the ground beneath her feet ignited, and in an instant, ten kilometers away, beautiful meadows turned into dry land with no sign of life. Only her irritated state made nature submit to her anger.

"Oh, you bitch... Elizabeth, have you forgotten how you used to fear me in your youth? Have they disconnected the 'self-preservation' function in your head, or did they forget to update it?" Veronica said with disdain.

"What? Update? Function?" Elizabeth was puzzled but then remembered that Adam had used those words too. "What the hell are you talking about with these strange words? I thought that as a respected old lady and a crazy bitch, you would use your usual old words and act like you've outlived my ancestors."

"What are you even blabbering about, fool? Do you think I'm old? I'm a young woman in the prime of my life."

"Yeah, yeah, Claranaris used to say the same about herself, even though she was over twenty thousand years old."

After this exchange, both women fell silent and looked at each other with hostility. It was evident that animosity was seething within them, and one could understand that there was a special history between them.

Meanwhile, the sounds of footsteps of several thousand people could be heard for several minutes. Elizabeth watched out of the corner of her eye to ensure her army retreated in the safest manner possible without suffering at the hands of Veronica. The Demon Queen herself didn't even look at the army; her gaze was fixed solely on Elizabeth. The air grew heavy.

The silence was exhausting, killing, and annoying, but as if following an unfamiliar principle, neither of the two women started the conversation. It was as if the one who spoke first would lose the battle. It was somewhat reminiscent of those challenges from an entertainment website.

Suddenly, the scorched earth was covered in ice. This was Elizabeth's manifestation of magical energy, which, using combinations of ten or more spells, began to restore valuable lands that could be useful in the future. Veronica didn't interfere and only watched Elizabeth with a smirk on her face, while the Queen of Avalonia stared into Veronica's eyes. Now it had turned into a game of who would avert their gaze first.




An hour passed. Neither of them showed any inclination to speak, and it was becoming a dull pastime. If this were a movie, and the location was in the Wild West, mysterious music would play in the background, conveying the mood: "Fucking loser! Just shoot already." However, the two women stood and stared at each other amid the whisper of the wind.

"Bored..." thought Veronica.

"Bored..." thought Elizabeth.

They narrowed their eyes simultaneously. It seemed like the winner would be decided at any moment, but... Elizabeth sighed and averted her gaze, starting the conversation first.

"Veronica, I'm not in the mood to play this strange game anymore. I'll say it straight... you must return the seized lands to me and compensate for the damage caused by your selfish actions," Elizabeth said with furrowed brows. She was serious, but...

"Hahaha... no," Veronica laughed first, then assumed a serious expression.


Elizabeth slapped her face. It seemed like she was aging before her eyes.




The dialogue between the two women dragged on. They argued back and forth about how the situation should be resolved, but Veronica insisted on not returning the seized lands or paying any compensation for moral damage, physical damage, and apologizing for the mass murder of people.

Her position was clear: "Damn it, why should I pay for killing a few weaklings and taking a few meters (actually over 4000 square meters of land, not counting Varasima). To hell with it, I'll just do as I please!"

And her position was so firm that Elizabeth couldn't even influence it in any way. It seemed like the woman was deliberately playing with her nerves, behaving like a crazy bitch with a void in her head.

"Why are you such a crazy one, Veronica? You were the one who first violated the agreement of the High Ones not to attack each other out of boredom and not to wage wars. Moreover, you agreed to adhere to such a position, but now you're violating your principles! Have you completely lost your mind? Although you're old, so I guess such illogicality can be explained by senile dementia..." Elizabeth asked irritably.

"Why are you so venomous, Elizabeth..."


Bunker City. Adam had conceived this plan immediately after the construction of the city of Sedyon because he understood that there might be problems in the future, considering the significant income he had. Besides, there was also a simple desire to create his paradise, where every comfort would be available. And this was the first step toward achieving his plan.

"I want to build my own country."

This idea came to him a week after arriving in this world. It was like obsessive thoughts that he initially ignored, but after some time, when he acquired lands that became the city of Sedyon, Adam began to seriously consider it.

"Why not establish a country where I can do as I please? Fulfill my desires, live like in paradise?" It was a somewhat embarrassing but still vivid dream from his youth. It seemed like his heart burned with the thirst to create his paradise, and given his love for women and the desire to relax well... Adam had grand plans. But after a while, these ideas became brighter, and he confided in Amarantha, albeit reluctantly, not wanting to seem like a fool.

"Everything's fine," Amarantha replied, "as long as you put me first, I'm okay with it. But if you forget about me, you'll have to try very hard to console me." She said, sensually licking her lips.

Her tone was filled with seduction and cunning, leaving Adam speechless. But undoubtedly, he was grateful to her for it. And today, the city was half-ready.

"It's amazing. People have learned to work magic so well for such tasks? I'm surprised," a muted voice was heard.

"Yeah. I was surprised too, but Amarantha said that these people have been trained in the craft of construction since childhood, so they are masters of their trade," the male voice replied.

It was Adam and the egg named Dereris. It still hadn't hatched, although the man believed it would happen very, very soon. They were inside the hidden city, which was inaccessible to the ordinary eye due to ancient magic and a strong barrier. Inside the city, active construction of houses and entertainment centers was underway. Adam planned to turn the city into one enormous mansion where people close to him would live, as well as his servants (mostly women).

"Although it's amazing when I remember the reasons why you're building this, I can't help but feel sorry," Dereris murmured with disappointment.

"Oh, come on, what are you talking about? In my opinion, this is the best manifestation of my ideas in reality," Adam replied proudly, turning around and looking over his shoulder. "Isn't that right, Chloe?"

The woman with short chestnut hair down to her shoulders and closed eyes smiled and nodded. She replied with her gentle voice, "Of course, Lord. I never cease to be amazed at how brilliant you are. I'm proud that you're my Master."

Adam turned to the egg with a facial expression that said, "See?" and smiled.

"Oh, damn it, mortal..." the egg grumbled.

Dereris spent several days in Adam's estate under his watchful eye. During this time, they discussed many things, which pleased Adam, who learned a lot from Dereris, who was only too happy to boast of her knowledge and how old she was. And now, she was interested in Adam's project, the city-house. It couldn't be denied that as a dragon who loved wealth, she was only too happy with such a sight.

"Darn, I wish I could return to my adult form and fly here, bathing in a pool of gold," Dereris murmured sadly.

"Indeed, it's a shame. But, by the way, I've long thought about how I can return your form to you," Adam said aloud. "You mentioned that my magical energy is the best for you."

"Yeah, but... you'll have to spend a lot of energy for me to be able to hatch in my initial form, so..."

"Mm... I'll think about it."

Adam smiled and walked forward, holding a huge egg that was quite heavy. He stood out among the ordinary working people, but none of the builders dared to even chuckle because they all knew that he was the mayor of the city of Sedyon and also an advisor to Her Majesty. Provoking him was equivalent to provoking the queen herself, which would lead to serious problems.

"Hey, what's shining here?"


Adam raised an eyebrow and turned to the left, where the noise was coming from. Workers gathered around a hole with a diameter of 15 cm, from which a bright light was emanating.

To be continued...

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