My Hermes System

Chapter 118 - 118: Trisha

Chapter 118 - 118: Trisha

"Are we really sure we can trust this report?"

"Yes. All of us guarding the west gate have seen the boy. And even from afar, we could not help but notice how famished and dried he looked. He is probably being mistreated there."

Right on the other side of the Wall, the Locals were discussing their plan on how to rescue the little child that the guards on duty have seen earlier. Their eyes were the only things you could see, as all of them were wearing dark garments that did not reflect even the light of the moon itself.

"But are we sure it is not a trap, Eugene?"

One of the men let out a slight grumble as he looked at their leader. Their group was called the Scout group, and they were the only group from the Locals that were allowed to go inside the Wall where the Prisoners were living.

They are tasked with researching the Prisoners, and sometimes even to negotiate with them if they needed something from the Prisoners, or if the Prisoners needed something from them.

And even though their information is limited, their group is also part of the small population that knows of the outside world. But as to the extent of their knowledge? Almost laughable.

"Even if it is a trap, if what the guards say is true, then we must act."

Their leader, Eugene, shook his head from his men’s statement, his green eyes closing as he let out a sigh.

"The chief is right, we can’t let the child spend even more than a single night inside the Wall. If we can’t even do something as simple as this, then we might as well be the same as the people leisurely sitting in their fancy castles back in the city."

"Hm... That seems very specific, Eugene."

"Sshh.. the leader used to live in the city, remember? He has that fling with the--"

Before his men could finish their conversation, a resounding smack hit both of their heads. "Focus, we’re doing this in a few hours."

The group continued to discuss their plan. And as soon as the moon settled, when darkness was the only thing that surrounded the lands, they executed their plans.


"Are you really 16 years old!?"


Back in the Encampment, a feast was being held. One could not help but wonder where all of these foods came from, they even had alcohol to spare.

As far as Gil was aware, the Circle only provided the Pit food once a week. And there were certainly no crates of alcohol provided with that. So wherever these beers and wines came from, it was definitely from an illegal source, he thought.

But alas, it was really no longer his concern. Because as far as he was really concerned, the Circle and the City Guards have abandoned him. If they did, then he would have been rescued as soon as he was pushed by that evil-looking man with a scar on his face.

Were they really now under the Explorer Association? Weren’t they supposed to be of equal authority?

...Something weird was and is definitely going on outside.

"Ack!" But once again, it was no longer his concern as he chugged a huge glass of beer in one sitting. "You’re telling me you were 16!? I was willing to die for you, you little runt! If I knew you were already 16 then I wouldn’t have done that!"

"...Perhaps you should stop drinking--"

"No! Listen here. When I was your age, I was studying in the Academy and was one of the top students there! You know Lang? You know Mr. Lang? He gave me Crystals because I single-handedly won the competition he had against... I forgot his name, but it was an instructor with huge muscles-- Heukh!"

Gil suddenly stopped with his words as he let out a loud hiccup. Afterward, he was about to take another swing of his beer, but before he could do so, he dropped to the ground.


And as soon as he lost consciousness, the people around him started lifting him up and throwing him into the air, his clothes disappearing every time he was juggled.


He should be alright. Van thought as he stood up from the bark they were sitting on and started looking around.

This place... was even livelier than the Relic Graveyard. One could say it might even be luxurious compared to it.

It was a living and thriving society. Unlike the Relic Graveyard, where the citizens themselves needed to be the ones to thrive... if not, then they would just die.

If not for the two bodies being burned in the bonfire, then Van could even say that he was in a picnic. Speaking of which... he now had 3 souls to send to the Afterlife. It would seem that staying here would be beneficial to making his System stronger.

He was sure that these two will not be the last life that will be taken inside this place.

"Oi, why ain’t you joining the rest, boy!?"


Van’s thoughts were then disrupted when he heard a loud voice calling him from behind. He quickly turned around, only to see Boss being carried by the huge muscular man that he saw earlier in Boss’ bed.

Reed was also tailing from behind them, his long hair once again disheveled and his lips were cherry in color.

"..." Whatever they were doing, Van wished no part in it. He was sure that Boss was some kind of nymphomaniac. He wouldn’t be surprised if her System had something to do with sex in the first place with how much she controlled this place.

Well, whatever her System was... it is dangerous, and Van knew it would be best to get on her good side.

"I am too young to drink, miss Boss," Van said as he looked Boss directly in the eye.

"Really? But I swear I could smell the stench of alcohol on you." Boss let out a chuckle as she was gently dropped to the ground by the huge muscular man.

"...That’s because everyone is drinking beer, miss Boss."

"Hahaha! Quite witty for someone so young. But then again, I heard you were actually 16 years old and not 11."

"...Sorry for lying."

"Not at all. This world is built upon lies, boy. You’re already fitting quite nicely." The tone in the Boss’ voice turned solemn as she looked at the Prisoners having fun and being merry.

Van could not help but furrow his eyebrows from Boss’ statement. He was once again reminded of the words that the Headmaster relayed to him when he was being taken by the Explorer Association.

’Survive, Mr. Evans. Survive long enough to see the real world. Survive long enough, and we will come for you. Your mother will come for you.’

Those were his exact words. Van could remember them clearly as it really the only thing he could focus on as his whole body was left paralyzed and numbed.

Could it be... Boss knows something? No, she definitely did. She wouldn’t be the boss of the Encampment in the first place if she didn’t know anything about this world. It would really do him good to stay by her side.

...But how?

Become one of her sex slaves? He was sure that is what Reed and this huge muscular man were. He could smell the familiar stench all over Boss’ body. That shouldn’t be a problem...

...That was something he had ample experience on. It would be a painful memory to resurface but... he had to do--

"Van! I just came upon crazy information! You won’t believe this!"

Before Van could finish his thoughts, Gil, who was previously unconscious and being flung around in the air just a few minutes ago, was now in front of him... completely naked.

"Did you know... that the Boss’ name... is actually Boss!?"


"Her name is Latanya Boss. Boss! Can you believe that!? I--"

Gil’s words quickly stopped once he realized that the woman he was talking about was right beside Van himself.

"...I forgot something there." He quickly said before scurrying away.

"It would seem that your companion is fitting in quite nicely as well... and without clothes, just how I like it." Boss whispered into Van’s ears as she licked her lips, "Sadly too white for my type, and his hair... Ugh, too red. Reminds me of someone I hate."

"...How about me, then?" Van said as he turned his head towards Boss, their nose almost hitting each other with how close their faces are.


Boss tilted her head to the side as she backed away a few meters to get a good look at Van. "...Maybe," she said coquettishly before walking away back to the huge muscular man’s arms.

"We will get a chance to get more acquainted soon, little man."

Her seductive giggle lingered in Van’s ears as she slowly disappeared deeper into the crowd.

Van could not help but let out a long and deep sigh. If only he was taller, he thought. Then he would have surely already seduced Boss... right?

He was about to go and find Gil, as even though he seemed to have already befriended some of the Prisoners, he was still, after all, an ex-guard.

But before he could do so, a woman suddenly blocked his path, causing his face to be buried right in the woman’s bosom.

"...Did I just hit a wall."

"What do you mean by that!?"

The woman quickly stepped back and covered her bosom, "My breasts are of decent size!"

"...I have seen bigger...

...miss Trisha."

"...It’s Nisha."

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