My Golden Core is a Star, do you call this cultivating?

Chapter 278: It’s Over, the Whole World Knows I’m About to Reincarnate

Chapter 278: It’s Over, the Whole World Knows I’m About to Reincarnate

Qi Yuan chuckled, "I don't even have a marriage certificate right now; I have no Dao companion."

Upon hearing this, Jiang Ruhua pondered for a moment before showing a look of admiration. "So, my friend... you keep them outside. Very clever, indeed!"

He immediately understood that the person before him had not formally entered into a Dao companionship with anyone.

After about a dozen breaths, the spirit boat finally began to stop.

The cultivators in the cabin began to come out, both men and women, each with different expressions.

They all disembarked from the spirit boat.

Below the spirit boat, several rabbit carts had arrived to pick up the cultivators from the boat.

"Farewell, my friend," Qi Yuan said softly.

Jiang Ruhua smiled, "Don't forget to invite me to your wedding!"

"...Alright," Qi Yuan agreed casually.

After all, out here, he was playing a role he created for himself, and the promises were just words.

Only now did Jiang Ruhua focus his attention below. He scanned the area and immediately saw a bright and charming young girl in a yellow dress.

A look of relief flashed in his eyes, along with a bit of pride.

The brat still knows to come pick up her father? He decided that when he saw his daughter later, he wouldn't show her a good face.

He stood there, looking slightly proud, just waiting for his daughter to come and greet him.

Sure enough, his daughter had a joyful expression on her face and ran straight toward him.

He maintained a stern expression, though inwardly he was overjoyed.

"Senior Brother, you’re finally back!"

However, Jiang Ruhua's face froze.

He saw his familiar daughter walking towards the friend with whom he had shared a lot of conversations earlier, naturally linking arms with him. Her eyes seemed to contain only her senior brother.

A flame of anger began to rise in his chest.

He looked utterly incredulous.

She wasn’t here to pick him up; she didn’t even notice him, even though she was only a few meters away.

The most infuriating thing was that brat!

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and he immediately understood.

The friend he met on the road was none other than his daughter's senior brother, Qi Yuan.

No wonder! That explains everything!

Jiang Ruhua understood, and he was furious!

Sweet and cute?

Thoughtful and gentle?

Was Jiang Lingsu really like this? And... the busty junior sister? Jiang Ruhua's eyes seemed to shoot fire.

"Jiang Lingsu!"

He gritted his teeth and shouted loudly! If his voice could kill, he probably would have already torn Qi Yuan to pieces.

Especially since, on the spirit boat, he had taught Qi Yuan how to court his daughter!

At the sound of his voice, the smile on Jiang Lingsu's fair, jade-like face froze. She seemed at a loss, her arm still linked with Qi Yuan's, her eyes widening in surprise as she looked at Jiang Ruhua, "Father?"

"You still know I’m your father?" Jiang Ruhua glared at Jiang Lingsu and at her arm holding Qi Yuan’s, his eyes blazing with fury.

Qi Yuan was also taken aback. He couldn't help but speak, "This lecherous cultivator... is your father?"

Jiang Lingsu was stunned.

Jiang Ruhua was stunned.

Then they heard Qi Yuan say, "Earlier on the road, this man taught me that I should make sure to consummate my relationship with the busty junior sister."

A flush of red immediately climbed up Jiang Lingsu's ears, and her eyes seemed to be tinged with blush, making her look even more enchanting.

"You're spouting nonsense!" Jiang Ruhua was furious.

He never imagined that the young friend he met would turn out to be his daughter's senior brother.

"Not only that, but he also asked me how to marry multiple wives," Qi Yuan said, looking pitifully at Jiang Lingsu. "Junior sister, you're going to have more stepmothers!"

At this moment, the anger on Jiang Ruhua's face vanished completely.

Jiang Lingsu also gritted her teeth and said, "I will tell Mother about this!"

"No!" Jiang Ruhua was genuinely scared!

Jiang Lingsu’s mother was not at all domineering; in fact, she was very gentle and lovely.

But... she liked to cry.

If she found out about this, she’d cry for ten years straight in front of him—how could he endure that? "This isn't over!" Seeing that she had something on Jiang Ruhua, Jiang Lingsu let out a sigh of relief and stuck out her tongue.

Otherwise, this situation of meeting her father would have been very awkward.


About half an hour passed.

Jiang Ruhua was filled with apprehension and helplessness.

He never expected that his reunion with his daughter would happen in such a manner.

He also never expected that the person he randomly met on the road would turn out to be his daughter’s senior brother.

At this moment, Jiang Ruhua looked at Qi Yuan with a rather resentful gaze.

After all, he had lost his dignity in front of Qi Yuan.

Especially since he had taught Qi Yuan the tactic of making a move on the busty junior sister, it now made him feel quite out of breath.

"My friend, don't take the idea of consummating the relationship with the busty junior sister seriously. I don’t endorse such things!" Jiang Ruhua hurriedly said to Qi Yuan as soon as Jiang Lingsu left.

Qi Yuan just smiled, "You've misunderstood, my friend. My relationship with the junior sister is entirely proper.

Everything on the Divine Flower Assembly forum is fictional; I don't even have a senior sister.

As for the sect master’s daughter, she is Kang Fulu's Dao companion and has nothing to do with me."

Jiang Ruhua misunderstood even more after Qi Yuan explained.

This guy... actually likes married women!

If he hadn't known that this person was Qi Yuan, he might have called him a comrade back on the spirit boat.

Now, he could only say that his character was despicable!

"Heh, I believe you," Jiang Ruhua sneered.

Qi Yuan shrugged, feeling rather helpless.

Seeing Qi Yuan’s innocent expression, Jiang Ruhua seemed to see himself in him.

He suddenly remembered the time he brought his junior sister to meet his father-in-law, and he was beaten up.

He looked at Qi Yuan and couldn't help but say, "Hmph, aren't you the number one Nascent Soul in Dashang? Let me challenge the number one Nascent Soul in Dashang!"

Rather than a challenge, it was more of an opportunity to teach Qi Yuan a lesson.

After all, he had been beaten before; he had weathered the storm. Naturally, he didn’t want Qi Yuan to have any cover.

Moreover, he was a Nascent Soul cultivator from the Eastern Lands. Even though Qi Yuan wasn't an old man and was still very young, he was from Dashang, so his strength was certainly far below his own.

"I’ve always respected the elderly and taken care of the young; I never bully old men," Qi Yuan decisively refused. Then he eagerly asked, "How about letting the junior sister represent you in our duel?"

Upon hearing this, Jiang Ruhua almost spat blood.

Qi Yuan was much thicker-skinned than he was.

In the following days, there was one more person on Seven-Colored Peak; Jiang Ruhua stayed on the peak.

Qi Yuan continued as he always did, working alone in his room, revising techniques.

However, due to matters related to the Divine Flower Assembly and the Original God Sharing Assembly, Qi Yuan’s days of revising techniques were not quiet.

Occasionally, people from the Shenwu Sect would visit Seven-Colored Peak.

Sometimes, even the Purple Mansion cultivators from the Blood-Robed Alliance would come.

Occasionally, even the Yin Gods who later pledged allegiance to the Original God Sharing Assembly would visit Seven-Colored Peak to meet with Qi Yuan.

Especially after the divine techniques were made public, more and more people came to see Qi Yuan.

At this moment, Qi Yuan sat in a concrete house, his eyes deep and thoughtful.

"With the techniques brought by Shenwu Sect this time, I now have six divine techniques and over two thousand Heaven-grade techniques... It seems that Pinduoduo has also achieved great success in the Canglan Realm."

Qi Yuan was quite excited at this moment.

Destroying sects himself and searching for his first love could never compare to what he had now.

Lying at home, the techniques kept pouring in.

Now, he could truly say that he had compiled the world's techniques.

Even in the mortal world, he had obtained many martial arts manuals.

"These techniques will last a long time."

Qi Yuan examined himself internally.

Then he looked at the game jade slip, and a glimmer of excitement flashed in his eyes.

"The game has finally finished loading." "But... what does it mean if I’m dead?"

In the game, his character, which had been formed from an innate seed, had inexplicably died.

This surprised Qi Yuan greatly.

"If I enter the game now... what form will I take? A skeleton?"

Qi Yuan was curious.

Earlier, he had already announced that he would be going into seclusion for a period of time.

The Divine Flower Assembly, the Original God Sharing Assembly, and even the Blood-Robed Alliance would continue as they always had.

He had also told Jiang Lingsu about this.

"Enter the game!"



In the graveyard, moonlight filtered through the gaps between the leaves, casting bird-shaped shadows on the ground.

The dappled light fell on the tombstones ahead, creating an eerie and desolate scene.

The weeds beside the stone tablets were lush, and dark beetles were gnawing on the grass stems. Suddenly, a centipede-like creature bit and crushed one of the beetles.


Heavy footsteps sounded, and the centipede-like creature was instantly crushed.

"Hurry up, surround the Lost Mountain and prohibit anyone from entering!" ordered a middle-aged man wearing a military hat.

His face was chiseled, and his burly body concealed immense strength.

At this moment, his expression was resolute, but there was also a hint of confusion about the future.

More and more soldiers appeared, hundreds, thousands, and even tens of thousands.

More and more armored vehicles, as well as various fighter jets, circled in the air.

This desolate Lost Mountain had never seen so many people before.

However, these people weren’t here to mourn or pay respects to the dead.

From time to time, whispers could be heard among the soldiers.

"Is it all true?"

"Damn, it's too absurd!"

"Is God playing a joke on us?"

"The outside world is in chaos now; it’s practically like the apocalypse!"

"I heard from Old Wang that just now, more than a hundred people tried to break through the checkpoints and were all shot dead!"

"Hmph, they must be those capitalists’ lackeys!"

Li Shenkong, wearing military boots, walked over the grass, which made a rustling sound.

The soldiers' conversations reached his ears, and his eyes showed a complex and profound expression.

"A world reset?"

"Is this a joke from the Creator?"

"Could it be true...?"

"If it is true..."

He thought about many things.

Just a day ago, on Gongxing, all humans, whether sleeping, working, or mixing cement on construction sites, heard a cold, indifferent voice in their minds.

"The world will reset in 24 hours. An Zhentian, Ashu, Qi Yuan... Zheng Xi, a total of ninety-nine people, will return to ten years ago with their memories intact."

Yes, this voice appeared in everyone's minds.

Even the deaf heard this message.

Immediately, chaos broke out on Gongxing.

After all, the message was too shocking.

The world will reset?

Some people will be reborn with their memories, returning to ten years ago?

This caused massive upheaval across all nations on Gongxing.

Some people didn’t take it seriously and didn't believe it.

Others went completely mad, thinking that since the world was about to reset... then they could do whatever they wanted—things they had always wanted to do but never dared.

Order collapsed in an instant.

Murder, rape, looting, vandalism, arson... flooded this once civilized society.

And the ninety-nine people who were about to be reborn were completely controlled by the official forces of various countries.

In the Qin Yuan Nation alone, there were thirty-five such individuals.

And one of them was in this Lost Mountain.

These thirty-five people were divided up like fat pigs by the major families of the Seven Martial Stars.

After all, if someone reborn with memories were under their control, what a great opportunity that would be! The situation in Qin Yuan Nation could drastically change; even the situation on Gongxing could be different from before.

Of course, it's also possible that the voice they heard was a hoax.

The world wouldn’t reset, and no one would go back to ten years ago with their memories.

But even so, Li Shenkong still received orders to surround Lost Mountain.

According to their investigation, there was someone in Lost Mountain who was about to "be reborn."

However, this particular person was somewhat special.

"Reporting to the commander, someone from the Gongyi family has arrived."

At that moment, a voice came through.

Li Shenkong's expression immediately became solemn.

In the Qin Yuan Nation, the royal family and the Seven Martial Stars ruled the land.

Among the Seven Martial Stars, there were twenty-one powerful families.

These twenty-one families were the true power centers of the Qin Yuan Nation.

Although the Gongyi family had declined and was struggling to keep their seat among the Seven Martial Stars, they were still part of the Seven Martial Stars.

At this moment, at a temporary airfield, five planes landed.

A group of more than twenty people hurried over, their faces filled with urgency.

Li Shenkong quickly went to greet them, "Elder Cai!"

Gongyi Cai glanced at Li Shenkong and nodded, his face showing deep exhaustion. "How are things going?"

"We've located the target’s grave, but we haven't started digging yet," Li Shenkong replied honestly.

The men and women behind Gongyi Cai heard Li Shenkong’s report, and their eyes filled with anger.

After all, if what everyone heard was true, then befriending a reborn individual and reaching an agreement with them would be a great benefit for their family.

However, the reborn individual assigned to them... was a dead person!

How could they work with that? Everyone present looked quite displeased.

Luckily, the Gongyi family still had some reputation. Besides this dead person, there was another reborn individual, whom the Gongyi family could share with another family.

So, the group that came to Lost Mountain represented only a less regarded part of the Gongyi family.

"Let’s go, take me to see!" Gongyi Cai said in a deep voice.

No matter what, he wanted to see the remains of that person first.

The family had given orders, and he needed to carry them out.

Although reaching an agreement was impossible, they still needed to place the agreement in the grave.

What if the person in the grave did reincarnate and brought the agreement with them? Though, of course, the chances of that were zero.

Soon, the group of more than twenty people arrived at a desolate tombstone.

This tombstone seemed to have been neglected for many years, with weeds growing all around it.

Gongyi Cai looked at it, accepted some flowers, and placed them in front of the grave.

The other disciples of the Gongyi family followed suit, offering flowers to the grave.

On this desolate grave, on this special day, it received many flowers.

At this moment, a person who looked like a secretary held a stack of documents and began to speak slowly, "Name: Qi Yuan, born... died at the age of nineteen, nine years ago.

Cause of death... cerebral hemorrhage."

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