My Cell Prison

Chapter 349: 349: Suppressing the Riot

Chapter 349: Chapter 349: Suppressing the Riot
At the topmost floor of the lighthouse.

[Lamp Man] understood all the current developments through ’emergency lamps’ set up within the park.

“So, your objectives are not limited to Mr. Aha and Origin Granny… you even dare to challenge my authority.

Besides these two ‘things’ that are a bit troublesome, everything else is insignificant.”

The two individuals Lamp Man was referring to.

One of them was the owner of the Waste Recycling Station, known officially as [The Collector], and among the Strange Tales community, he was referred to as ‘the Terrible Corpse Hoarder,’ a name that struck fear into all who heard it.

The other was Han Dong, who, through a series of fortunate events, managed to convince the malignant Neutral – [The First Woman], to help him seize control of the lighthouse.

“Since you all want a carnival, I will give you one… The park hasn’t been this lively in a very long time.”

A hundred-year-old foundation.

Not to mention, in a park filled with dangerous Strange Tales.

That Lamp Man was able to create [The Lighthouse], and effectively manage the park, he naturally had various emergency measures to deal with dangerous situations.

Did those Strange Tales that were ‘nail biters’ and had been treated in the lighthouse truly only undergo mindset corrections?

Please… This isn’t some ordinary society.

The experimentation area in the upper levels of the lighthouse contained secrets that couldn’t be shared.

The Cerebral White Matter Resection was only the first surgery.

Immediately following, the chief surgeon would stitch a ‘unique substance’ produced by [Lamp Man] into the subject’s cranial cavity.

A millimeter level ‘Intracranial Spotlight’ that could perfectly fuse with the cerebellar nerves.

When inactive, it wouldn’t affect any physiological activities of the Strange Tales…

The Strange Tales that had undergone the surgery were sent to the psychological testing area for what was called ‘psychological testing’, however, in reality, they were only there to ensure that the Intracranial Spotlights installed in their skulls were functioning properly.

Once they were properly fitted, they would be granted permission to leave the lighthouse and return to their so-called ‘normal life’.

After a certain period, the Intracranial Spotlights in their skulls would be rechecked to ensure they were working correctly.

With a large number of creatures fitted with these ‘miniature spotlights’, [Lamp Man] could access their perspectives at any time, secretly monitoring all the movements in the park to nip any hidden dangers in the bud.

The Lighthouse was known as [The Eye].

And these Intracranial Spotlights were known as the ‘hidden eyes’.

Together, they maintained the ‘stability’ of the park.

Their purpose was not only for secret observation but also for dealing with situations like the current city-wide rebellion.


[The Lamp Source Plan]

Lamp Man reached out his hand to press the red button on the control console.

Instantly, the device corresponding to the button activated!

Centered around the lighthouse, the ‘Magnetic Field’ that originally surrounded the lighthouse diffused completely, covering the inner area of the park.

Whether they had just been released from the lighthouse or had left it a few decades ago, all the Strange Tales halted in confusion.

Then, clutching their heads in their hands, they were seized with agonising headaches and began to bleed from all their facial orifices.

Until their foreheads split open and a spotlight the size of a tennis ball emerged from between their brows.

The eyes of these Strange Tales instantly became lifeless, transformed into ‘Strange Tales Weapons’ directly controlled by the Lighthouse.

Using the transformation between bioenergy and electrical energy, the spotlights on their foreheads could glow permanently.

At this moment.

The entirely dark park was fully illuminated by tens of thousands of humanoid spotlights.


At the same time.

The spare generators stored in the lighthouse had reached maximum power, restoring the supply of electricity to the lighthouse.

The spotlight at the very top was back in operation.

And all the elevators began operating.

Here, it is important to note that the [upper region] of the lighthouse encompasses floors 87 to 100, which belong to the lighthouse’s administration.

The entire park was not managed by Lamp Man alone. Under his command, there were 12 administrators… in the park, they were referred to by the Strange Tales as the ‘Twelve Directors.

All of them were S Level Strange Tales, each possessing an office area occupying one floor at the top of the Lighthouse.

In addition to their own powers, they were also supported and augmented by ‘Lighthouse Technology’.

The ‘Twelve Directors’ each lead a Forbidden Army of the lighthouse to suppress the citywide rebellion.


Ding Dong!

At this moment, the head nurse arrived at the topmost floor via the elevator.

“Sir Lamp, the situation in the underground detention area is very bad… I beseech you to dispatch two of the Directors to aid in the suppression.

It seems these patients have become infected by some type of Parasitic Body, their inner potentials have been fully activated, particularly in terms of ‘Regeneration’… normal methods are ineffective in killing them and we are a bit understaffed.”


Lamp Man was not concerned at all.

“No matter how much they stir up trouble below, we only need to seal off the connecting interfaces of each floor… what we need to do now is not suppress these insignificant beings, but to dispose of the main instigators of this rebellion.

When the time comes, we will hang them one by one on the main gate of the Lighthouse, everything will naturally calm down afterward.

We can take our time with any necessary repairs afterward.”

“Then… what should I do now?”

Lamp Man stretched out his hand to hug the head nurse, allowing her to sit on his lap.

“Zi, you just stay here with me… If my guess is right, someone will secretly come to the top floor. When that happens, you’ll assist me in quickly disposing of them.”

“Who would dare to directly confront Sir Lamp… Don’t tell me? That old man!?”

When she thought of Mr. Aha, the head nurse remembered some past events, which made her turn white as a sheet.

“No… Mr. Aha wouldn’t do anything he isn’t certain about. And according to his character, he wouldn’t get involved in such a ‘battle’, he wouldn’t needlessly look for trouble.

The ones who will come up here are nothing more than the tiny flies secretly orchestrating this rebellion, all we need to do is swat them.”



During the rebellion.

All work in the experimental area was temporarily halted.

All the doctors were also involved in suppressing the lower zone.

At this moment, a doctor, who appeared to be escorting a patient to the lower zone, pressed the ascending button as he entered the elevator, heading towards the top administrative levels… successfully passing through the recognition system with the help of the senior doctor’s card hidden inside his pocket and perfect disguise.


Arriving at the topmost floor.

When the elevator door opened, there was a corridor filled with various thick and thin cables.

“No defenses… it seems the other party knows we’re coming.

Well, it does make sense… This person is the steward of the park, the second strongest of the Strange Tales.

When dealing with small fry like us, it’s normal for him to have basic confidence.

Abe, there’s no need for a disguise anymore.”

Han Dong stared at the hidden high-definition camera in the cable, decisively removing the disguise to reveal his true state, sauntering through this corridor littered with cables.

The office door of ‘The Lighthouse Manager’ was slightly ajar, welcoming any visitors.

Upon pushing the door open, [Lamp Man] was found sitting in a chair made up of innumerable cables.

In the expansive room, countless spotlights were directed at Lamp Man, bathing him in Bright Light, maintaining his most powerful state.

The Head Nurse stood upright behind him, providing support.

Under such conditions, Lamp Man could absorb as much electrical energy and light energy as he wished, essentially making him invincible.

Even Mr. Aha would find it very difficult to defeat him.

But Han Dong has a ‘surprise key’ in his pocket that could turn the tide.

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