My Cell Prison

Chapter 264: TreeHouse

Chapter 264: TreeHouse

When most of the trainee knights who participated in the training were exhausted and returned to their dormitories or homes to recuperate.

[Dead water Swamp]

Inside the small treehouse.

Han Dong was still focused on the training event and did not feel like sleeping.

The task he had given to Mia was to make Mia find ways to prolong her dormancy while the Matrix was in a special dormancy period.

According to the Matrix intelligence provided by Dr. Swell.

There were six separate periods each day when the Matrix would be in superficial hibernation for about fifteen minutes.

Han Dong must take this time of the Matrix's hibernation to transport the Great Lord from the 'Main Hall' to the 'Fake Main Hall' through the transmission flesh tube.

Once the Matrix wakes up during that process, the plan will fail.

Mia crossed her arms and explained rather proudly how she handled the process of the Matrix.

"Do you mean that superficial dormancy is enough?

The Great Lord and the Matrix are lovers, and a huge ghoul sliding inside the flesh tube, sliding through the pipe zigzag point, will inevitably wake up the Matrix due to the huge force hitting it.

I can only take out the 'bottom card', a neurotoxin from the spider curse, quietly injected into the mother's brain layer area.

Interfere with the impact and deepen her dormancy.

You know, if my family is found by the Matrix, it will be a certain death ... Nicholas, you can stay with me tonight, the thought of the horrible appearance of the Matrix, people will have nightmares."

"Thanks, Mia."

Han Dong naturally knew very well that superficial dormancy was not enough to make the plan work before he chose to let Mia, a halfway decent two-five, take over the matter.

At this time, Mia leaned over slightly and gently pressed her head against Han Dong's shoulder.

"You still haven't answered my question? Stay with me, OK ... otherwise, I am going to speculate on the purpose of you doing these things. When being interrogated tomorrow, one might accidentally say something out of turn."

"It's okay to stay, hungry, go make me some good food."

Once I heard that Han Dong was willing to stay.

Mia grew a lot of spider legs out of excitement and jumped up and down in the house.

"Good witch soup must use fresh ingredients, so long out of townhome things have gone bad, I have to go back to the swamp area to catch some fresh food.

You wait for me in the treehouse, no wandering oh!"

"Go on."

As Mia left.

Han Dong then lay down alone on the hammock in the treehouse, closed his eyes, and recuperated the process of this training carefully recalled.

The reason why it had evolved into a disaster ending.

It was because in the [ghoul factory], Han Dong, who was taken to the sacrificial hall by Dr. Swelling, accidentally summoned the yellow-robed man.

Han Dong learned the definition of "deed" and was given [Dr. Swelling] this right-hand man, thus decided and began to develop a very brain-cell burning "deed theft plan".


If the normal process is followed.

In the end, it will be the blood knight Lucius and his team, killing the great lord and ending the training.

The points that Han Dong's team obtained should be able to barely reach the "good" rating.

It is necessary to sort out the composition of the theft plan and the corresponding important role of the pawns in Han Dong's hands.

The first is the most important pawn - Mia, as explained above, is needed to deal with the problem of the Matrix.

2. Since Dempsey's brother has a good relationship with Deputy Chief Hydra, he needs to attract Hydra's attention as much as possible so that the Deputy Chief will not find out Han Dong's plans and various small moves.

3. [Dr. Swell] This pawn is particularly important.

Han Dong first arranged for Dr. Swell to build a 99% simulation of the [Forged Main Hall] in the underground area and needed a large flesh tube to connect to the area.

The follow-up also requires Dr. Swell to personally come to the forged main hall to complete the follow-up plan and cheat the message of the entrance to the treasure trove.

4. Pawns - Johnny's team.

Since the arrangement of the forgery of the main hall, it is natural to also arrange a team of 'forgery squad'.

Han Dong asked Wendy to build the same equipment as Johnny's team, the role is to confuse the Lord so that the Lord thinks he is facing the same team from the beginning to the end.

5. Core pieces - Wendy.

Wendy's divine power and exquisite blacksmithing are the keys to opening the door to the treasure trove.

Han Dong only has one chance to go deeper into the treasure trove. Carrying Wendy will greatly improve the probability and speed of opening the treasure trove.

In the end, Wendy's performance not only did not let Han Dong down but was unexpected ... not hesitate to let herself fall into weakness, but also to help Han Dong open the treasure vault door.

In the future, if this sister needs any help, Han Dong will naturally return the favor.

Moreover, such a simple and kind character is also Han Dong's first choice to make a good friend.

After all the pieces were thrown out, Han Dong needed to act as the main body and connect the set pieces one by one.

On the way, although there is the insertion of the Blood Knight - Lucius.

But with the intelligence information of "Ghost Experiment", Han Dong also successfully held this elite team back and arrived at the [Main Hall] on time.

Together with Miss Wendy's armor-breaking ability, the two internees worked in concert to successfully suppress the Great Lord.

The plan was interlocked, and everything went smoothly.

Unfortunately ... Han Dong did not consider the worst possible outcome.

The first time the lord was informed that the deed had been stolen, he gave up his centuries of training, not caring that he would step into the ranks of the [foreign devils] if he took another step forward.

Self-sacrifice and get the response of the "old king".

"Hoo ... still not discreet enough ah."

After reviewing everything, Han Dong summed up his failure experience and perfected himself.

Waiting for Mia to bring all kinds of fresh frogs, lizards, bats, and other creatures inhabiting the swamp to boil up a big pot of fresh and delicious witch soup.

Only to find an extra group of people in her treehouse.

Togo and Miss Chen Li have appeared, they also have not eaten for a long time, a rather hungry expression ... especially Togo, seems to be very interested in this dark cuisine.

Witch soup, along with the bottom of the soup was drunk clean by Togo.

Burp ...

Togo burped and slept directly on the only hammock.

As for Miss Chen Li also seems to have no intention to return to the prison, the whole time to maintain the appearance of black hair covering the face, at any time stick to the side of Han Dong.

Mia could not find an opportunity to take advantage of it at all and felt that it was a mistake to leave Han Dong behind.

The next day.

A knock on the door woke the two up.

Chen Li and Togo immediately returned to the prison as they sensed the arrival of outsiders.

Before they could get Mia's permission, the treehouse door was pushed open.

The one who came here turned out to be the master of the swamp- [Witch. Kelonya].

When pushing the door and seeing the messy scene in the room, as well as the two youths who were unkempt and just woke up from sleep, the witch immediately made up her mind about what happened last night.

"Young people are like this ... at the beginning to set you two still all kinds of excuses, now together with the experience of death immediately 'frank and honest'. The early fun is not better in case you die cannot have the opportunity to live fast.

Hurry up and organize, the council censors have arrived at the [Dark Moon Tower], get ready for the trial."

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