Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 616 - Visit: Evil Arising



By the next day, news had already started flying about amongst the people concerning Li Jing's accident and the surprising several other accidents that occurred in her grandfather's city.

In one of the huge mansions where her aunt inhabited, she sat down listening to the news as a splendid smile enveloped her face.

Ever since Li Jing came into their lives, all the plans she had fallen short and when they tried on so many accounts to get things out of her hand, it only failed a million fold but today, she was so glad.

"This is sweet."

She siped her cup of coffee calmly as she watched on as more and more of the news filled her ears.

Not up to five minutes later, she felt her phone vibrate by her side and she looked to her side. It was Li Xuilan.

At first, she wanted to ignore the call, but on second thought, it might just be beneficial to them both.

Picking up her phone from the chair beside her, she answered it. "Hello?"

Her calm and refined voice reached the ears of her sister-in-law who was already getting tired that's he was not answering her call.

"Hu Qi." The sound from her voice told Hu Qi how elated and happy she was and guessing from the news she did not need a fortune teller to tell her why it was like.


"Guess what?"

"I know. I am watching the news currently."

"This is epic," she exclaimed yet again. "Can you believe it? She actually angered someone enough to get into such a scandal with the person."


"The police called it an ordinary accident but I know better. This is no accident."


"Like this means so much. It is like the heavens are finally picking a side in this fight and paying her back in her own coin."


"Okay," it was now she noticed her sister-in-law was not really into the conversation with her and only gave her short answers. "Hu Qi, are you not happy with the news?"

"It is not that I am not happy with the news or anything."


"Well, this is just an accident. We still are not getting anything, neither did her threat stop," Hu Qi explained. She let out a deep breath and relaxed against her chair.

"That is because you are not seeing the big picture," Xuilan pushed further. "See, I know with what has happened in the past, it is only natural to want to pull out now but I assure you of what I am saying."

"Okay, go on."

"Thanks. You see, this accident simply means Li Jing is not untouchable."


"Yes. Before now we tried to go for her mother and failed. Then we went for Lin Zian and even that failed because of her. She can fix things for people but fails to fix things for herself. With the accident, it shows that even she can be left vulnerable and prone to attack."

"So your point is?"

Although Hu Qi knew where she was getting to, she decided to play dumb and allow Lin Xiulan to lead the talk.

Upon seeing her call, she already had an idea and that was why she answered it. But she did not want a case fo where things went wrong and she would be caught in the middle.

So she allowed her to continue the talk.

At least if Lin Xuilan did not know Lin Zian, she did. He was her brother and she knew how ruthless he could be when it came to those he loved and she did not want to be the one n the crossfire.

For that's he needed a scapegoat and since Lin Xuilan was offering, who was she not to accept?

"My point is that we can get back at her. This time let us be intentional and get her out f the way. If she is gone, it would be a huge blow to Lin Zian and subsequently, it may lead to his death. That way it would be killing two birds with one stone."

"I see."

"You must have thought about it too. We must act fast while the iron is hot lest we lose such a golden opportunity. That way when he is gone with no tangible heir, Lin Jingye can inherit is the company and the rest of us as well"

"Okay. So what are we to do and how do we go about it?"

"Simple. For this, we would be needing help. We do not want to do this alone and run anything."

"Are you sure? Wouldn't be better if there are only a few of us involved?" Hu Qi questioned.

"It would but to pull this off, we may need to make it seem like a bi accident and ensure she remains caught in it. So it is a large scale something. I hope you are having all the resources and manpower to do it?"


"Good, this is why I said we need someone else. Anyways, just relax, I would check out to see her enemy here that we can use."

"Okay. I am all ears."


~Star City~

By the time Chairman Zhang was done, he made his way to the hospital where Bai Qing Mei was hospitalized.

He had confronted Hu Donghai for a long and all he got was the same names and nothing more.

He also got to know that it was Bai Qing Mei who had wanted them to get back at Li Jing and planned the whole thing.

The only thing Li Xiu did was actually to lure Li Jing out and get them to make the accident.

Unfortunately for them, if they had known of their plan beforehand, they would have seen that there was no need to try and lure her using her business. Because of that, Ye Chng could easily deduce that it was all planned.

Not that he would not have figured it out in the first place. He would but not so soon.

So he could not really say much about that. All he could say was that his precious granddaughter was hurt and he did not like it one bit.

"This way sir. Her ward is just the second door before the last one," the doctor pointed out as they went.

"Okay. Thanks."

Together they went toward the room and on getting there he opened the door for Chairman Zhang to walk in.

On getting there, they met Bai Qing Mei sleeping comfortably without any care in the world.

From personal experience he knew she was injected else she would have been causing a commotion here. But just to be sure, he decided to ask the doctor in particular.

Right now he could not just be too trusting of anyone. Who knows who was waiting to harm her?

"Doctor, why is she still sleeping till now?"

"I had to give her an injection to help her with the pain and it also put her to sleep."

"Okay. I can wake her up?"

"Well, she would wake up on her own. You can stay with her if you please."

"Okay. Thank you. By the way, how was she when she woke up before? I bet she must have been a handful, right?"

"Well no matter how much of a handful she is, she is still my patient. She was demanding answers I did not know about and I informed her to allow the cops to do their job and I do mine then when you come you would provide her with all the answers that she needed."

"I see. Might? ask what questions she asked about?"

"Yes, Chairman. She wanted to know if the person that drove into her car was lying on his death bed in the hospital too."

Just hearing what the doctor said, Chairman Zhang could no longer hold in his laughter and let it out. "Hahaha…"

It was so typical for Bai Qing Mei to act that way. She was not easily the forgiving kind. So hearing her say she hoped the culprit was on his death bed was too hilarious for even the cold Chairman Zhang.

She really took after him in terms of ruthlessness.

For a moment there, the doctor was confused. How could the Chairman laugh at something like that? His granddaughter was clearly chaotic and murderous and he was laughing about it.

That only told him who he was. Swallowing hard, he smiled to hide his fear from Chairman Zhang.

"Well, you do not need to worry about her. So that was why you put her to sleep?"

"Well, technically no. She was becoming hysterical and it was not advisable for her health especially after such an accident. We still need to monitor her and be sure no bad thing r head injury occurred."

"Oh, if it is my Qing Mei, relax. She is fine. I would have her transferred home tomorrow. From there you can come and treat her as her private doctor.. Our family doctor is away on a trip and since it is a minor accident, I do not want to make him return."

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