Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 610 - His Return



Somewhere in the big city that evening, two men sat down in a bar, drinking and chatting over the little things happening in their life.

"It has been a while. I am glad you are back," the first man voiced out, as he reached for his friend's shoulder and lightly patted him there.

"What can I say?? Needed that tough break but even at that, I just could not get her out of my mind."

"Hmm, it has been what? A year plus now?"

"Oh please, more than that, Jun Tai Hua. I have loved her since I can remember. Back then I found out she was in love with someone else and let it be and just protected her from bullying and hurt but who would have thought that breaking up with the jerk, she wandered into the arms of another."

"I understand your pain, Luo Jinhai. I understand but sometimes, we really cannot fight what life has in store for us," he did his best to make Luo Jinghai see the bright side to life.

"I tried fighting it and I only ended up on the receiving end. She stopped talking to me altogether and it also did not helo when she had to travel to another city because of her birth grandfather."

"It did not help but that was even a turning point in Li Jing's life. She was free from the bullying of her wretched sister and mother," Jun Tai Hua chipped in again. He was more reasonable and had always been.

Perhaps due to the fact that it was not him that was in the love triad.

"Foster," Luo Jinhai corrected.

"Yes, foster. But you may not have known, she and Ye Cheng were apart as well."

"Oh, I knew. She was apart from him and I thought that break she needed it to see clearly and know who she really liked but what did I get? She went back to him."

"Then let it be. Those two are fated for each other. You need to put this behind you and stop hurting yourself."

He sucked in a deep breath, brought his glass to his lips and sipped in some more alcohol.

Looking at Luo Jinhai, Jun Tai Hua half smiled. "You know, I hate to see my friend this way. There are tons of women out there," he gestured towards the road, to emphasize his point. "So many out there."

"But they are not her and they can never be her."

"True but until when would you live your life feeling so sad because of one girl?"

"I do not know. I have just been so much in love with her that it is hard to move on."

"She has moved on from your episode. It wasn't like you two ever dated, so she owes you nothing actually."

"I know. It is still hard."

"My advice friend, get her out of your mind for good. Anyways, now that you are back in the country, what next?"

"I wanted to stay away from her but on returning, the first useful news I listened to was an attack on her person. I would make all those involved pay."

Jun Tai Hua had enough already. He threw his hands in the air in utter surrender. "I thought you were back for a clean and fresh start? Why are you pock nosing in on her business?"

"I loved her once and they dared hurt her."

"What if it was just a normal incident?" Jun Tai Hua reasoned.

"Tah, I warned her though. All of this was bound to happen to her. She is not just dating a big shot but she got married to THE big shot. She signed in for trouble when she did that."

"I know and that is why you should leave it for her husband to handle it and I think he already is handling it."


"Words moving round the rich folks club, he decided to teach his wife's enemies a lesson, giving them a taste of their own medicine."

"Really? How? That was fast."

"Yeah but wait, how come you have not heard anything about any of this?" Luo Jinhai could not answer.

He was guilty of whatever his friend was going to charge him with.

"Do not tell me you got so bitter thinking of the hurt she must have been going through that whatever happened today did not bother you?"

"I am guilty. You can scold me all you want. I was just worried."

"Okay, so what have you been so worried done now?"

"Nothing. Although just thinking about the situation, made the whole point easy. Whoever the culprit is, was definitely someone who knew and wanted her hurt the most. Her sister and mother with some help."

Jun Tai Hua really felt like bumping his head against the slab their drinks were on. "If you had listened and watched the news today, you would have heard clearly when it was noted that the Li Xiu had an accident too."


"Yes, that is why I am just looking at you."

"I see. So you are indicating that perhaps Ye Cheng had retaliated?"

"My point exactly. Not just her but her mum, Bai Qing Mei and Hao Huizhong were all involved in an accident."

"This is something."

"Trust me. So you may not need to butt in and just allow Ye Cheng to handle his mess himself."

"I see."

For some minutes, he did not say anything and just pondered on the matter before him but after much thought, he decided.

"I may not be able to do much, but using my business influence, I may be able to assist. I would warn those involved while also ensuring she is well protected."

"You do not know when or how to quit, do you?" Jun Tai Hua asked, face-palming himself.

"Nope. Once again, I would be here to protect her. And you cannot talk me out of this, Tai Hua."

"I won't.. It would be pointless to."

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