Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 593 - Accident



"Hands in the air. No movement or I shoot."

Just hearing their voices alone, the men's heart jumped into their mouth and they tried to run away but before they could get anywhere, they were either blocked by the cop's car and trying to take another exit, they had Ye Cheng's men's car blocking the next exit.

They tried the last escape but to their dismay another cop's car blocked that path too, leaving them cornered.

"Oh damn it!"


By now both Li An and Lin Zian were getting tired of standing waiting for the couple to be complete. So rather than staying in the sun discussing, they waited close to a tree in the park as they watched Ye Cheng make his call.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

On the last ring that was when Li Jing picked up the call and answered.

"Hello, honey."

"Babe," he let out a sigh. "What is going on? It has been more than thirty minutes you know. I was worried and was even about coming to see you."

"Do not worry about it. I am truly sorry for not picking up on time and delaying."

"I understand. So are those people still there? The ones causing the commotion?"

"No. I have taken care of the situation. There is no need for that. Thye did not even know who I was. It was obviously a setup and I am sad that they wasted money on those haggards."

"Hehe," he chuckled lightly and then cleared his throat. "I am sorry and happy about it all. Sorry, it stressed you and happy it wasn't something big."

"I can more or less call this false alarm."

"Yeah. Anyways, did you meet with my men?"

"Yeah, they played a role in helping me catch the culprits. Thanks."

"Anytime. So how far away are you?"

"Umm, perhaps fifteen minutes at most. Do not worry, just get the tickets for the movie I would be there before you are done."

'Hmm, I think I would pass. I want to get the tickets with you and walk into the theatre with you in hand."

"Isn't that touching. Fine. I would not take forever."

"Fine. I guess I still am getting used to how things are, hmm. Fine, let's just say…"

The next thing Ye Cheng knew, he heard a loud sound from the other end of the phone and …



"Li Jing, Li Jing, come on tal to me. Jing, my love, what si going on>"


He heard someone scream from the background of her phone, further making his heart cut.

Although it was not Li Ing's voice the sound that he heard that sound and then this… t was something else.

Instantly, his heart began to thud wildly on his chest while his brain tried to figure out what was going on.

"Li Jing, Jing, my love, please speak to me."

No longer was Ye Cheng's voice on the low tone version. All he wanted now was to know what was happening. He did not care if he alarmed anyone. It did not matter to him anyway.

From where they were standing, Li An and Lin Zian looked at each other first and then at Ye Cheng.

"Something must be wrong," Li An voiced out.

"I know and it is not looking good. Do you think something happened to my Li Jing?"

"I…" Li An's voice trailed off. She did not know what to say at that moment. All that mattered to her was that Li Jing was okay.

Before she could even get her thoughts together, Lin Zian took a step towards Ye Cheng leaving her behind. The second he got to where Ye Cheng was, he could see just how worried he was and it scared him.

Placing a hand on his shoulder he called out his name softly, "Cheng."

Turning around swiftly, Lin Zian's eyes met with his. He could see a broken boy in those yees of his. "What is wrong?"

"I do not know and I cannot get anything clear. We were talking and then I heard a loud sound and I could not hear Li Jing again."


"I know. I'm sorry about all this, grandfather, but I need…"

"Go, Michael. Li Jing needs you." Ye Cheng looked at his side and saw his mother smiling bitterly at him. "We would catch up. Just hurry and be sure my daughter-in-law is okay."

"Alright. Thanks."

Without saying any other thing to them, he rushed into his car and his men drove off. All through the ride, his mind was in shambles. His heart was beating faster by the second and more than it had ever raced before.

Unlocking his phone, he placed a call through to one of his men who he sent after her.

"Hello, forgive me, master."

'Forgive you. First tell me what went wrong? I need a full status report."

"Yes, master. We were driving in front of her when suddenly we got blocked in front and before we could manoeuvre, we heard a crashing sound. It was an accident, a car drove into theirs, causing the vehicle to tumble twice."

Trying his best to remain calm in that situation, he clenched his hand tightly into a fist before releasing his breath. "How is she?"

"We are on our way to Star Cross Hospital as we speak."

"Okay. You know where to take her. I would call Long Lei and inform him that she is on her way there."

"Yes sir."

"Make sure nothing else happens to her on the way if not, you would all pay with your lives."

"Yes sir."

"Good. Ask them to get a report on the vehicles that blocked you guys and ran into her. I need everything sent to me within the hour latest."

"Got it, sir."


Dropping his phone on the chair, Ye Cheng closed his eyes briefly, releasing a breath or two to get his head calm so he could think properly and take on the right action.

"They not only stepped on my tail, they just stabbed the Lion in his den."

"Sir?" Gong Kang answerd.

"Not you. Just drive as fast as you can to Star Cresent Hospital. They are taking her to Long Lei this minute."

"Yes sir."

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