Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 528 - Bargain



It took some time but Li Xiu and Bai Qing Mei did not do anything stupid. Instead, they all decided to lay low, lest they draw too much attention from Ye Cheng and be at a loss.

That afternoon, he had chosen to come home on time so as to keep his wife company.

On getting to their room, he dropped his suitcase and walked over to her. "Hey, love."

She smiled upon hearing his sweet but tired voice call out to her and raised her head just in time to receive the peck he gave to her on the lips before pulling back and smiling sheepishly at him.

"Welcome home, honey."

"Thanks, my love. How was your day?"

'Juts okay. Nothing much. And yours?"

"I could say the same thing. Baby."

Stopping what she was doing, Li Jing looked at her side where he sat down on the bed. "Yes, honey?"

"I miss you."

She could not believe what she was hearing and wondered if it was his cheesy way of telling her he wanted her.

"Miss me? Babe, you are with me now."

"It is different," Ye Cheng complained.

"Okay, how so? Please explain, I am all ears," she said as placed her laptop on the bed and scooted over to where he was.

"You see, I miss not seeing you at work anymore."


"I am being serious," Ye Cheng pouted. He missed his wife, so much than she could ever think of.

Yes, he was being selfish asking her to leave her company to be his financial manager but what could he do when she was just the best and he loved her sincerely.

"I love you," he added.

"I know baby. I love you too."

She could no longer deny it or hide it. It was hard for her too.

They were still newlyweds in their opinion and they never wanted to part from each other but reality was a bad thing. They had lives before their meeting and marriage that needed tending to.

"But honey you know Dream Star Corporations would not run itself by itself, right?"

"I know. I know I am being selfish but I dare myself to be and I dare you to too."

Li Jing smiled at him. He was being such a baby now but he looked so cute. Who would have thought that the cold CEO who locked everyone out and put on a tough front could be this cute when acting like a babe?

With her knees on the bed, Li Jing went behind him and helped him out of his shirt, pulling it off him slowly, taking his white inner shirt too with it and tie away.

Once he was naked from the waist upwards, he pulled off his shoes and socks and turned around on the bed so he was facing her.

With both hands wrapped around his neck, Li Jing brought her head down as he placed a chaste kiss on his lips.

"You are my baby," she said pulling away. "You are my love, my heart and my life, Ye Cheng. I am yours. Now and forever."

"Forever yours, baby."

"So I want you to know honey that I miss you too. I want to be selfish as well but one of us needs to remain sane and not let our feelings override our rationale."

"But you are my wife…"

"And I have a company to run. I know I haven't been there in yours for a while but try to understand. I need to give more time to Lin company as well. And since I am not back at home, I need to ensure my eyes are there lest my aunties do something useless again."

He sighed, allowing his eyes to drop close at that moment but after some seconds he looked back up and his eyes met with similar hazel brown ones.

"Fine. I understand. I would not be selfish again, babe."

"I am sorry honey. I am here for you. You would come home to always meet me."

He wrapped his own arms around her waist allowing his fingers to rest on her soft backside and pulling her closer to his body.

"I know. I just missed those times when I could always call you to my office. Be it to…"

"Scold me?" She raised her eyebrows at him. You better not be planning to mention that, you know babe."

"Well, you were always doing things that were in need of such scolding. Like one, you refused to pick your call or you just ghost me and allow those guys to surround you."

"Do I smell jealousy?"

"Hell no. Why would I be jealous?" he asked feigning ignorance.

"I can see right through you. Fine. Let's do this shall we?"

"Do what?"

"You can have me for two times a week at your company."

"No, three," he refuted.

"Three?" she blinked at him severally?

"Why three?"

"Why not three? Why two?" he countered with a question of his own, causing Li Jing's head to ache.

"Well, we just have five days in a week and I should take more days at my own office."

"Well, you can work from home as well you know." She rolled her eyes at him. Now he was being possessive. Cute but still, she knows she misses him and all, but he should be considerate.

'You are bargaining for too much honey."

"Three. Leave it as it is. Three days of you my love. Three days, please. I would double your pay."

"For a part-time worker? I guess someone is ready to battle it out with the chairman of his company."

"Definitely. He doesn't have a say as to that. I am in charge and I chose whatever pay I want. It is either I pay less and get another financial manager and yet the company doesn't make a better gain."

"But I am not a marketer nor a Human resources Manager."

"Exactly my point. You are not that but you perform those roles at times.. So you do more for your pay."

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