Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 511 - Plan In Action



"What's with the look? Don't you dare give me that look like I am some whore, you know."

"I didn't say that but you could well have been doing so because your cunt needed some good fucking that it has been lacking."


"Speak to me in that manner again and I would do more than just lay a finger on you. I would knee you in the balls," she threatened.


For the third time that night, he was way out of his league shocked by her actions.

"Li Xiu!"

"Bloody hell shut it! You just almost ruined my plans."

"Of a good fuck! Bloody hell, girl get your head back. We have got a master plan waiting to executed."

"And that is what o am doing?"


"id you think I would o to him, someone not even as handsome as Duan Tian, let alone Ye Cheng or any other rich guy because I was horny? It is all part of the plan, one that you successfully ruined."

"I do not recall you mentioning this."

"Exactly because on getting here I found out that Rong Royals was in charge of catering and that included drinks serving. And he was none other than the man in charge of the servers and drinks. I needed him distracted to put our mole in and get the drinks spiked."

"I… I didn't know."

"Wow, boy am I glad,' she said with so much sarcasm in her voice. "Damn it you just ruined things!"

"Hey calm down."

"Do not tell me to calm down, Hao Huizhong. If anything goes wrong it is strictly on you."

"How is it on me? When there is any change in plans, it is your duty to inform me or Bai Qing Mei but did you?"

"And you guys, what happened to calling me to find out the update?" Li Xiu queried.

"Calling you? Check your damn phone girl."

She unlocked her phone only to see thirty missed calls from both Bai Qing Mei and Hao Huizhong.

"You were saying?"


"Save it, Li Xiu. She has been calling the bloody hell outta your phone all evening."

"I am sorry, my phone was on silent mode. I just needed to distract that guy. Come, let me find out the status of things with the drink. Every other thing is in place. Just the drink that is the problem."


Just as they were about to take their step away and back to the party, Li Xiu's phone buzzed causing her and Hao Huizhong to halt in their steps.

"What is the matter?" He asked, wanting to know the reason for the halt.

For a moment there he remained silent and later, let out a satisfied sigh of relief.


'What is it?"

"See." She handed him her phone and he read the message that was displayed on her phone screen.

"They succeeded. Initiating phase two. We need to hurry inside and ensure the other party of phase two are in place and ready for action," Li Xiu informed him.

"Good then. Your flirting with the young man paid off. Let us hurry."

"What of Bai Qing Mei?"

"I would message her to meet us inside. She must be looking for us now."


With everything now falling ack in place and things working well, Hao Huizhongfelt more confident that his morning was going to be the epic centre of it all.

Meanwhile, Ye Cheng and Li Jing on entering had gotten busy with business clients, friends and associates.

At one point in time, they were separated and although he did not want to get his eyes away from her, he just had to so he could focus on the discussions he had with business partners.

"Boss," one of his bodyguards said walking up to him. "Something fishy," the bodyguard whispered in his ears.

"Excuse me please," he dipped his head low a bit to his business partners. "I would be back."

As soon as they turned around, his smile dropped and his eyes narrowed as he searched fr her in the crowd.

"I think they might be onto something, boss. We saw Hao Hiuzhong and Li Xiu together outside the garden."

'Any other suspicious movement?"

"Not really. She was with someone before but he came and they got into a fight as she stormed away."

"Aright, just be on the lookout."

"Noted, boss."

With his instructions given, Ye Cheng went back to his chat while everyone awaited the birthday celebrant to make his entrance and speech.

Just as planned, they got inside, all three of them positioned at different angles and watching the whole thing play out.

At that moment, the lights went off throwing everyone into a complete panic and while everyone was busy finding out what was going on.


Suddenly the murmuring stopped when they saw the person to whom the lights were reflected on.

It was Mr Yan Mu Cheng.

Instantly, a round of applause followed, causing the older man to smile at everyone present.

"Good evening everyone. I just have but a few words of gratitude to say to everyone and to God for keeping me till this time in life. Thank you all dear friends, families and business acquaintances. It is a great honour to be here today. I love you all."

"Whoo!" Whistles were blown in awe of him as more and more rounds of applause followed one after the other.

In the middle of it all, two ladies ignored the speech and were having a conversation together.

"I am not happy, Du Lanying. I need to be just right! How can he leave me for another girl! I love him."

"I am sorry about that. I am sorry that I do not even know the best way to comfort you but one thing is sure. I know someone who would thrill to light up your day."

"Huh? Who? Is the person my guardian girl?" The tipsy girl asked, looking even drunker than before.

"Yes. Her name is Li Jing," the other girl pointed in Li Jing's direction. Go meet her and introduce yourself.. Ask her to drink with you and I bet she would be more than willing to listen to you," the other girl advised.

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