Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 491 - Made For Each Other



She looked around, making sure none of her maids were around them and once we were sure, she returned her gaze to him.

"And you have me, my body. Isn't that what matters?"

"No. I hate it when you talk about him in my presence. I fucking hate it, Qing Mei."

"You just have to deal with it. I love him and that is all."

"You are just obsessed. Do you think that with what happened between you two in the past, that even if he loses his wealth he would come running back to you?"

"Yes, he will."

"Stop being delusional, Qing Mei. Ye Cheng is much too proud to do that. He has said it and h would do it. He has cut ties with us. Besides, what would he say when he finds out that you were cheating on him even during your so-called relationship? Do you think he would still want you? Face it, Qing Mei. I am here for you..."

"Stop it, I do not want to hear do it. If you dare, go and tell him, not only would I make you regret it, Ye Cheng would also make you pay. You know how much he detests betrayal."

"Then you better get him out of your mind. I am here for you. I cherish you baby. I love you and want you and you want me too. Your mouth may deny it but your body craves me, me and not him. Only I know what she wants, not Ye Cheng. The bloody bastard loves that wrecker, Li Jing."

As he spoke he closed in the gap between them and was about to touch her when she glared at him in anger and stood from her seat.

"Get out."


"Leave my house, Huizhong. Leave before I forget everything and lock you up."

"You wouldn't dare, Qing Mei. You just won't."

"Try my patience and see." Ignoring him, she picked up her phone from the table and walked away with her fled thigh-high gown swaying to her hurried movements.

"Run, leave as you want but do not come begging for my dick when your cunt gets wet and needy," he half yelled after her before trying his best to calm down and taking his leave as well.

'Just you wait. Once my revenge plan works, I would have you beg me to have you. Then I would see how handsome your Ye Cheng can be to you then.'


Days passed with Hao Huizhong and Bai Qing Mei not speaking to each other.

She did not know why their conversation ended that way. One minute they were casually talking and the next, his possessiveness and anger towards Ye Cheng took over.

For Hao Huizhong, he too ignored her. He could just do without her after all. She was the one who needed him most.

He had plans of his own and he would not allow for one lady to boss him around and use him for her pleasure.

It wasn't like he was not feeling it all this time, he was but he kept hope alive but now after speaking to her and seeing that in her eyes he would always be second to Ye Cheng, he gave up.

'I hope Ye Cheng can satisfy her when her incessant unquenchable sexual appetite starts.'

He took in a deep breath. Left to him he wanted to think about other things and not allow her problem to disturb him but here he was, no matter how he tried he just could not get her out of his thoughts.

'Sigh, get it together Huizhong. You are better than this. Just treat your time with her as one of those things and focus on other important stuff, like your revenge for example,' he advised himself.

"Speaking of which, I haven't called or heard from Zhi Ruo in a long time. I guess it is time to put that her useless boss to good use."

He picked his phone from atop the table and quickly searched oy her contact to make the call.

A few rings and she was already answering it.

"Brother, wow! It has been long. Good evening."

"Hey, kid sis. How are you?"

"I am fine, you?"

"Great," he lied. "Never have been better," he added.

"That is a bloody lie, Huizhong. Who did you think you are talking to, Your boss or what?"

He let out a deep sigh. She had caught him red-handed. Although they did not grow up so well together as he had to make plans of his own revenge, he could not ignore the fact that he was open to her.

"I can read you even though you are not near me. Tell me, what is wrong? What is bothering my brother so much to make him so downcast like this?"

"Honestly dear, I am just mad at her."

"Oh, so it is a woman trouble," she stated rather than ask.

"Yes. Qing Mei is annoying me."

"Ah, is there anyone on this planet that she does not annoy? I failed to call you concerning this issue because I did not want to bug you and cause you to worry, but I believe my boss' last visit to her did not end well and she returned fuming with anger and raining insults on me."

"She did that?"

"Yes. Well, I may not blame her as from my point of view, it is always someone that enrages her bit where I blame her would bet the fact that even at that, it is your choice to choose whether to be enraged, sad or happy. In her case, she is the cause of her problem."

"I see. Hmm, my sister is now a mad psychologist."

"Oh stop joking. Anyways, being the case, I know my own boss is another case study. She can do, say and do anything to just get on your nerves. It is her trademark.. Actually, the two of them are made for each other."

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